Select Publications

Journal articles

Worku MG; Mohanty I; Mengesha Z; Niyonsenga T, 2025, 'Risk Factors of Standalone and Coexisting Forms of Undernutrition Among Children in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Study Using Data from 26 Country-Based Demographic and Health Surveys', Nutrients, 17,

Bizuayehu HM; Ahmed KY; Kibret GD; Dadi AF; Belachew SA; Bagade T; Tegegne TK; Venchiarutti RL; Kibret KT; Hailegebireal AH; Assefa Y; Khan MN; Abajobir A; Alene KA; Mengesha Z; Erku D; Enquobahrie DA; Minas TZ; Misgan E; Ross AG, 2024, 'Global Disparities of Cancer and Its Projected Burden in 2050', JAMA Network Open, pp. e2443198,

Mengesha Z; Weber D; Smith M; Harris P; Haigh F, 2023, '‘Fragmented care’: Asylum seekers’ experience of accessing health care in NSW', Health Promotion International, 38, pp. daad123,

Yashadhana A; Alloun E; Serova N; de Leeuw E; Mengesha Z, 2023, 'Place-making and its impact on health and wellbeing among recently resettled refugees in high income contexts: A scoping review', Health and Place, 81, pp. 103003,

Marjadi B; Flavel J; Baker K; Glenister K; Morns M; Triantafyllou M; Strauss P; Wolff B; Procter AM; Mengesha Z; Walsberger S; Qiao X; Gardiner PA, 2023, 'Twelve Tips for Inclusive Practice in Healthcare Settings', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20,

Milton AC; Mengesha Z; Ballesteros K; McClean T; Hartog S; Bray-Rudkin L; Ngo C; Hickie I, 2023, 'Supporting Children’s Social Connection and Well-Being in School-Age Care: Mixed Methods Evaluation of the Connect, Promote, and Protect Program', JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 6,

Mengesha Z; Alloun E; Weber D; Smith M; Harris P, 2022, '“Lived the Pandemic Twice”: A Scoping Review of the Unequal Impact of the COVID‐19 Pandemic on Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Migrants', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, pp. 6624,

Mengesha Z; Hawkey AJ; Baroudi M; Ussher JM; Perz J, 2022, 'Men of refugee and migrant backgrounds in Australia: a scoping review of sexual and reproductive health research', Sexual Health, 20, pp. 20 - 34,

Dune T; Ayika D; Thepsourinthone J; Mapedzahama V; Mengesha Z, 2021, 'The role of culture and religion on sexual and reproductive health indicators and help-seeking attitudes amongst 1.5 generation migrants in australia: A quantitative pilot study', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 1 - 12,

Dune T; Ullman J; Ferfolja T; Thepsourinthone J; Garga S; Mengesha Z, 2020, 'Are services inclusive? A review of the experiences of older GSD women in accessing health, social and aged care services', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, pp. 1 - 17,

Shanmugalingam R; Mengesha Z; Notaras S; Liamputtong P; Fulcher I; Lee G; Kumar R; Hennessy A; Makris A, 2020, 'Factors that influence adherence to aspirin therapy in the prevention of preeclampsia amongst high-risk pregnant women: A mixed method analysis', PLoS ONE, 15, pp. e0229622,

Mengesha ZB; Perz J; Dune T; Ussher J, 2018, 'Talking about sexual and reproductive health through interpreters: The experiences of health care professionals consulting refugee and migrant women', Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, 16, pp. 199 - 205,

Tessema GA; Mekonnen TT; Mengesha ZB; Tumlinson K, 2018, 'Association between skilled maternal healthcare and postpartum contraceptive use in Ethiopia', BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18,

Mengesha ZB; Perz J; Dune T; Ussher J, 2018, 'Challenges in the Provision of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care to Refugee and Migrant Women: A Q Methodological Study of Health Professional Perspectives', Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 20, pp. 307 - 316,

Mengesha ZB; Perz J; Dune T; Ussher J, 2018, 'Preparedness of health care professionals for delivering sexual and reproductive health care to refugee and migrant women: A mixed methods study', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15,

Mengesha ZB; Perz J; Dune T; Ussher J, 2017, 'Refugee and migrant women’s engagement with sexual and reproductive health care in Australia: A socio-ecological analysis of health care professional perspectives', PLoS ONE, 12,

Dune T; Perz J; Mengesha Z; Ayika D, 2017, 'Culture Clash? Investigating constructions of sexual and reproductive health from the perspective of 1.5 generation migrants in Australia using Q methodology', Reproductive Health, 14,

Tesfaw G; Ayano G; Awoke T; Assefa D; Birhanu Z; Miheretie G; Abebe G, 2016, 'Prevalence and correlates of depression and anxiety among patients with HIV on-follow up at Alert Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia', BMC Psychiatry, 16,

Mengesha ZB; Dune T; Perz J, 2016, 'Culturally and linguistically diverse women's views and experiences of accessing sexual and reproductive health care in Australia: A systematic review', Sexual Health, 13, pp. 299 - 310,

Belay AD; Mengesha ZB; Woldegebriel MK; Gelaw YA, 2016, 'Married women's decision making power on family planning use and associated factors in Mizan-Aman, South Ethiopia: A cross sectional study', BMC Women's Health, 16,

Mengesha ZB; Worku AG; Feleke SA, 2015, 'Contraceptive adoption in the extended postpartum period is low in Northwest Ethiopia', BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 15,

Fute M; Mengesha ZB; Wakgari N; Tessema GA, 2015, 'High prevalence of workplace violence among nurses working at public health facilities in Southern Ethiopia', BMC Nursing, 14,

Abera Y; Mengesha ZB; Tessema GA, 2015, 'Postpartum contraceptive use in Gondar town, Northwest Ethiopia: A community based cross-sectional study', BMC Women's Health, 15,

Endale W; Mengesha ZB; Atinafu A; Adane AA, 2014, 'Food Insecurity in Farta District, Northwest Ethiopia: A community based cross-sectional study', BMC Research Notes, 7,

Aemro M; Mesele M; Birhanu Z; Atenafu A, 2013, 'Dietary diversity and meal frequency practices among infant and young children aged 6-23 months in Ethiopia: A secondary analysis of Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey 2011', Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2013,

Feleke SA; Koye DN; Demssie AF; Mengesha ZB, 2013, 'Reproductive health service utilization and associated factors among adolescents (15-19 years old) in Gondar town, Northwest Ethiopia', BMC Health Services Research, 13,

Tadesse N; Awoke Ayele T; Birhanu Mengesha Z; Addis Alene K, 2013, 'High prevalence of HIV/AIDS risky sexual behaviors among street youth in gondar town: A community based cross sectional study', BMC Research Notes, 6,

Adinew YM; Worku AG; Mengesha ZB, 2013, 'Knowledge of reproductive and sexual rights among University students in Ethiopia: Institution-based cross-sectional', BMC International Health and Human Rights, 13,

Mengesha ZB; Biks GA; Ayele TA; Tessema GA; Koye DN, 2013, 'Determinants of skilled attendance for delivery in Northwest Ethiopia: A community based nested case control study', BMC Public Health, 13,

Getahun F; Mazengia F; Abuhay M; Birhanu Z, 2013, 'Comprehensive knowledge about cervical cancer is low among women in Northwest Ethiopia', BMC Cancer, 13,

Amano A; Gebeyehu A; Birhanu Z, 2012, 'Institutional delivery service utilization in Munisa Woreda, South East Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study', BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 12,

Ambaw AD; Alemie GA; Wyohannes SM; Mengesha ZB, 2012, 'Adherence to antihypertensive treatment and associated factors among patients on follow up at University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia', BMC Public Health, 12,

Negese D; Addis K; Awoke A; Birhanu Z; Muluye D; Yifru S; Megabiaw B, 2012, 'HIV-Positive Status Disclosure and Associated Factors among Children in North Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia.', ISRN AIDS, 2012, pp. 485720,

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