Select Publications

Journal articles

Callander D; Moreira C; El-Hayek C; Asselin J; van Gemert C; Smith LW; Long N; Dimech W; Boyle DIR; Donovan B; Stoove M; Hellard M; Guy R, 2018, 'Monitoring the Control of Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood-Borne Viruses: Protocol for the Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance (ACCESS)', JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS, 7,

Goller JL; De Livera AM; Guy RJ; Low N; Donovan B; Law M; Kaldor JM; Fairley CK; Hocking JS, 2018, 'Rates of pelvic inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy in Australia, 2009-2014: Ecological analysis of hospital data', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 94, pp. 534 - 541,

Hocking JS; Temple-Smith M; Guy R; Donovan B; Braat S; Law M; Gunn J; Regan D; Vaisey A; Bulfone L; Kaldor J; Fairley CK; Low N; Han A, 2018, 'Population effectiveness of opportunistic chlamydia testing in primary care in Australia: a cluster-randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 392, pp. 1413 - 1422,

Patel C; Brotherton JML; Pillsbury A; Jayasinghe S; Donovan B; Macartney K; Marshall H, 2018, 'The impact of 10 years of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Australia: What additional disease burden will a nonavalent vaccine prevent?', Eurosurveillance, 23, pp. 30 - 40,

Guy RJ; Ward J; Causer LM; Natoli L; Badman SG; Tangey A; Hengel B; Wand H; Whiley D; Tabrizi SN; Shephard M; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Anderson DA; Regan DG; Maher L; Kaldor JM, 2018, 'Molecular point-of-care testing for chlamydia and gonorrhoea in Indigenous Australians attending remote primary health services (TTANGO): a cluster-randomised, controlled, crossover trial', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 18, pp. 1117 - 1126,

Yeung A; Hocking J; Guy R; Fairley CK; Smith K; Vaisey A; Donovan B; Imrie J; Gunn J; Temple-Smith M; Regan D, 2018, '‘It Opened My Eyes’—examining the impact of a multifaceted chlamydia testing intervention on general practitioners using Normalization Process Theory', Family Practice, 35, pp. 626 - 632,

Ward J; McManus H; McGregor S; Hawke K; Giele C; Su JY; McDonald A; Guy R; Donovan B; Kaldor JM, 2018, 'HIV incidence in Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations in Australia: a population-level observational study', The Lancet HIV, 5, pp. e506 - e514,

Causer LM; Guy RJ; Tabrizi SN; Whiley DM; Speers DJ; Ward J; Tangey A; Badman SG; Hengel B; Natoli LJ; Anderson DA; Wand H; Wilson D; Regan DG; Shephard M; Donovan B; Fairley CK; Kaldor JM, 2018, 'Molecular test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea used at point of care in remote primary healthcare settings: A diagnostic test evaluation', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 94, pp. 340 - 345,

Reekie J; Kaldor JM; Mak DB; Ward J; Donovan B; Hocking JS; Preen D; Liu B, 2018, 'Long-term impact of childhood hepatitis B vaccination programs on prevalence among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women giving birth in Western Australia', Vaccine, 36, pp. 3296 - 3300,

Hui BB; Reulein CP; Guy RJ; Donovan B; Hocking JS; Law MG; Regan DG; Han A, 2018, 'Impact of replacing cytology with human papillomavirus testing for cervical cancer screening on the prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis: a modelling study', Sexually transmitted infections, 94, pp. 216 - 221,

Donovan B; Callander D; Stanley M, 2018, 'Reply to San Giorgi and Dikkers', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 217, pp. 1506,

Keen P; Gray RT; Telfer B; Guy R; Schmidt H; Whittaker B; Holden J; Holt M; Kelleher A; Wilson D; Callander D; Cooper DA; Prestage GP; Selvey C; Grulich A; Telfer B; Schmidt H-M; Holden J; Donovan B; Kaldor J, 2018, 'The 2016 HIV diagnosis and care cascade in New South Wales, Australia: meeting the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 21, pp. e25109 - e25109,

Hengel B; Bell S; Garton L; Ward J; Rumbold A; Taylor-Thomson D; Silver B; McGregor S; Dyda A; Knox J; Guy R; Maher L; Kaldor JM; McDermott R; Skov S; Boffa J; Chee DA; Law M; Fairley C; Donovan B; Glance D; Han A, 2018, 'Perspectives of primary health care staff on the implementation of a sexual health quality improvement program: A qualitative study in remote aboriginal communities in Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 18, pp. 230,

Badman SG; Causer LM; Guy R; Wand H; Donovan B; Tabrizi SN; Speers D; Shephard MD; Vallely A; Whiley D; Kaldor J; Wilson D; Regan D; Ward J; Fairley CK; Hengel B; Tangey A; Anderson D; Natoli L; Atkinson D, 2018, 'A reliable and easy to transport quality control method for chlamydia and gonorrhoea molecular point of care testing', Pathology, 50, pp. 317 - 321,

Reekie J; Roberts C; Preen D; Hocking JS; Donovan B; Ward J; Mak DB; Liu B; Guy R; Kaldor J; Pearson SA; Stewart L; Wand H, 2018, 'Chlamydia trachomatis and the risk of spontaneous preterm birth, babies who are born small for gestational age, and stillbirth: a population-based cohort study', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 18, pp. 452 - 460,

Gunaratnam P; McManus H; Watchirs-Smith L; McGregor S; Callander D; Brown G; Lobo R; O'Connor C; Hellard M; Medland N; Lewis D; Palmer C; Law M; Gray R; Donovan B; Guy R; Han A, 2018, 'People Born in Non-Main English Speaking Countries Are Less Likely to Start HIV Treatment Early in Australia: A National Cohort Analysis, 2014-15', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 77, pp. E31 - E34,

Chow EPF; Fairley CK; Callander D; Donovan B; Guy R; Chen MY, 2018, 'Reply to Kenyon', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 66, pp. 812 - 813,

Callander D; McManus H; Guy R; Hellard M; O'Connor CC; Fairley CK; Chow EPF; McNulty A; Lewis DA; Carmody C; Schmidt HMA; Kim J; Donovan B, 2018, 'Rising Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Incidence and Associated Risk Factors among Female Sex Workers in Australia: A Retrospective Cohort Study', Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 45, pp. 199 - 206,

Jamil MS; McManus H; Callander D; Prestage G; Ali H; O’Connor CC; Chen M; McNulty AM; Knight V; Duck T; Keen P; Gray J; Medland N; Hellard M; Lewis DA; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Guy RJ; Marshall L; Wilson D; Dickson B; Kong M; Smith LW; Cooper D; Selvey C; Holden J; Crooks L; Cooper C; Price K; de Wit J; Kelleher A; Mitchell J; Schmidt HM; Telfer B; Whittaker B; Cooper D; O'Connor C, 2018, 'Understanding the Targeting and Uptake of HIV Testing Among Gay and Bisexual Men Attending Sexual Health Clinics', AIDS and Behavior, 22, pp. 513 - 521,

Reekie J; Donovan B; Guy R; Hocking JS; Kaldor JM; Mak DB; Pearson S; Preen D; Stewart L; Ward J; Liu B; Roberts C; Wand H, 2018, 'Risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in Relation to Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Testing, Repeat Testing, and Positivity: A Population-Based Cohort Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 66, pp. 437 - 443,

Donovan B; Callander D, 2018, 'Juvenile-Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis: The Benefits of Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Continue to Accrue', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 217, pp. 177 - 178,

Selvey LA; Lobo RC; McCausland KL; Donovan B; Bates J; Hallett J, 2018, 'Challenges facing asian sex workers in Western Australia: Implications for health promotion and support services', Frontiers in Public Health, 6, pp. 171,

Freeman G; Smith LW; Mcnulty A; Donovan B, 2018, 'Sexual health and students: The pathways travelled by those with sexual health concerns', Sexual Health, 15, pp. 76 - 78,

Boettiger DC; Law MG; Dore GJ; Guy R; Callander D; Donovan B; O'Connor CC; Fairley CK; Hellard M; Matthews G; Han A, 2017, 'Hepatitis C testing and re-testing among people attending sexual health services in Australia, and hepatitis C incidence among people with human immunodeficiency virus: Analysis of national sentinel surveillance data', BMC Infectious Diseases, 17, pp. 740,

Drolet M; Laprise JF; Brotherton JML; Donovan B; Fairley CK; Ali H; Bénard É; Martin D; Brisson M, 2017, 'Te impact of human papillomavirus catch-up vaccination in Australia: Implications for introduction of multiple age cohort vaccination and postvaccination data interpretation', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 216, pp. 1205 - 1209,

Whiley DM; Trembizki E; Buckley C; Freeman K; Baird RW; Beaman M; Chen M; Donovan B; Kundu RL; Fairley CK; Guy R; Hogan T; Kaldor JM; Karimi M; Limnios A; Regan DG; Ryder N; Su JY; Ward J; Lahra MM, 2017, 'Molecular antimicrobial resistance surveillance for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Northern Territory, Australia', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 23, pp. 1478 - 1485,

Chow EPF; Callander D; Fairley CK; Zhang L; Donovan B; Guy R; Lewis DA; Hellard M; Read P; Ward A; Chen MY; Kaldor J; Grulich A; Marshall L; O'Connor C; Wilson D; Dickson B; Ali H; Smith LW; Jackson E; Russell D; Vhalkis E; Gunathilake M; Nikitas A; O'Sullivan M; Allen D; Ryder N; Brown K; Smith D; Paramsothy Y; Palmer C; Davies S; McNulty A; Menon A; Parker A, 2017, 'Increased Syphilis Testing of Men Who Have Sex With Men: Greater Detection of Asymptomatic Early Syphilis and Relative Reduction in Secondary Syphilis', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 65, pp. 389 - 395,

Chow EPF; Walker S; Hocking JS; Bradshaw CS; Chen MY; Tabrizi SN; Howden BP; Law MG; Maddaford K; Read TRH; Lewis DA; Whiley DM; Zhang L; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM; Cornelisse VJ; Phillips S; Donovan B; McNulty AM; Templeton DJ; Roth N; Moore R; Fairley CK; Han A, 2017, 'A multicentre double-blind randomised controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of daily use of antibacterial mouthwash against oropharyngeal gonorrhoea among men who have sex with men: The OMEGA (Oral Mouthwash use to Eradicate GonorrhoeA) study protocol', BMC Infectious Diseases, 17, pp. 456,

Donovan B, 2017, 'A concerned young woman with a recurrence of genital herpes', Medicine Today, 18, pp. 55 - 56

Hengel B; Wand H; Ward J; Rumbold A; Garton L; Taylor-Thomson D; Silver B; McGregor S; Dyda A; Mein J; Knox J; Maher L; Kaldor J; Guy R; Donovan B; Han A, 2017, 'Patient, staffing and health centre factors associated with annual testing for sexually transmissible infections in remote primary health centres.', Sexual Health, 14, pp. 274 - 281,

Zou H; Meng X; Xu Z; Callander D; Donovan B; Grulich A; Chen M; Fairley C; O’Connor C; Hellard M; Guy R, 2017, 'Delayed HIV Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Australia Has Improved but Remains an Issue', Annals of Global Health, 83, pp. 168 - 168,

Ali H; McManus H; O’Connor CC; Callander D; Kong M; Graham S; Saulo D; Fairley CK; Regan DG; Grulich A; Low N; Guy RJ; Donovan B; O'Connor C, 2017, 'Human papillomavirus vaccination and genital warts in young indigenous Australians: National sentinel surveillance data', Medical Journal of Australia, 206, pp. 204 - 209,

Lahra MM; Trembizki E; Buckley C; Donovan B; Chen M; Guy R; Kundu RL; Regan DG; Whiley DM, 2017, 'Changes in the rates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae antimicrobial resistance are primarily driven by dynamic fluctuations in common gonococcal genotypes', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 72, pp. 705 - 711,

Rissel C; Donovan B; Yeung A; de Visser RO; Grulich A; Simpson JM; Richters J, 2017, 'Decriminalization of Sex Work Is Not Associated with More Men Paying for Sex: Results from the Second Australian Study of Health and Relationships', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 14, pp. 81 - 86,

Lau A; Kong F; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Chen M; Bradshaw C; Boyd M; Amin J; Timms P; Tabrizi S; Regan DG; Lewis DA; McNulty A; Hocking JS, 2017, 'Treatment efficacy of azithromycin 1 g single dose versus doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days for the treatment of rectal chlamydia among men who have sex with men - a double-blind randomised controlled trial protocol', BMC Infectious Diseases, 17, pp. 35,

Yap L; Shu S; Zhang L; Liu W; Chen Y; Wu Z; Li J; Wand H; Donovan B; Butler T, 2017, 'Psychological distress among re-education through labour camp detainees in Guangxi Autonomous Region, China', Journal of Mental Health, 26, pp. 57 - 65,

Smith KS; Guy R; Danielewski J; Tabrizi SN; Fairley CK; McNulty AM; Rawlinson W; Saville M; Garland SM; Donovan B; Kaldor JM; Hocking JS, 2017, 'Biological and behavioral factors associated with positive chlamydia retests', Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 44, pp. 417 - 422,

Harrod ME; Couzos S; Ward J; Saunders M; Donovan B; Hammond B; Delaney-Thiele D; Belfrage M; Williams S; Smith LW; Kaldor JM, 2017, 'Gonorrhoea testing and positivity in non-remote Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services', Sexual Health, 14, pp. 320 - 324,

Reekie J; Donovan B; Guy R; Hocking JS; Kaldor JM; Mak DB; Pearson S; Preen D; Wand H; Ward J; Liu B, 2017, 'Trends in chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing and positivity in Western Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women 2001-2013: A population-based cohort study', Sexual Health, 14, pp. 574 - 580,

Rawson SL; El-Hayek C; Asselin J; Howell J; Stoové M; Dimech W; Guy R; Donovan B; Doyle JS; Hellard M, 2017, 'P53 Hepatitis C diagnostic testing trends in Victoria, 2010–2015', Journal of Virus Eradication, 3, pp. 30 - 30,

Callander D; Stoové M; Carr A; Hoy JF; Petoumenos K; Hellard M; Elliot J; Templeton DJ; Liaw S; Wilson DP; Grulich A; Cooper DA; Pedrana A; Donovan B; McMahon J; Prestage G; Holt M; Fairley CK; McKellar-Stewart N; Ruth S; Asselin J; Keen P; Cooper C; Allan B; Kaldor JM; Guy R; Cooper D; Liaw T, 2016, 'A longitudinal cohort study of HIV 'treatment as prevention' in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men: The Treatment with Antiretrovirals and their Impact on Positive And Negative men (TAIPAN) study protocol', BMC Infectious Diseases, 16, pp. 752,

Regan DG; Donovan B, 2016, 'Balancing the cost–benefit equation for cervical cancer prevention: a moving target', The Lancet Public Health, 1, pp. e42 - e43,

Trembizki E; Wand H; Donovan B; Chen M; Fairley CK; Freeman K; Guy R; Kaldor JM; Lahra MM; Lawrence A; Lau C; Pearson J; Regan DG; Ryder N; Smith H; Stevens K; Su JY; Ward J; Whiley DM, 2016, 'The Molecular Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Australia: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study, 2012', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 63, pp. 1591 - 1598,

Mason E; Foster R; Wray L; McNulty A; Donovan B, 2016, 'Reactive arthritis following a Microsporidia infection', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 27, pp. 1239 - 1241,

Buckley C; Trembizki E; Donovan B; Chen M; Freeman K; Guy R; Lahra MM; Kundu RL; Regan DG; Smith HV; Whiley DM; Kaldor J; Wand H; Ward J; Fairley C; Ryder N; Su JY, 2016, 'Real-time PCR detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae susceptibility to penicillin', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 71, pp. 3090 - 3095,

Hui BB; Whiley DM; Donovan B; Law MG; Regan DG; Chen M; Guy R; Lahra M; Han A, 2016, 'Identifying factors that lead to the persistence of imported gonorrhoeae strains: A modelling study', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 93, pp. 221 - 225,

Hocking JS; Temple-Smith M; van Driel M; Law M; Guy R; Bulfone L; Wood A; Low N; Donovan B; Fairley CK; Gunn J; Kaldor J; Han A, 2016, 'Can preventive care activities in general practice be sustained when financial incentives and external audit plus feedback are removed? ACCEPt-able: A cluster randomised controlled trial protocol', Implementation Science, 11, pp. 122,

Mason E; Wray L; Foster R; Jamil MS; Guy R; McNulty A; Donovan B, 2016, 'Reactive arthritis at the Sydney Sexual Health Centre 1992–2012: declining despite increasing chlamydia diagnoses', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 27, pp. 882 - 889,

Ward JS; Dyda A; McGregor S; Rumbold A; Garton L; Donovan B; Kaldor JM; Guy RJ, 2016, 'Low HIV testing rates among people with a sexually transmissible infection diagnosis in remote aboriginal communities', Medical Journal of Australia, 205, pp. 168 - 171,

Badman SG; Causer LM; Guy R; Tabrizi SN; Francis F; Donovan B; Whiley D; Ward J; Kaldor J; Wand H; Wilson D; Regan D, 2016, 'A preliminary evaluation of a new GeneXpert (Gx) molecular point-of-care test for the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 92, pp. 350 - 352,

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