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Select Publications
Judd B; Tanoue K; Liu E, 2020, Ageing in Place: Design, Planning and Policy Responsein the Western Asia-Pacific, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788976091
Judd B; Olsberg D; Quinn J; Groenhart L; Demirbilek O, 2010, Dwelling, land and neighbourhood use by older home owners, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Sydney, https://www.ahuri.edu.au/research/final-reports/144
Judd BH; Samuels R, 2005, Public Housing, Policing and Crime Reduction, AHURI, Melbourne (Australia)
Blair JM; Prasad DK; Judd BH; Zehner RB; Hyde R; Soebarto V, 2004, Affordability and Sustainability Outcomes of `Greenfield` Suburban Development and Master Planned Communities: A Case Study Approach Using TBL Assessment, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne
Bartolomei LA; Judd BH; Thompson SM; Corkery LF, 2003, A Bountiful Harvest: Community Gardens and Neighbourhood renewal in Waterloo, NSW Government, New South Wales
Judd BH; Samuels R; O Brien EA, 2002, Positioning Paper: Linkages Between Housing Policing and Other Interventions for Crime and Harassment Reduction on Public Housing Estates, AHURI, Melbourne VIC
Judd B, 2024, 'Housing, place and design', in Research Handbook on Housing, the Home and Society, pp. 309 - 326, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781800375970.00028
Judd BH, 2021, 'Accommodation Downsizing', in Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging, Springer International Publishing, pp. 26 - 32, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22009-9_958
Judd B, 2020, 'Housing Typology and Ageing in Place in Australia', in Judd B; Tanoue K; Liu E (ed.), Ageing in Place Design, Planning and Policy Response in the Western Asia-Pacific, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 14 - 33, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/97817889
Liu E, 2020, 'Ageing in Multigenerational Households: The Case of Australia', in Judd B; Tanoue K; Liu E (ed.), Ageing in Place: Design, Planning and Policy Response in the Western Asia-Pacific, Edward Elgar, pp. 155 - 166, https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/ageing-in-place-9781788976084.html
Liu E; Judd B, 2020, 'Conclusion: Ageing in place in the Western Asia-Pacific', in Judd B; Tanoue K; Liu E (ed.), Ageing in Place: Design, Planning and Policy Response in the Western Asia-Pacific, Edward Elgar, pp. 195 - 196, https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/ageing-in-place-9781788976084.html
Judd B; Liu E; Tanoue K, 2020, 'Introduction: Ageing and the built environment in the Western Asia-Pacific', in Judd B; Tanoue K; Liu E (ed.), Ageing in Place: Design, Planning and Policy Response in the Western Asia-Pacific, Edward Elgar, pp. 1 - 12, https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/ageing-in-place-9781788976084.html
Judd B; Liu E, 2020, 'Conclusion: ageing in place, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspectives', in Ageing in Place: Design, Planning and Policy Response in the Western Asia-Pacific, pp. 194 - 195, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788976091.00025
Judd B, 2020, 'Housing typology and ageing in place in Australia', in Ageing in Place: Design, Planning and Policy Response in the Western Asia-Pacific, pp. 14 - 33, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788976091.00009
Judd B; Liu E; Tanoue K, 2020, 'Introduction: ageing in place in the Western Asia-Pacific', in Ageing in Place: Design, Planning and Policy Response in the Western Asia-Pacific, pp. 1 - 12, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788976091.00007
Judd B, 2019, 'Accommodation Downsizing', in Gu D; Dupre M (ed.), Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 1 - 7, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_958-1
Judd B, 2017, 'Housing Solutions for Older Adults', in Encyclopedia of Geropsychology, Springer Singapore, pp. 1151 - 1161, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-287-082-7_79
Judd B, 2016, 'Housing Design for Multigenerational Living', in Liu EY; Easthope H (ed.), Multigenerational Family Living: Evidence and Policy Implications from Australia, Routledge, London, pp. 136 - 159, https://www.routledge.com/Multigenerational-Family-Living-Evidence-and-Policy-Implications-from/Liu-Easthope/p/book/9781472476692
Liu EY; Easthope H; Judd B; Craig L, 2016, 'Living with the Family in Australian Cities', in Liu EY; Easthope H (ed.), Multigenerational Family Living: Evidence and Policy Implications from Australia, Routledge, London, pp. 1 - 13, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315596266
Judd BH, 2016, 'Housing Solutions for Older Adults', in Pachana NA (ed.), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology, Springer, pp. 1 - 11, http://dx.doi.org/10.11007/978-981-287-080-3
Liu E; Easthope H; Judd B; Burnley I, 2016, 'Housing multigenerational households in Australian cities: Evidence from Sydney and Brisbane at the turn of the 21st century', in Housing in 21st-Century Australia: People, Practices and Policies, pp. 21 - 38
Liu EY; Easthope H; Judd B; Burnley I, 2015, 'Housing multigenerational households in Australian cities: Evidence from Sydney and Brisbane at the turn of the twenty-first century', in Dufty-Jones R; Rogers D (ed.), Housing in Twenty-First Century Australia: People, Practices and Policies, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 21 - 37, http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781472431134
Judd B, 2015, 'Housing Solutions for Older Adults', in Encyclopedia of Geropsychology, Springer Singapore, pp. 1 - 11, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-287-080-3_79-1
Judd B; Randolph B, 2008, 'Chapter 4 Quality or quantity? The role of qualitative research in evaluating urban renewal programmes Foot notes', in Qualitative Urban Analysis: An International Perspective, Emerald, pp. 79 - 103, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s1042-3192(07)00203-0
Randolph WG; Judd BH, 2008, 'Quality or Quantity? The role of qualitative research in evaluating urban renewal programs', in Maginn P; Thompson S; Tonts M (ed.), Qualitative Urban Analysis: An International Perspective, Emerald Press, UK, pp. 79 - 104
Alizadeh S; Bridge C; Eapen V; Judd B, 2024, 'Development and Validation of the Housing Environmental Quality Assessment Tool (HEQAT) for Children with ADHD Using the Delphi Process', Spatium, http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/SPAT220923013A
Alizadeh S; Bridge CE; Judd BH; Eapen V, 2023, 'Home Indoor Environmental Quality and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder', Sustainability (Switzerland), 15, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su15042899
Liu E; Atkins MT; Chomik R; Judd B, 2022, 'The World Health Organization's impacts on age-friendly policymaking: A case study on Australia', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 58, pp. 714 - 728, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ajs4.240
Chen J; Judd B, 2021, 'Relationality and territoriality: rethinking policy circulation of industrial heritage reuse in Chongqing, China', International Journal of Heritage Studies, 27, pp. 16 - 38, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2020.1765188
Judd B, 2020, 'A Review of 'The rise in vacant housing in post-growth Japan: housing market, urban policy, and revitalizing aging cities', Edited by Tomoko Kubo and Yoshimichi Yui', International Journal of Housing Policy, 20, pp. 457 - 460, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19491247.2020.1791501
Judd B; Einifar A; Madani R; Jalili M, 2019, 'The physical factors affecting the social livability of gated communities: a case study of gated communities in Tehran', International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Urban Planning, 29, pp. 127 - 139, http://dx.doi.org/10.22068/ijaup.29.2.127
Thompson S; Paine G; Judd B; Randolph B, 2019, 'Towards a nuanced understanding of health-supportive place using composite research methods', Geographical Research, 57, pp. 24 - 39, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1745-5871.12329
Liu E; Judd B, 2019, 'Regional variations in the experiences of energy poverty across Australia', Energy and Buildings, 196, pp. 293 - 298, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.05.023
Judd B, 2018, 'The Australian Dream: Housing Experiences of Older Australians', Housing, Theory and Society, 35, pp. 378 - 379, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14036096.2017.1327743
Grant M; McCunn L; Anand SS; Arora R; Booth G; Brook J; Collins P; Corsi D; de Souza RJ; Desai D; Gauvin L; Judd B; Lear S; Ling J; Oliveira AP; Paine G; Pakeman K; Rana A; Randolph B; Razak F; Subramanian SV; Thompson E; Thompson S; Townshend T; Tu J; Wilkie S; Williams N, 2018, 'City Know-How', Cities and Health, 2, pp. 97 - 105, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23748834.2018.1606515
Paine G; Thompson S; Judd ; Randolph B, 2018, 'Learning from lived experience for the improvement of health-supportive built environment practice', Cites and Health, 2, pp. 151 - 162, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23748834.2018.1464254
Easthope H; Liu EY; Burnley I; Judd B, 2017, 'Changing perceptions of family: A study of multigenerational households in Australia', Journal of Sociology, 53, pp. 182 - 200, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1440783316635850
Liu EY; Judd B; Santamouris M, 2017, 'Challenges in transitioning to low carbon living for lower income households in Australia', Advances in Building Energy Research, 13, pp. 49 - 64, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17512549.2017.1354780
Chen J; Judd B; Hawken S, 2016, 'Adaptive re-use of industrial heritage for cultural purposes in Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing', Structural Survey, 34, pp. 331 - 350, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/SS-11-2015-0052
Easthope H; Liu E; Judd B; Burnley I, 2015, 'Feeling at Home in a Multigenerational Household: The Importance of Control', Housing, Theory and Society, 32, pp. 151 - 170, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14036096.2015.1031275
Judd B, 2014, 'Large Housing Estates: Ideas, Rise, Fall and Recovery: The Bijlmermeer and Beyond', Housing, Theory and Society, 31, pp. 123 - 124, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14036096.2013.856116
Wiesel I; Easthope H; Liu E; Judd B; Hunter E; Australian Housing ; UNSW-UWS Research Centre , 2012, 'Pathways into and within social housing', AHURI Final Report
Wiesel I; Davison G; Milligan V; Phibbs P; Judd B; Zanardo M; Australian Housing ; UNSW-UWS Research Centre , 2012, 'Developing sustainable affordable housing: A project level analysis', AHURI Final Report
Judd BH, 2011, 'Whose public space? International case studies in urban design and development', Australian Planner, 48, pp. 105 - 107, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07293682.2010.517762
Judd B; Olsberg D; Quinn J; Groenhart L; Demirbilek O, 2010, 'Dwelling, land and neighbourhood use by older home owners', AHURI Final Report, pp. 1 - 340
Judd BH; Olsberg D; Quinn JM; Lucy G; Demirbilek OR, 2010, 'AHURI Final Report 144: Dwelling, Land and Neighbourhood Use by Older Home Owners', Affordable housing, urban renewal and planning: emerging practice in Queensland, South Australia and New South Wales, http://www.ahuri.edu.au/publications/projects/p70392/
Ruming K; Randolph WG; Pinnegar S; Judd BH, 2010, 'Urban renewal and regeneration in Sydney, Australia: Council reflections on the planning and development process', Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 3, pp. 357 - 369, http://henrystewart.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&eissn=1752-9646&volume=3&issue=4&spage=357
Quinn JM; Judd BH; Olsberg D; Demirbilek OR, 2009, 'AHURI Positioning Paper 111: Dwelling, land and neighbourhood use by older home owners', Multi-generation households in Australian cities, http://www.ahuri.edu.au/publications/search.asp?Keywords=&Centre=&Search=Properties&PublicationType=pp&Search-Title=&ShowSearch=False&Year=&Search-Summary=&Direction=ASC&Search-Author=&Sort=Search-Title&CurrentPage=2
Morris A; Judd BH; Kavanagh K, 2008, 'The Older Homeless and Marginally Housed: The Forgotten Group?', Parity, 21, pp. 97 - 114, http://www.chp.org.au/parity/issues/results.chtml?filename_num=00338
Judd BH; Randolph WG, 2006, 'Qualitative methods and the evaluation of community renewal programs in Australia: Towards a National Framework', Urban Policy and Research, 24, pp. 97 - 114