Select Publications
Journal articles
1999, 'Reinventing ASEAN: from constructive engagement to flexible intervention', Harvard Asia Pacific Review, pp. 67 - 70
,1999, 'Southeast Asia: challenges to unity and regime legitimacy`', Southeast Asian Affairs, pp. 3 - 19
,1999, 'Vietnam', Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 1999-2000., pp. 29 - 33
,1999, 'Vietnam, the Asian financial crisis and Doi Moi 2`', Harvard Asia Quarterly, pp. 21 - 25
,1999, 'Vietnam: History`', The Far East and Australasia, pp. 1167 - 1179
,1998, 'Cambodia continues course of political violence', Asia Pacific Defence Reporter, pp. 16 - 17
,1997, 'Developments of a Military Nature ~ Cambodia Recedes as Regional Security Issue', Asia Pacific Defence Reporter, 23, pp. 14 ~ 16 - 14 ~ 16
,1997, 'Force Modernization: The Case of the Vietnam People`s Army', Contemporary Southeast Asia, 19, pp. 1 - 28
,1997, 'L`armée populaire vietnamienne, un acteur pour la sécurité de l`Asie du Sud-Est?', Relations Internationales et Strategiques, pp. 120 - 128
,1997, 'Pacification: The American Struggle for Vietnam's Hearts and Minds. By Richard A. Hunt. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1995. xv, 352 pp. $34.95.', The Journal of Asian Studies, 56, pp. 555 - 557,
,1997, 'The Soviet Union and the Vietnam War. By Ilya V. Gaiduk. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1996. xx, 299 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $28.50, hard bound.', Slavic Review, 56, pp. 587 - 588,
,1997, 'Vietnam and ASEAN: A First Anniversary Assessment', Southeast Asian Affairs, 1997, pp. 364 - 374,
,1996, 'A Crisis of Expectations: Un Peacekeeping in the 1990s', International Journal, 51, pp. 382 - 382,
,1996, 'Arms control in Southeast Asia', Defence Analysis, 12, pp. 77 - 85
,1996, 'Strategic Involvement and International Partnership: Australia's Post-1975 Relations with Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.', Pacific Affairs, 69, pp. 297 - 297,
,1995, 'The Breakdown of the Sino-Vietnamese Alliance, 1970-1979.Anne Gilks', The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, 33, pp. 205 - 207,
,1995, 'Introduction', The Adelphi Papers, 35, pp. 5 - 7,
,1995, 'Renovating the Vietnamese Communist Party: Nguyen Van Linh and the Programme for Organizational Reform, 1987–91. By Lewis Stern. New York: St. Martin' Press, 1993. x, 208 pp. $45.00.', The Journal of Asian Studies, 54, pp. 266 - 267,
,1995, 'Renovating the Vietnamese Communist Party: Nguyen Van Linh and the Programme for Organizational Reform, 1987–91. By Lewis Stern. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993. x, 208 pp. $45.00.', The Journal of Asian Studies, 54, pp. 637 - 638,
,1994, 'Sino-Vietnamese Relations: The Interplay of Ideology and National Interest', Asian Survey, 34, pp. 513 - 528,
,1994, 'Sino-Vietnamese Relations: The Interplay of Ideology and National Interest', Asian Survey, 34, pp. 513 - 528,
,1994, 'Vietnam: Coping with China', Southeast Asian Affairs 1994, 1994, pp. 351 - 367,
,1992, 'Comrade plus brother: The new Sino‐Vietnamese relations', The Pacific Review, 5, pp. 402 - 406,
,1992, 'Southeast Asia', Asian Studies Review, 15, pp. 219 - 254,
,1992, 'The Challenges Facing Vietnamese Communism', Southeast Asian Affairs 1992, 1992, pp. 349 - 364,
,1991, 'Book reviews', Australian Journal of International Affairs, 45, pp. 285 - 310,
,1991, 'Vietnam: A critical analysis', Small Wars & Insurgencies, 2, pp. 89 - 115,
,1991, 'War by Other Means: National Liberation and Revolution in Viet-Nam, 1954-1960.', Pacific Affairs, 64, pp. 129 - 129,
,1988, 'Laos: Politics, Economics and Society.', Pacific Affairs, 61, pp. 366 - 366,
,1988, 'The Soviet Union as an Asian Pacific Power: Implications of Gorbachev's 1986 Vladivostok Initiative.', Pacific Affairs, 61, pp. 326 - 326,
,1987, 'Vietnam´s Sixth Party Congress: An Overview', Contemporary Southeast Asia, 9, pp. 12 - 22,
,1986, 'In the Interests of Peace. Canada and Vietnam, 1954-1973.', Pacific Affairs, 59, pp. 352 - 352,
,1986, 'Red Brotherhood at War. Indochina Since the Fall of Saigon.', Pacific Affairs, 59, pp. 353 - 353,
,1984, 'Laos in 1983: Pragmatism in the Transition to Socialism', Asian Survey, 24, pp. 49 - 59,
,1984, 'Australia's Vietnam. Australia in the Second Indo-China War.', Pacific Affairs, 57, pp. 183 - 183,
,1984, 'Laos in 1983: Pragmatism in the Transition to Socialism', Asian Survey, 24, pp. 49 - 59,
,1983, 'Laos in 1982: The Third Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party', Asian Survey, 23, pp. 84 - 93,
,1983, 'Laos in 1982: The Third Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party', Asian Survey, 23, pp. 84 - 93,
,1983, 'Vietnam´s Two Strategic Tasks: Building Socialism and Defending the Fatherland', Southeast Asian Affairs, 1983, pp. 299 - 324,
,1982, 'Book reviews', Asian Studies Association of Australia. Review, 6, pp. 81 - 131,
,1982, 'Briefly noted', Asian Studies Association of Australia. Review, 6, pp. 131 - 134,
,1982, 'The Independent Vietnamese. Vietnamese Communism Between Russia and China, 1965-1969.', Pacific Affairs, 55, pp. 354 - 354,
,1982, 'Vietnamese Communism in Comparative Perspective. Edited By William S. Turley. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. xiii + 271. $22.50.)', American Political Science Review, 76, pp. 184 - 185,
,1982, 'Vietnamese Communism in Comparative Perspective. Edited By William S. Turley. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. xiii + 271. $22.50.)', American Political Science Review, 76, pp. 184 - 185,
,1981, 'Why the Vietcong Fought: A Study of Motivation and Control in a Modern Army in Combat. By William Darryl Henderson. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. Pp. xxix + 163. $17.95.)', American Political Science Review, 75, pp. 269 - 270,
,1980, 'Vietnam', Current History, 79, pp. 165 - 169,
,1980, 'Book reviews', Australian Outlook, 34, pp. 110 - 127,
,1979, 'Book reviews', Asian Studies Association of Australia. Review, 3, pp. 81 - 141,
,1979, 'History of Vietnamese Communism, 1925-1976.', Pacific Affairs, 52, pp. 165 - 165,
,1978, 'Dilemmas of Development in Vietnam', Current History, 75, pp. 221 - 225,