Select Publications
Conference Papers
2017, 'Algebra for quantitative information flow', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Lyon, France, pp. 3 - 23, presented at 16th International Conference, RAMiCS 2017, Lyon, France, 15 May 2017 - 18 May 2017,
,2016, 'Proof of OS scheduling behavior in the presence of interrupt-induced concurrency', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Nancy, France, pp. 52 - 68, presented at International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving 2016, Nancy, France, 22 August 2016 - 27 August 2016,
,2016, 'Axioms for information leakage', in Proceedings - IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, presented at 2016 IEEE 29th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), Lisbon, Portugal, 27 June 2016 - 01 July 2016,
,2015, 'Controlled owicki-gries concurrency: Reasoning about the preemptible eChronos embedded operating system', in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS, Open Publishing Association, pp. 10 - 24,
,2015, 'Abstract hidden markov models: A monadic account of quantitative information flow', in Proceedings - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pp. 597 - 608,
,2015, 'A nondeterministic lattice of information', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 9 - 10
,2014, 'Additive and multiplicative notions of leakage, and their capacities', in Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop, pp. 308 - 322,
,2014, '(In-)formal methods: The lost art a users’ manual', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Chongqing, China, pp. 1 - 79, presented at First International School, SETSS 2014, Chongqing, China, 08 September 2014 - 13 September 2014,
,2014, 'Abstract channels and their robust information-leakage ordering', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 83 - 102,
,2014, 'Towards a formal analysis of information leakage for signature attacks in preferential elections', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 595 - 610,
,2012, 'Elementary probability theory in the Eindhoven style', in 11th International Conference, MPC 2012, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 48 - 73, presented at Maths of Program Construction, Madrid, 25 June 2012,
,2012, 'A Kantorovich-monadic powerdomain for information hiding, with probability and nondeterminism', in Proceedings of the 2012 27th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, IEEE, New Jersey, pp. 461 - 470, presented at Logic in Computer Science, Dubrovnik,
,2010, 'Linear-Invariant Generation for Probabilistic Programs: Automated Support for Proof-Based Methods', in Cousot R; Martel M (ed.), STATIC ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, FRANCE, Perpignan, pp. 390 - +, presented at 17th International Static Analysis Symposium, FRANCE, Perpignan, 14 September 2010 - 16 September 2010
,2010, 'Compositional closure for bayes risk in probabilistic noninterference', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 223 - 235,
,2010, 'Compositional closure for Bayes Risk in sequential noninterference', in Proceedings ICALP 2010, LNCS 6199, Springer, Bordeaux, pp. 223 - 235, presented at ICALP 2010, Bordeaux,
,2010, 'Linear-invariant generation for probabilistic programs', in AICI - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Germany, pp. 390 - 406, presented at SAS 2010, Perpingnan,
,2009, 'Preface', in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS,
,2009, 'Security, probability and nearly fair coins in the cryptographers' cafe', in Logic Programming, 21st International Conference, Springer, Berlin, presented at Formal Methods 2009, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 02 November 2009 - 06 November 2009,
,2009, 'Sums and Lovers: Case studies in security, compositionality and refinement', in Logic Programming, 21st International Conference, Springer, Berlin, presented at Formal Methods 2009, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 02 November 2009 - 06 November 2009,
,2009, 'How to brew-up a refinement order', in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier BV, Eindhoven, Netherlands, presented at REFINE 2009, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 01 November 2009,
,2009, 'Testing Finitary Probabilistic Processes', in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Natural Computation (ICNC 2005), Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3612/2005, Springer, Berlin, Germany, presented at 20th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Bologna, Italy,
,2008, 'Proofs and refutations for probabilistic systems', in Formal methods 2008, Springer, Turku, Finland, presented at Formal methods 2008, Turku, Finland, 26 May 2008 - 30 May 2008,
,2008, 'Proofs and refutations for probabilistic refinement', in Cuellar J; Maibaum T; Sere K (eds.), FM 2008: FORMAL METHODS, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, FINLAND, Turku, pp. 100 - +, presented at 15th International Symposium on Formal Methods, FINLAND, Turku, 26 May 2008 - 30 May 2008,
,2007, 'Characterising testing preorders for finite probabilistic processes', in 22nd Annual IEEE symposium on logic in computer science, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States, Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 313 - 322, presented at 22nd Annual IEEE symposium on logic in computer science, Wroclaw, Poland, 10 July 2007 - 14 July 2007,
,2007, 'Scalar outcomes suffice for finitary probabilistic testing', in 16th European symposium on programming, 2007, Braga, Portugal, presented at 16th European symposium on programming, 2007, Braga, Portugal, 24 March 2007 - 01 April 2007
,2006, 'Using Probabilistic Kleene algebra for protocol verification', in Maths of Program Construction, Manchester, England, presented at Maths of Program Construction, Manchester, England, 29 August 2006 - 02 September 2006
,2006, 'The shadow knows: refinement of ignorance in sequential programs', in Mathematics of program construction, Kurressare, Estonia, presented at Mathematics of program construction, Kurressare, Estonia, 03 July 2006 - 05 July 2006
,2005, 'Probabilistic Guarded Commands Mechanized in HOL', in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier BV, Barcelona, Spain, presented at Quantitative aspects of programming languages 2005, Barcelona, Spain, 29 November 2005 - 01 December 2005,
,2005, 'Development via refinement in probabilistic B - Foundation and case study', in 13th International Conference on FOUNDATIONS OF SOFTWARE SCIENCE AND COMPUTATION STRUCTURES (FoSSaCS 2010), Springer-Verlag, Germany, presented at Formal specification and development in Z and B, Guildford, UK, 13 April 2005 - 15 April 2005,
,2005, 'A novel stochastic game via the quantitative modal mu-calculus', in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier BV, Edinburgh, Scotland, presented at Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland, 02 April 2005 - 03 April 2005
,2005, 'Programming-logic analysis of fault tolerance: Expected performance of self-stabilisation', in Butler M; Jones C; Romanovsky A; Troubitsyna E (eds.), RIGOROUS DEVELOPMENT OF COMPLEX FAULT-TOLERANT SYSTEMS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, ENGLAND, Newcastle Univ, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 288 - +, presented at Workshop on Rigorous Open Development Environment for Complex Systems, ENGLAND, Newcastle Univ, Newcastle upon Tyne,
,2004, 'Deriving Probabilistic Semantics vis the Weakest Completion', in 6th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2004, Springer, Seattle, Washington, USA, presented at 6th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2004, Seattle, Washington, USA, 08 November 2004 - 12 November 2004
,2004, 'Memoryless strategies for stochastic games via domain theory', in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier BV, Recife, presented at Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods 2004, Recife,
,2003, 'Probabilistic invariants for probabilistic machines', in ZB 2003: Formal Specification and develoment in B and Z, Springer, Turku, Finland, presented at ZB 2003: Formal Specification and develoment in B and Z, Turku, Finland,
,2003, 'Probabilistic Termination in B', in ZB 2003: Formal Specification and develoment in B and Z, Springer, Turku, Finland, presented at ZB 2003: Formal Specification and develoment in B and Z, Turku, Finland,
,2002, 'Games, probability and the quantitative mu-calculus qMu', in Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning LNAI 2514, Springer, Tbilisi Georgia, presented at Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, Tbilisi Georgia, 14 October 2002 - 18 October 2002,
,1998, 'The generalised substitution language extended to probabilistie programs', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 9 - 25,
,1990, 'Refinement of state-based concurrent systems', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 340 - 351,
,1989, 'Types and invariants in the refinement calculus', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 363 - 378,
,1985, 'Specification of a simplified network service in CSP (Problem 2)', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 345 - 353,
,1985, 'Specification of a simplified network service in Z (Problem 2)', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 318 - 344,
2023, A novel analysis of utility in privacy pipelines, using Kronecker products and quantitative information flow,
,2022, Flexible and scalable privacy assessment for very large datasets, with an application to official governmental microdata,
,2021, The Laplace Mechanism has optimal utility for differential privacy over continuous queries,
,2017, A New Proof Rule for Almost-Sure Termination,
,2017, Abstract Hidden Markov Models: a monadic account of quantitative information flow,
,2016, Compositional security and collateral leakage,
,2015, Controlled Owicki-Gries Concurrency: Reasoning about the Preemptible eChronos Embedded Operating System,
,2011, Real-Reward Testing for Probabilistic Processes (Extended Abstract),
,2011, Hidden-Markov Program Algebra with iteration,