Select Publications


Mintzes A; Demirbilek OR; Sweatman P; Davey S; Bridge C, 2015, Co-Design Report, Livable Bathrooms for Older People, Blurb Books, Sydney,

Bridge CE, 2013, Basic biomechanical and anatomical principles underpinning grabrail prescription for sit-to-stand transfers, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse, Sydney, Australia,

Jung Y-M; Bridge C, 2012, Demountable ramps: A qualitative assessment of value for people with mobility impairments., Home Modification Information Clearinghouse, Sydney, Australia,

Carnemolla PK; Bridge C, 2012, Landscape Modification: An alternative to residential access ramps and lifts, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse, Sydney, Australia,

Carnemolla PK; Bridge C, 2011, Home Modifications and their impact on waged care substitution, Home Modifications Information Clearinghouse, Sydney, Australia

Bridge C, 2008, Computational Case-based Redesign For People With Ability Impairment, Vdm Verlag, Berlin

Hodges L; Bridge CE; Chaudhary K, 2006, Dementia Design Guidelines: Home and Community Care Capital Works Program, The Home Modification Information Clearinghouse, Sydney, Australia,

Bridge CE; Phibbs P, 2003, Protocol guidelines for systematic reviews of home modification information to inform best practice, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse, Sydney, Australia,

Book Chapters

Bridge C, 2020, 'The Livability App: older and vulnerable users’ perspectives on space design, access provision and services', in Ageing in Place: Design, Planning and Policy Response in the Western Asia-Pacific, pp. 97 - 110,

Bridge C, 2018, 'Participatory design resulting in a 'do-it-yourself home modification' smartphone app', in Breaking Down Barriers: Usability, Accessibility and Inclusive Design, pp. 101 - 111,

Bridge CE, 2018, 'Participatory Design Resulting in a ‘Do-It-Yourself Home Modification’ Smartphone App', in Langdon P; Lazar J; Heylighen A; Dong H (ed.), Breaking Down Barriers: Usability, Accessibility and Inclusive Design, Springer, Cham, pp. 101 - 111,

Bridge C; Carnemolla PK, 2017, 'Effective Home Modification Practice', in Curtin M; Molineaux M (ed.), Occupational therapy for people experiencing illness, injury or impairment: Promoting occupation and participation, Elsevier, pp. 690 - 705

Whybrow S; Bridge C, 2015, 'Accessibility Outcomes in Disaster Recovery - A Critical Concern, a Minimum Requirement or an Afterthought?', in Rusford N; Thomas K (ed.), Disaster and Development: an Occupational Perspective, 1st Edition,

Bridge C; Elias A, 2010, 'Future proofing our environments for an ageing population', in Hoekwater S (ed.), Designs on our Future: 3rd International Urban Design Conference, AST Management Pty Ltd, Canberra, pp. 10 - 15,

Bridge C, 2010, 'Home modification: Occupation as a basis for an effective practice', in Curtin M; Molineaux M; Supyk J (ed.), Occupational therapy and physical dysfunction: Enabling occupation, Churchill Livingstone; Elsevier, Edinburgh; New York

Whybrow ; Rahim A; Sharma V; Shivani G; Millikan L; Bridge C, 2010, 'Legislation, Anthropometry, and Education: The Southeast Asian Experience', in Maisel J (ed.), The State of the Science in Universal Design: Emerging Research and Developments, Bentham Books, Oak Park, IL, pp. 144 - 152,

Whybrow ; Rahimi AK; Sharma V; Gupta S; Millikan L; Bridge C, 2010, 'Legislation, Anthropometry, and Education: The Southeast Asian Experience', in Maisel J (ed.), The State of the Science in Universal Design: Emerging Research and Developments, Bentham Books, Oak Park, IL, pp. 144 - 153

Bridge C, 2008, 'Creating no-step entrances', in Garlick B; Jones D; Luscombe G (ed.), Beyond Beige: Improving architecture for older people and people with disabilities, Royal Australian Institute of Architects, Canberra, pp. 180 - 181

Kendig H; Bridge C, 2007, 'Housing policy for a long-lived society', in Borowski A; Ozanne E; Encel S (ed.), Longevity and Social Change in Australia, University of New South Wales Press, Kensington, pp. 219 - 238

Bridge C; Clark AR, 2006, 'Applying a theory of online community development as a basis for reform of home modification service information in Australia', in Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications: 24-28 April 2006 Damascus, Syria, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 798 - 802,

Bridge C, 2006, 'Home modification case-based application for online case capture and reuse', in Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications: 24-28 April 2006 Damascus, Syria, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 814 - 819,

Pitch M; Bridge C, 2006, 'Lighting your way into home modifications', in Mann WC; Helal A (ed.), Promoting Independence for Older Persons with Disabilities: Selected Papers from the 2006 International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 181 - 192

Seton H; Bridge C, 2006, 'Standing up: A systematic review of grabrail orientations', in Mann WC; Helal A (ed.), Promoting Independence for Older Persons with Disabilities: Selected Papers from the 2006 International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 169 - 180

Bridge C; Kendig H, 2005, 'Housing and older people: environments, professionals and positive ageing', in Coulson I; Minichiello V (ed.), Contemporary Issues in Gerontology: Promoting Positive Ageing, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, NSW, pp. 144 - 166

Bridge C; Gopalan P, 2005, 'Retrofitting, a response to lack of diversity: an analysis of community provider data', in Darby S; Flatau P; Hafekost I (ed.), Building for Diversity: National Housing Conference, 6-28 October 2005 Perth, Western Australia, Western Australian Dept. of Housing and Works : AHURI, East Perth, W.A., pp. 349 - 365,

Bridge CE; Simoff SJ, 2000, 'Disability Access to the Built Environment: On-Line Evaluation and Information Dissemination', in Eder LB (ed.), Managing Healthcare Information Systems with Web-Enabled Technologies, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey USA, pp. 239 - 265,

Journal articles

Alizadeh S; Bridge C; Eapen V; Judd B, 2024, 'Development and Validation of the Housing Environmental Quality Assessment Tool (HEQAT) for Children with ADHD Using the Delphi Process', Spatium,

Alizadeh S; Bridge CE; Judd BH; Eapen V, 2023, 'Home Indoor Environmental Quality and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder', Sustainability (Switzerland), 15,

Manandhar S; Lukman A; Dain SJ; Bridge CE; Relf M; Boon MY, 2022, 'Luminance contrast preferences of people with a vision impairment for elements in the built environment', Work, 73, pp. 1265 - 1278,

Lagisz M; Vasilakopoulou K; Bridge C; Santamouris M; Nakagawa S, 2022, 'Rapid systematic reviews for synthesizing research on built environment', Environmental Development, 43,

Dain SJ; Bridge C; Relf M; Lukman AL; Manandhar S; Boon MY, 2021, 'Issues in specifying contrast in building elements for people with a visual disability', Work, 70, pp. 1219 - 1227,

Lukman AL; Bridge C; Dain SJ; Boon MY, 2020, 'Luminance Contrast of Accessible Tactile Indicators for People With Visual Impairment', Ergonomics in Design, 28, pp. 4 - 15,

Carnemolla P; Bridge C, 2019, 'Housing design and community care: How home modifications reduce care needs of older people and people with disability', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16,

Carnemolla P; Bridge CE, 2018, 'A scoping review of home modification interventions – Mapping the evidence base', Indoor and Built Environment, pp. 1 - 12,

Carnemolla PK; Bridge C, 2016, 'Accessible Housing and Health-Related Quality of Life.', Archnet-IJAR, 10

Boon MY; Chu BS; Lee PC; Chiang TJ; Alshamli N; Alghamdi W; Lai J; Yeung W; Bridge C, 2015, 'Perceptions of Older People Regarding Their Vision and Incident Causation', Optometry and Vision Science, 92, pp. 995 - 1002,

Bridge C; Mintzes A; Demirbilek OR, 2015, 'Older Australian out and about in the global context: Their bathroom preferences and what this means for standards development and accessible tourism', Journal of Universal Design in the Built Environment, 1, pp. 15 - 23,

Bridge C; Carnemolla PK, 2014, 'An enabling BIM block library: An online repository to facilitate social inclusion in Australia.', Construction Innovation Special Issue: Design Creativity, 14, pp. 477 - 492,

Bridge C, 2013, 'Cities, environmental stressors, ageing and chronic disease.', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 31, pp. 140 - 140,

Riazi A; Boon MY; Dain SJ; Bridge C, 2013, 'Coping strategies may not be reflected by simulated performance-based measures of functional ability', Journal of Optometry, 6, pp. 101 - 108,

Bridge C; Riazi A, 2013, 'Potential Environmental Hazard From Perspectives of People with central Vision Loss Who Reside in Sydney', Independent Living, 29, pp. 16 - 21

Bridge C, 2012, 'Invited Commentary: Cities, environmental stressors, ageing and chronic disease', Australasian Journal of Ageing, 30, pp. 1 - 3,

Bridge C, 2011, '[Review of the book, Older people: Issues and innovations in care (3rd ed.), by R. Nay & S. Garratt (Eds.), Elsevier, 2009]', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 30, pp. 47 - 48,

Riazi A; Dain SJ; Boon M; Bridge C, 2011, 'Innovative strategies for adaptation to loss of vision', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 94, pp. 98 - 102,

Bridge C, 2011, 'Older people: Issues and innovations in care, 3rd edition', AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL ON AGEING, 30, pp. 47 - 48,

Riazi A; Boon MY; Dain SJ; Bridge C, 2010, 'Difficulties in reading small print materials on today's home appliances for people with visual impairment', i-CREATe 2010 - International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology

Bridge CE; Adams T; Phibbs P; Matthews M; Kendig H, 2010, 'Reverse mortgages and older people: growth factors and implications for retirement decisions', , pp. 1 - 118,

Bridge C; Mathews M; Phibbs P; Adams T, 2009, 'Reverse mortgages and older people: growth factors and implications for retirement decisions (AHURI Positioning Paper #123)', Downsizing amongst older Australians, pp. 1 - 89,

Bridge C; Phibbs P; Kendig H; Mathews M; Cooper B, 2008, 'The costs and benefits of using private housing as the 'home base' for care for older people: Secondary data analysis', AHURI Final Report, pp. i - 47

Bridge C; Phibbs P; Kendig H; Mathews M; Cooper B, 2008, 'The costs and benefits of using private housing as the 'home base' for care for older people: Secondary data analysis', AHURI Final Report, pp. i - 47

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