Select Publications


Wittenmyer RA; Wang S; Horner J; Butler RP; Tinney CG; Carter BD; Wright DJ; Jones HRA; Bailey J; O'Toole SJ; Johns D, 2019, Cool Jupiters greatly outnumber their toasty siblings: Occurrence rates from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search, ,

Martínez RR; Gaudi BS; Rodriguez JE; Zhou G; Labadie-Bartz J; Quinn SN; Penev KM; Tan T-G; Latham DW; Paredes LA; Kielkopf J; Addison BC; Wright DJ; Teske JK; Howell SB; Ciardi DR; Ziegler C; Stassun KG; Johnson MC; Eastman JD; Siverd RJ; Beatty TG; Bouma LG; Pepper J; Lund MB; Villanueva S; Stevens DJ; Jensen ELN; Kilby C; Cohen DH; Bayliss D; Bieryla A; Cargile PA; Collins KA; Conti DM; Colon KD; Curtis IA; DePoy DL; Evans PA; Feliz D; Gregorio J; Rothenberg J; James DJ; Penny MT; Reed PA; Relles HM; Stephens DC; Joner MD; Kuhn RB; Stockdale C; Trueblood M; Trueblood P; Yao X; Zambelli R; Vanderspek R; Seager S; Winn JN; Jenkins JM; Henry TJ; James H-S; Jao W-C; Wang SX; Butler RP; Crane JD; Thompson IB; Schectman S; Wittenmyer RA; Bedding TR; Okumura J; Plavchan P; Bowler BP; Horner J; Kane SR; Mengel MW; Morton TD; Tinney CG; Zhang H; Scott NJ; Matson RA; Everett ME; Tokovinin A; Mann AW; Dragomir D; Guenther MN; Ting EB; Fausnaugh M; Glidden A; Quintana EV; Manner M; Marshall JL; McLeod KK; Khakpash S, 2019, KELT-25b and KELT-26b: A Hot Jupiter and a Substellar Companion Transiting Young A-stars Observed by TESS, ,

Wittenmyer RA; Butler RP; Horner J; Clark J; Tinney CG; Carter BD; Wang L; Johnson JA; Collins M, 2019, The Pan-Pacific Planet Search. VIII. Complete results and the occurrence rate of planets around low-luminosity giants, ,

Jordán A; Brahm R; Espinoza N; Henning T; Jones MI; Kossakowski D; Sarkis P; Trifonov T; Rojas F; Torres P; Drass H; Nandakumar S; Barbieri M; Davis A; Wang S; Bayliss D; Bouma L; Dragomir D; Eastman JD; Daylan T; Guerrero N; Barclay T; Ting EB; Henze CE; Ricker G; Vanderspek R; Latham DW; Seager S; Winn J; Jenkins JM; Wittenmyer RA; Bowler BP; Crossfield I; Horner J; Kane SR; Kielkopf JF; Morton TD; Plavchan P; Tinney CG; Addison B; Mengel MW; Okumura J; Shahaf S; Mazeh T; Rabus M; Shporer A; Ziegler C; Mann AW; Hart R, 2019, TOI-677 b: A Warm Jupiter (P=11.2d) on an eccentric orbit transiting a late F-type star, ,

Vanderburg A; Huang CX; Rodriguez JE; Becker JC; Ricker GR; Vanderspek RK; Latham DW; Seager S; Winn JN; Jenkins JM; Addison B; Bieryla A; Briceño C; Bowler BP; Brown TM; Burke CJ; Burt JA; Caldwell DA; Clark JT; Crossfield I; Dittmann JA; Dynes S; Fulton BJ; Guerrero N; Harbeck D; Horner J; Kane SR; Kielkopf J; Kraus AL; Kreidberg L; Law N; Mann AW; Mengel MW; Morton TD; Okumura J; Pearce LA; Plavchan P; Quinn SN; Rabus M; Rose ME; Rowden P; Shporer A; Siverd RJ; Smith JC; Stassun K; Tinney CG; Wittenmyer R; Wright DJ; Zhang H; Zhou G; Ziegler CA, 2019, TESS Spots a Compact System of Super-Earths around the Naked-Eye Star HR 858, ,

Kane SR; Dalba PA; Li Z; Horch EP; Hirsch LA; Horner J; Wittenmyer RA; Howell SB; Everett ME; Butler RP; Tinney CG; Carter BD; Wright DJ; Jones HRA; Bailey J; O'Toole SJ, 2019, Detection of Planetary and Stellar Companions to Neighboring Stars via a Combination of Radial Velocity and Direct Imaging Techniques, ,

Addison B; Wright DJ; Wittenmyer RA; Horner J; Mengel MW; Johns D; Marti C; Nicholson B; Okumura J; Bowler B; Crossfield I; Kane SR; Kielkopf J; Plavchan P; Tinney CG; Zhang H; Clark JT; Clerte M; Eastman JD; Swift J; Bottom M; Muirhead P; McCrady N; Herzig E; Hogstrom K; Wilson M; Sliski D; Johnson SA; Wright JT; Blake C; Riddle R; Lin B; Cornachione M; Bedding TR; Stello D; Huber D; Marsden S; Carter BD, 2019, Minerva-Australis I: Design, Commissioning, & First Photometric Results, ,

Huber D; Chaplin WJ; Chontos A; Kjeldsen H; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Bedding TR; Ball W; Brahm R; Espinoza N; Henning T; Jordan A; Sarkis P; Knudstrup E; Albrecht S; Grundahl F; Andersen MF; Palle PL; Crossfield I; Fulton B; Howard AW; Isaacson HT; Weiss LM; Handberg R; Lund MN; Serenelli AM; Mosumgaard J; Stokholm A; Bierlya A; Buchhave LA; Latham DW; Quinn SN; Gaidos E; Hirano T; Ricker GR; Vanderspek RK; Seager S; Jenkins JM; Winn JN; Antia HM; Appourchaux T; Basu S; Bell KJ; Benomar O; Bonanno A; Buzasi DL; Campante TL; Orhan ZC; Corsaro E; Cunha MS; Davies GR; Deheuvels S; Grunblatt SK; Hasanzadeh A; Mauro MPD; Garcia RA; Gaulme P; Girardi L; Guzik JA; Hon M; Jiang C; Kallinger T; Kawaler SD; Kuszlewicz JS; Lebreton Y; Li T; Lucas M; Lundkvist MS; Mathis S; Mathur S; Mazumdar A; Metcalfe TS; Miglio A; Monteiro MJ; Mosser B; Noll A; Nsamba B; Mann AW; Ong JMJ; Ortel S; Pereira F; Ranadive P; Regulo C; Rodrigues TS; Roxburgh IW; Aguirre VS; Smalley B; Schofield M; Sousa SG; Stassun KG; Stello D; Tayar J; White TR; Verma K; Vrard M; Yildiz M; Baker D; Bazot M; Beichmann C; Bergmann C; Bugnet L; Cale B; Carlino R; Cartwright SM; Christiansen JL; Ciardi DR; Creevey O; Dittmann JA; Nascimento JDD; Eylen VV; Furesz G; Gagne J; Gao P; Gazeas K; Giddens F; Hall O; Hekker S; Ireland MJ; Latouf N; LeBrun D; Levine AM; Matzko W; Natinsky E; Page E; Plavchan P; Mansouri-Samani M; McCauliff S; Mullally SE; Orenstein B; Soto A; Paegert M; Saders JLV; Schnaible C; Soderblom DR; Szabo R; Tanner A; Tinney CG; Teske J; Thomas A; Trampedach R; Wright D; Yuan TT; Zohrabi F, 2019, A Hot Saturn Orbiting An Oscillating Late Subgiant Discovered by TESS, ,

Zhang H; Yu Z; Liang E; Yang M; Ashley MCB; Cui X; Du F; Fu J; Gong X; Gu B; Hu Y; Jiang P; Liu H; Lawrence J; Liu Q; Li X; Li Z; Ma B; Mould J; Shang Z; Suntzeff NB; Tao C; Tian Q; Tinney CG; Uddin SA; Wang L; Wang S; Wang X; Wei P; Wright D; Wu X; Wittenmyer RA; Xu L; Yang S-H; Yu C; Yuan X; Zheng J; Zhou H; Zhou J-L; Zhu Z, 2018, Exoplanets in the Antarctic Sky. I. The First Data Release of AST3-II (CHESPA) and New Found Variables within the Southern CVZ of TESS, ,

Kedziora-Chudczer L; Zhou G; Bailey J; Bayliss DDR; Tinney CG; Osip D; Colon KD; Shporer A; Dragomir D, 2018, Secondary eclipses of WASP-18b -- Near Infrared observations with the Anglo Australian Telescope, the Magellan Clay Telescope and the LCOGT network, ,

Kirkpatrick JD; Martin EC; Smart RL; Cayago AJ; Beichman CA; Marocco F; Gelino CR; Faherty JK; Cushing MC; Schneider AC; Mace GN; Tinney CG; Wright EL; Lowrance PJ; Ingalls JG; Vrba FJ; Munn JA; Dahm SE; McLean IS, 2018, Preliminary Trigonometric Parallaxes of 184 Late-T and Y Dwarfs and an Analysis of the Field Substellar Mass Function into the "Planetary" Mass Regime, ,

Zhou G; Bakos GÁ; Bayliss D; Bento J; Bhatti W; Brahm R; Csubry Z; Espinoza N; Hartman JD; Henning T; Jordán A; Mancini L; Penev K; Rabus M; Sarkis P; Suc V; de Val-Borro M; Rodriguez JE; Osip D; Kedziora-Chudczer L; Bailey J; Tinney CG; Durkan S; Lázár J; Papp I; Sári P, 2018, HATS-70b: A 13 Mjup brown dwarf transiting an A star, ,

Colón KD; Zhou G; Shporer A; Collins KA; Bieryla A; Espinoza N; Murgas F; Pattarakijwanich P; Awiphan S; Armstrong JD; Bailey J; Barentsen G; Bayliss D; Chakpor A; Cochran WD; Dhillon VS; Horne K; Ireland M; Kedziora-Chudczer L; Kielkopf JF; Komonjinda S; Latham DW; Marsh TR; Mkrtichian DE; Pallé E; Ruffolo D; Sefako R; Tinney CG; Wannawichian S; Yuma S, 2018, A Large Ground-Based Observing Campaign of the Disintegrating Planet K2-22b, ,

Martin EC; Kirkpatrick JD; Beichman CA; Smart RL; Faherty JK; Gelino CR; Cushing MC; Schneider AC; Wright EL; Lowrance P; Ingalls J; Tinney CG; McLean IS; Logsdon SE; Lebreton J, 2018, Y dwarf Trigonometric Parallaxes from the Spitzer Space Telescope, ,

Zhang H; Yu Z; Liang E; Yang M; Ashley MCB; Cui X; Du F; Fu J; Gong X; Gu B; Hu Y; Jiang P; Liu H; Lawrence J; Liu Q; Li X; Li Z; Ma B; Mould J; Shang Z; Suntzeff NB; Tao C; Tian Q; Tinney CG; Uddin SA; Wang L; Wang S; Wang X; Wei P; Wright D; Wu X; Wittenmyer RA; Xu L; Yang S-H; Yu C; Yuan X; Zheng J; Zhou H; Zhou J-L; Zhu Z, 2018, Exoplanets in the Antarctic sky. II. 116 Transiting Exoplanet Candidates Found by AST3-II (CHESPA) within the Southern CVZ of TESS, ,

Hartman JD; Bakos GA; Bayliss D; Bento J; Bhatti W; Brahm R; Csubry Z; Espinoza N; Henning T; Jordán A; Mancini L; Penev K; Rabus M; Sarkis P; Suc V; de Val-Borro M; Zhou G; Addison B; Arriagada P; Butler RP; Crane J; Durkan S; Shectman S; Tan TG; Thompson I; Tinney CG; Wright DJ; Lázár J; Papp I; Sári P, 2018, HATS-60b - HATS-69b: Ten Transiting Planets From HATSouth, ,

Addison BC; Wang S; Johnson MC; Tinney CG; Wright DJ; Bayliss D, 2018, Stellar Obliquities & Planetary Alignments (SOPA) I. Spin-Orbit measurements of Three Transiting Hot Jupiters: WASP-72b, WASP-100b, & WASP-109b, ,

Čotar K; Zwitter T; Kos J; Munari U; Martell SL; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Sharma S; Anguiano B; Carollo D; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Tinney C; Traven G; Wittenmyer RA, 2018, The GALAH survey: a catalogue of carbon-enhanced stars and CEMP candidates, ,

Sarkis P; Henning T; Hartman JD; Bakos GÁ; Brahm R; Jordán A; Bayliss D; Mancini L; Espinoza N; Rabus M; Csubry Z; Bhatti W; Penev K; Zhou G; Bento J; Tan TG; Arriagada P; Butler RP; Crane JD; Shectman S; Tinney CG; Wright DJ; Addison B; Durkan S; Suc V; Buchhave LA; de Val-Borro M; Lázár J; Papp I; Sári P, 2018, HATS-59b,c: A Transiting Hot Jupiter and a Cold Massive Giant Planet Around a Sun-Like Star, ,

Zwitter T; Kos J; Chiavassa A; Buder S; Traven G; Čotar K; Lin J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva G; Duong L; Freeman KC; Lind K; Martell S; D'Orazi V; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Anguiano B; Casagrande L; Collet R; Horner J; Ireland MJ; Kafle PR; Lewis G; Munari U; Nataf DM; Ness M; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Tinney CG; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA; Žerjal M, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Accurate Radial Velocities and Library of Observed Stellar Template Spectra, ,

Bento J; Hartman JD; Bakos GA; Bhatti W; Csubry Z; Penev K; Bayliss D; de Val-Borro M; Zhou G; Brahm R; Espinoza N; Rabus M; Jordan A; Suc V; Ciceri S; Sarkis P; Henning T; Mancini L; Tinney CG; Wright DJ; Durkan S; Tan TG; Lazar J; Papp I; Sari P, 2018, HATS-39b, HATS-40b, HATS-41b, and HATS-42b: Three Inflated Hot Jupiters and a Super-Jupiter Transiting F Stars, ,

Tinney CG; Kirkpatrick JD; Faherty JK; Mace GN; Cushing M; Gelino CR; Burgasser AJ; Sheppard SS; Wright EL, 2018, New Y and T dwarfs from WISE identified by Methane Imaging, ,

Henning T; Mancini L; Sarkis P; Bakos GA; Hartman JD; Bayliss D; Bento J; Bhatti W; Brahm R; Ciceri S; Csubry Z; de Val-Borro M; Espinoza N; Fulton BJ; Howard AW; Isaacson HT; Jordan A; Marcy GW; Penev K; Rabus M; Suc V; Tan TG; Tinney CG; Wright DJ; Zhou G; Durkan S; Lazar J; Papp I; Sari P, 2017, HATS-50b through HATS-53b: four transiting hot Jupiters orbiting G-type stars discovered by the HATSouth survey, ,

Johnson MC; Cochran WD; Addison BC; Tinney CG; Wright DJ, 2017, Spin-Orbit Misalignments of Three Jovian Planets via Doppler Tomography, ,

da Cunha E; Hopkins AM; Colless M; Taylor EN; Blake C; Howlett C; Magoulas C; Lucey JR; Lagos C; Kuehn K; Gordon Y; Barat D; Bian F; Wolf C; Cowley MJ; White M; Achitouv I; Bilicki M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bolejko K; Brown MJI; Brown R; Bryant J; Croom S; Davis TM; Driver SP; Filipovic MD; Hinton SR; Johnston-Hollitt M; Jones DH; Koribalski B; Kleiner D; Lawrence J; Lorente N; Mould J; Owers MS; Pimbblet K; Tinney CG; Tothill NFH; Watson F, 2017, The Taipan Galaxy Survey: Scientific Goals and Observing Strategy, ,

Wittenmyer RA; Horner J; Mengel MW; Butler RP; Wright DJ; Tinney CG; Carter BD; Jones HRA; Anglada-Escude G; Bailey J; O'Toole SJ, 2016, The Anglo-Australian Planet Search XXV: A Candidate Massive Saturn Analog Orbiting HD 30177, ,

Wittenmyer RA; Jones MI; Zhao J; Marshall JP; Butler RP; Tinney CG; Wang L; Johnson JA, 2016, The Pan-Pacific Planet Search VI: Giant planets orbiting HD 86950 and HD 222076, ,

Rodigas TJ; Bergeron P; Simon A; Arriagada P; Faherty J; Anglada-Escude G; Mamajek EE; Weinberger A; Butler RP; Males JR; Morzinski K; Close LM; Hinz PM; Bailey J; Carter B; Jenkins JS; Jones H; O'Toole S; Tinney CG; Wittenmyer R; Debes J, 2016, MagAO Imaging of Long-period Objects (MILO). II. A Puzzling White Dwarf around the Sun-like Star HD 11112, ,

Martell S; Sharma S; Buder S; Duong L; Schlesinger K; Simpson J; Lind K; Ness M; Marshall J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey A; De Silva G; Freeman K; Kos J; Lin J; Zucker D; Zwitter T; Anguiano B; Bacigalupo C; Carollo D; Casagrande L; Da Costa G; Horner J; Huber D; Hyde E; Kafle P; Lewis G; Nataf D; Stello D; Tinney C; Watson F; Wittenmyer R, 2016, The GALAH Survey: Observational Overview and Gaia DR1 companion, ,

Kos J; Lin J; Zwitter T; Žerjal M; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Casey AR; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Schlesinger KJ; Zucker D; Anguiano B; Bacigalupo C; Bedding TR; Betters C; Da Costa G; Duong L; Hyde E; Ireland M; Kafle PR; Leon-Saval S; Lewis GF; Munari U; Nataf D; Stello D; Tinney CG; Traven G; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA, 2016, The GALAH survey: The data reduction pipeline, ,

Bento J; Schmidt B; Hartman J; Bakos G; Ciceri S; Brahm R; Bayliss D; Espinoza N; Zhou G; Rabus M; Bhatti W; Penev K; Csubry Z; Jordan A; Mancini L; Henning T; de Val-Borro M; Tinney C; Wright D; Durkan S; Suc V; Noyes R; Lazar J; Papp I; Sari P, 2016, HATS-22b, HATS-23b and HATS-24b: Three new transiting Super-Jupiters from the HATSouth Project, ,

de Val-Borro M; Bakos GÁ; Brahm R; Hartman JD; Espinoza N; Penev K; Ciceri S; Jordán A; Bhatti W; Csubry Z; Bayliss D; Bento J; Zhou G; Rabus M; Mancini L; Henning T; Schmidt B; Tan TG; Tinney CG; Wright DJ; Kedziora-Chudczer L; Bailey J; Suc V; Durkan S; Lázár J; Papp I; Sári P, 2016, HATS-31b Through HATS-35b: Five Transiting Hot Jupiters Discovered by the HATSouth Survey, ,

Espinoza N; Bayliss D; Hartman JD; Bakos GÁ; Jordán A; Zhou G; Mancini L; Brahm R; Ciceri S; Bhatti W; Csubry Z; Rabus M; Penev K; Bento J; de Val-Borro M; Henning T; Schmidt B; Suc V; Wright DJ; Tinney CG; Tan TG; Noyes R, 2016, HATS-25b through HATS-30b: A Half-dozen New Inflated Transiting Hot Jupiters from the HATSouth Survey, ,

Faherty JK; Riedel AR; Cruz KL; Gagne J; Filippazzo JC; Lambrides E; Fica H; Weinberger A; Thorstensen JR; Tinney CG; Baldassare V; Lemonier E; Rice EL, 2016, Population Properties of Brown Dwarf Analogs to Exoplanets, ,

Wittenmyer RA; Liu F; Wang L; Casagrande L; Johnson JA; Tinney CG, 2016, The Pan-Pacific Planet Search V. Fundamental Parameters for 164 Evolved Stars, ,

Zhou G; Kedziora-Chudczer L; Bailey J; Marshall JP; Bayliss DDR; Stockade C; Nelson P; Tan TG; Rodriguez JE; Tinney CG; Dragomir D; Colon K; Shporer A; Bento J; Sefako R; Horne K; Cochran W, 2016, Simultaneous infrared and optical observations of the transiting debris cloud around WD 1145+017, ,

Addison BC; Tinney CG; Wright DJ; Bayliss D, 2016, Spin-orbit alignments for Three Transiting Hot Jupiters: WASP-103b, WASP-87b, & WASP-66b, ,

Opitz D; Tinney CG; Faherty J; Sweet S; Gelino CR; Kirkpatrick JD, 2016, Searching for Binary Y dwarfs with the Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS), ,

Wittenmyer RA; Butler RP; Tinney CG; Horner J; Carter BD; Wright DJ; Jones HRA; Bailey J; O'Toole SJ, 2016, The Anglo-Australian Planet Search XXIV: The Frequency of Jupiter Analogs, ,

Wittenmyer RA; Johnson JA; Butler RP; Horner J; Wang L; Robertson P; Jones MI; Jenkins JS; Brahm R; Tinney CG; Mengel MW; Clark J, 2015, The Pan-Pacific Planet Search. IV. Two super-Jupiters in a 3:5 resonance orbiting the giant star HD33844, ,

Wright DJ; Wittenmyer RA; Tinney CG; Bentley JS; Zhao J, 2015, Three planets orbiting Wolf 1061, ,

Kane SR; Wittenmyer RA; Hinkel NR; Roy A; Mahadevan S; Dragomir D; Matthews JM; Henry GW; Chakraborty A; Boyajian TS; Wright JT; Ciardi DR; Fischer DA; Butler RP; Tinney CG; Carter BD; Jones HRA; Bailey J; O'Toole SJ, 2015, Evidence for Reflected Light from the Most Eccentric Exoplanet Known, ,

Wittenmyer RA; Butler RP; Wang L; Bergmann C; Salter GS; Tinney CG; Johnson JA, 2015, The Pan-Pacific Planet Search III: Five companions orbiting giant stars, ,

Rodriguez JE; Colon KD; Stassun KG; Wright D; Cargile PA; Bayliss D; Pepper J; Collins KA; Kuhn RB; Lund MB; Siverd RJ; Zhou G; Gaudi BS; Tinney CG; Penev K; Tan TG; Stockdale C; Curtis IA; James D; Udry S; Segransan D; Bieryla A; Latham DW; Beatty TG; Eastman JD; Myers G; Bartz J; Bento J; Jensen ELN; Oberst TE; Stevens DJ, 2015, KELT-14b and KELT-15b: An Independent Discovery of WASP-122b and a New Hot Jupiter, ,

Zhou G; Bayliss D; Kedziora-Chudczer L; Tinney CG; Bailey J; Salter G; Rodriguez J, 2015, Secondary eclipse observations for seven hot-Jupiters from the Anglo-Australian Telescope, ,

Jenkins JS; Díaz M; Jones HRA; Butler RP; Tinney CG; O'Toole SJ; Carter BD; Wittenmyer RA; Pinfield DJ, 2015, The Observed Distribution of Spectroscopic Binaries from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search, ,

Canty JI; Lucas PW; Yurchenko SN; Tennyson J; Leggett SK; Tinney CG; Jones HRA; Burningham B; Pinfield DJ; Smart RL, 2015, Methane and Ammonia in the near-infrared spectra of late T dwarfs, ,

Mancini L; Hartman JD; Penev K; Bakos GA; Brahm R; Ciceri S; Henning T; Csubry Z; Bayliss D; Zhou G; Rabus M; de Val-Borro M; Espinoza N; Jordan A; Suc V; Bhatti W; Schmidt B; Sato B; Tan TG; Wright DJ; Tinney CG; Addison BC; Noyes RW; Lazar J; Papp I; Sari P, 2015, HATS-13b and HATS-14b: two transiting hot Jupiters from the HATSouth survey, ,

Cardoso CV; Burningham B; Smart RL; van Spaandonk L; Baker D; Smith LC; Andrei AH; Bucciarelli B; Dhital S; Jones HRA; Lattanzi MG; Magazzu A; Pinfield DJ; Tinney CG, 2015, 49 new T dwarfs identified using methane imaging, ,

Wittenmyer RA; Wang L; Liu F; Horner J; Endl M; Johnson JA; Tinney CG; Carter BD, 2014, The Pan-Pacific Planet Search. II. Confirmation of a two-planet system around HD 121056, ,

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