Select Publications


, 2006, 'No Fit Place for Women?' Women in NSW Politics, 1856-2006, Chappell L; Brennan DJ, (ed.), UNSW Press, Sydney

Book Chapters

Brennan D; Cortis N, 2020, 'Community Services, Individualism and Markets', in McClelland A; Smyth P; Marston G (ed.), Social Policy in Australia: Understanding for Action (4th Edition), Oxford University Press, Docklands, VIC, pp. 310 - 329

Brennan D, 2020, 'The good mother in australian child care policy', in Australian Mothering: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, pp. 339 - 358,

Adamson E; Brennan D, 2018, 'Care and Migration', in Handbook on gender and social policy, Edward Elgar, pp. 253 - 266,

Brennan D; Adamson EA, 2017, 'Early Education and Child Care Policy in Australia', in Grace R; Hodge K; McMahon C (ed.), Children, Families and Communities, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 318 - 336

Brennan D; Charlesworth S; Adamson EA; Cortis N, 2017, 'Out of Kilter: Changing Care, Migration and Employment Regimes in Australia', in Gender, Migration, and the Work of Care: A Multi-Scalar Approach to the Pacific Rim, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 143 - 165,

Brennan D; Williamson S, 2017, 'Time to Care: Paid Family Leave as Baseline Support for Gender Equality in Employment', in D'Agostino M; Marks Rubin M (ed.), Governing in a Global World: Women in Public Service, Routledge,

Brennan D, 2016, 'The business of care: Australia’s experiment with the marketisation of childcare', in Australian Public Policy: Progressive Ideas in the Neoliberal Ascendency, Policy Press

Brennan D; Fenech M, 2014, 'Early education and care in Australia: Equity in a mixed market-based system?', in An Equal Start?: Providing Quality Early Education and Care for Disadvantaged Children, pp. 171 - 192

Brennan D, 2014, 'The business of care: Australia’s experiment with the marketisation of childcare', in Miller C; Orchard L (ed.), Australian Public Policy: Progressive Ideas in the Neoliberal Ascendency, Policy Press, Bristol, UK, pp. 151 - 167

Brennan D; Cass B, 2014, 'Grandparents as primary carers of their grandchildren: Policy and Practice insights from research', in Hayes A; Higgins DJ (ed.), Families, Policy and the Law, Melbourne, pp. 109 - 118,

Brennan DJ, 2014, 'The business of care: Australia’s experiment with the marketization of childcare’, in L. Orchard and C. Miller (eds), 151-168.', in Orchard L; Miller, C. (ed.), Australian Public Policy: Progressive Ideas in the Neo-Liberal Ascendency, The Policy Press, Bristol

Chappell L; Brennan DJ; Rubenstein K, 2012, 'A Gender and Change Perspective on Intergovernmental Relations', in Kildea P; Lynch A; Williams G; George (ed.), Tomorrow's Federation: Reforming Australian Government, Federation Press, Australia, pp. 228 - 245

Alexander M; Whitehouse G; Brennan DJ, 2012, 'Australia', in Moss P; Korintus M (ed.), International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research, Employment Relations Research Series No. 100, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, London

Brennan DJ; Adamson E, 2012, 'Child Care and Australian Social Policy', in Bowes J; Grace R (ed.), Children, Families and Communities, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 205 - 218

valentine K; Brennan DJ, 2012, 'Community Services', in Clune D; Smith R (ed.), From Carr to Kenneally: Labor in office 1995-2011, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, pp. 150 - 158

Brennan DJ; Adamson E, 2012, 'Early childhood education and care policy', in Bowes J; Grace R; Hodge K (ed.), Children, families, communities: contexts and consequences, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 255 - 270

Brennan DJ, 2010, 'Federalism, Childcare and Multilevel Governance in Australia', in Haussman M; Sawer M (ed.), Federalism, Feminism and Multilevel Governance, Ashgate Pub., Farnham, Surrey, England, pp. 37 - 50,

Brennan D, 2009, 'Australia: The difficult birth of paid maternity leave', in The Politics of Parental Leave Policies: Children, Parenting, Gender and the Labour Market, pp. 15 - 32,

Brennan DJ, 2009, 'A late delivery? The politics of maternity leave in Australia', in Kamerman S; Moss P (ed.), The politics of parental leave policies: Children, parenting, gender and the labour market, The Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 33 - 50,

Alexander M; Whitehouse G; Brennan DJ, 2009, 'Australia', in Moss P; Korintus M (ed.), International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research, Employment Relations Research Series No. 100, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, London

Brennan DJ; Chappell L, 2009, 'Women and Gender', in Rhodes RAW (ed.), The Australian Study of Politics, Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 338 - 346,

Brennan DJ; Alexander M; Whitehouse G, 2008, 'Australia', in Moss P; Korintus M (ed.), International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research, Employment Relations Research Series No. 100, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, London, pp. 121 - 133

Brennan DJ, 2008, 'Child Care and Australian Social Policy', in Bowes J; Grace R (ed.), Children, Families and Communities, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 206 - 219

Brennan DJ, 2007, 'Childcare', in Galligan B; Roberts W (ed.), Oxford Companion to Australian Politics, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 96 - 97

Brennan DJ, 2007, 'Generations of care: demographic change and public policy in Australia', in Phillips R (ed.), Generational Change and Social Policy Challenges: Australia and Korea, University of Sydney Press, Sydney, pp. 115 - 139

Brennan DJ, 2007, 'Home and away: the policy context in Australia', in Elliot A; Hill E; Pocock B (ed.), Kids Count: Better Early Childhood Education and Care in Australia, University of Sydney, Sydney, pp. 57 - 74

Brennan DJ, 2006, 'Community Services: Challenges for the Twenty-First Century', in McClelland A; Smyth P (ed.), Social Policy in Australia, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 224 - 237

Chappell L; Brennan DJ, 2006, 'Gender and NSW Politics', in 'No Fit Place for Women?' Women in NSW Politics, 1856-2006, UNSW Press, Sydney

Brennan DJ; Chappell L, 2006, 'Inaugural Impressions', in 'No Fit Place for Women?' Women in NSW Politics, 1856-2006, UNSW Press, Sydney

Brennan DJ, 2002, 'Australia. Child Care and State-Centred Feminism in a Liberal Welfare Regime', in Michel S; Mahon R (ed.), , Routledge

Journal articles

Brennan D, 2021, 'A Call to (Caring) Arms: A Response to The Care Manifesto: The Politics of Interdependence', Social Politics, 28, pp. 834 - 842,

Howe J; Charlesworth S; Brennan D, 2019, 'Migration pathways for frontline care workers in australia and new zealand: Front doors, side doors, back doors and trapdoors', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 42, pp. 211 - 241,

Brennan D; Adamson E, 2018, 'Care and migration', ,

Adamson EA; Cortis N; Brennan D; Charlesworth S, 2017, 'Social care and migration policy in Australia: Emerging intersections?', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 52, pp. 78 - 94,

Adamson EA; Brennan D, 2016, 'Return of the Nanny: Public Policy towards In-home Childcare in the UK, Canada and Australia', Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and research, 51, pp. 1386 - 1405,

Mahon R; Bergqvist C; Brennan D, 2016, 'Social Policy Change: Work-family Tensions in Sweden, Australia and Canada', Social Policy and Administration, 50, pp. 165 - 182,

Purcal C; Brennan D; Cass B; Jenkins B, 2014, 'Grandparents raising grandchildren: impacts of lifecourse stage on the experiences and costs of care', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 49, pp. 467 - 488,;dn=785948543811080;res=IELHSS

Chappell L; Brennan D, 2014, 'Introduction: Gendering the intergovernmental relations Agenda', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 73, pp. 357 - 360,

Adamson EA; Brennan D, 2014, 'Social investment or private profit? Diverging notions of 'investment' in early childhood education and care', International Journal of Early Childhood, 46, pp. 47 - 61,

Newberry S; Brennan D, 2013, 'The Marketisation of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Australia: A Structured Response', Financial Accountability and Management, 29, pp. 227 - 245,

Mahon R; Brennan D, 2013, 'Federalism and the "new politics" of welfare development: Childcare and parental leave in Australia and Canada', Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 43, pp. 90 - 108,

Newberry S; Brennan DJ, 2013, 'Economic and Social Policy Tensions: Early Childhood Education and Care in a Marketised Environment', Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal

valentine K; Jenkins B; Brennan D; Cass B, 2013, 'Information Provision to Grandparent Kinship Carers: Responding to Their Unique Needs', Australian Social Work, 66, pp. 425 - 439,

Williams F; Brennan D, 2012, 'Care, markets and migration in a globalising world: Introduction to the Special Issue', Journal of European Social Policy, 22, pp. 355 - 362,

Williams F; Brennan DJ, 2012, 'Care Markets and Migration in a Globalizing World', Journal of European Social Policy, 22, pp. 355 - 362

Mahon R; Anttonen A; Christina B; Brennan DJ; Barbara H, 2012, 'Convergent Care Regimes: Childcare Arrangements in Australia, Canada, Finland and Sweden', Journal of European Social Policy, 22, pp. 419 - 431,

Williams F; Brennan DJ, 2012, 'Converging Variations in Migrant Care Work in Europe’ Journal of European Social Policy', Journal of European Social Policy, 20, pp. 363 - 376,

Mahon R; Brennan DJ, 2012, 'Federalism and the New Politics of Welfare Development: Childcare and Parental Leave in Australia and Canada', Publius - the Journal of Federalism, 42, pp. 1 - 19

Brennan DJ; Cass B; Himmelweit S; Szebehely M, 2012, 'The Marketisation of Care: Rationales and Consequences in Liberal and Nordic Welfare States', Journal of European Social Policy, 22, pp. 377 - 391,

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