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Select Publications
2023, Introduction
,2013, Earth Sound Earth Signal, Univ of California Press, Berkeley, http://www.ucpress.edu/book.php?isbn=9780520257559
,2012, Mainframe Experimentalism, University of California Press, http://www.ucpress.edu/book.php?isbn=9780520268388
,2011, The Aelectrosonic, Sonic Acts Press, Amsterdam
,2001, Noise, Water, Meat A History of Sound in the Arts, MIT Press (MA)
,1994, Wireless Imagination Sound, Radio, and the Avant-garde, Mit Press
,2019, 'Sound Art, Art, Music', in Engstrom A; Stjerna A (ed.), Ljudkonst
,2019, 'Milpirri: Activating the At-Risk', in Kahn D (ed.), Energies in the Arts, MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. 351 - 371
,2019, 'Energy Field Performance: Peter Blamey', in Energies in the Arts, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 397 - 421, https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/energies-arts
,2019, 'Introduction', in Kahn D (ed.), Energies in the Arts, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 1 - 46, https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/energies-arts
,2019, 'Las Artes del Sonido y la Musica', in Espejo JL (ed.), Escucha, por favor: 13 textos sobre sonido para el arte reciente, Producciones de Arte y Pensamiento/PROAP, Madrid, pp. 19 - 28
,2019, 'Thomas Ashcraft, Electroreceptor', in Rue G (ed.), Strange Attractor, Inventory Press/Ballroom Marfa, New York/Marfa, TX, http://gryphonrue.com/strange-attractor/
,2018, 'Laboratorium', in Kristof Kintera – Postnaturalia: Scriptum Herbarium, Scriptum Cuprum Factum, Silvana Editoriale, Milano, pp. 15 - 64, http://kristofkintera.com/pages-text/book-postnaturalia.htm
,2016, 'David Haines & Joyce Hinterding, la foudre expliqueée', in Résonances magnétiques, La Panacée, Centre D'Art Contemporain, Montpellier, pp. 22 - 50
,2016, 'Word Carving: A Dream of Transmission', in Cormack E (ed.), Primavera 2016: Young Australian Artists, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney, pp. 90 - 95
,2016, 'Lightning', in Jones C; Mather D; Uchill R (ed.), Experience: Culture, Cognition, and the Common Sense, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/experience
,2016, 'Geology without Geologists', in Brits B; Gibson P; Ireland A (ed.), Aesthetics After Finitude : An Anthology of Essays, re.Press, pp. 89 - 96
,2016, 'Sound Leads Elsewhere', in Cobussen M; Meelberg V; Truax B (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art
,2015, 'The Aoelian and Henry Thoreau's Sphere Music', in Bull M; Back L (ed.), The Auditory Culture Reader, Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 367 - 378
,2015, 'Haines and Hinterding as Understood Through Lightning', in Davis A (ed.), Energies: Haines & Hinterding, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney, pp. 22 - 37
,2015, 'Reverse Icarus', in Altena A; Belina M; van der Velden L (ed.), The Geological Imagination, pp. 41 - 52
,2015, 'The Act of Hearing: A View on the Activity of Jacob Kirkegaard', in Kirkegaard J (ed.), Jacob Kirkegaard: Earside Out, Museet for Samtids Kunst, Narayana Press, Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 86 - 89
,2014, 'Eary Years', in On&By Christian Marclay, MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. 16 - 22
,2014, 'Revelation of Hidden Noises: Improbable Musical Instruments and Sound Devices in Early Twentieth Century Literature', in Celant G (ed.), Art or Sound, Progetto Prada Arte, Milan, http://www.fondazioneprada.org/bookshop/eng/books/index/idop:36
,2014, 'Surround Sound', in On&By Christian Marclay, MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. 114 - 124
,2013, 'Let Me Hear My Body Talk, My Body Talk', in Cubitt S; Thomas P (ed.), Relive: Media Art Histories, MIT Press, pp. 235 - 256, http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/relive
,2012, 'Introduction', in Higgins HB; Kahn D (ed.), Mainframe Experimentalism
,2012, 'James Tenney at Bell Labs', in Kahn D (ed.), Mainframe Experimentalism: Early Computing and the Foundations of the Digital Arts, University of California Press, http://www.ucpress.edu/book.php?isbn=9780520268388
,2012, 'John Cage: Silence and Silencing', in Daniels D; Arns I (ed.), Sounds Like Silence. John Cage - 4'33" Silence Today, Spector Books, Leipzig
,2012, 'Noises of the Avant-garde', in Sterne J (ed.), The Sound Studies Reader, Routledge, New York, pp. 427 - 448
,2011, 'Source in the Cause of New Music: Larry Austin on Source', in Source: Music of the Avant-garde, 1966-1973, University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. ix - 8
,2011, 'Where Does Sad News Come From?', in McLeod K; Kuenzli R (ed.), Cutting Across Media: Appropriation Art, Interventionist Collage, and Copyright Law, Duke University Press, Durham and London, pp. 94 - 116, http://www.dukeupress.edu/Catalog/ViewProduct.php?productid=18530
,2010, 'Alvin Lucier, Edmond Dewan and Music for Solo Performer', in Gethmann D (ed.), Klangsmaschinen zwischen Experiment und Medientechnik [Sound Machines Between Experiments and Media Technology], Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 211 - 230
,2008, 'Three Receivers', in Crisell A (ed.), Radio (Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies: Volume 1 Part 8), Routledge, London; New York, pp. 73 - 80
,2007, 'Between a Bach and a Bard Place: Productive Constraint in Early Computer Arts', in Grau O (ed.), MediaArtsHistory, MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. 423 - 452
,Kahn D, (ed.), 2019, Energies in the Arts, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
Kahn D; Higgins H, (ed.), 2012, Mainframe Experimentalism: Early Computing and the Foundations of the Digital Arts, University of California Press, Berkeley, http://www.ucpress.edu/book.php?isbn=9780520268388
Kahn D; Austin L, (ed.), 2011, Source: Music of the Avant-garde, University of California Press, Berkeley, http://www.ucpress.edu/book.php?isbn=9780520267459
Kahn D; Whitehead G, (ed.), 1992, Wireless imagination: Sound, Radio, and the Avant-Garde, MIT Press, Cambridge, https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/wireless-imagination
2020, 'On vibrations: cosmographs', Sound Studies, 6, pp. 14 - 28, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/20551940.2020.1713509
,2019, 'Three Receivers', continent., 8, http://continentcontinent.cc/index.php/continent/article/view/323
,2014, 'On the Aelectrosonic and Transperception', Journal of Sonic Studies, 8, http://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/108900/108901
,2014, 'Media and the Sun in Theory', Acoustic Space Journal, 12, http://rixc.org/en/acousticspace/all/
,2014, 'Sound Art, Art, Music', Tacet, 3
,2012, 'Experimental Arts: Studies in Material Thinking [edited journal]', Studies in Material Thinking, 8, http://www.materialthinking.org/
,2012, 'The Military-Art Nexus: Tow cases in the United States', Studies in Material Thinking, 8, pp. 1 - 10, http://www.materialthinking.org/papers/90
,2011, 'Prelude to Live Cinema', Journal of Visual Culture, 10, pp. 255 - 265
,2009, 'Alvin Lucier: I am sitting in a room, immersed and propagated', OASE Architectural Journal, Special Issue: Immersed Sound and Architecture, 78, pp. 24 - 37
,2008, 'Alvin Lucier and Electromagnetic Natural Sounds', Spectropia: On Spectral Ecology and Art, 7, pp. 190 - 199
,2005, 'Poetry and Theory: A Roundtable', PMLA - Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 120, pp. 97 - 107