Select Publications

Conference Papers

Baldry E; Dowse LM; Clarence M, 2011, 'People with Mental Health and Cognitive Disability: pathways into and out of the criminal justice system', Bayview Eden Hotel, Melbourne, pp. 12 - 12, presented at Reintegration Puzzle Conference, Bayview Eden Hotel, Melbourne, 01 September 2011 - 02 September 2011

Baldry E, 2011, 'System Interactions with Mentally Disordered and Cognitively Impaired Populations:Lifecourse Institutional Pathways into the Criminal Justice System for People with Disabilities', Humbolt University, Berlin, pp. 168 - 169, presented at International Academy of Law and Mental Health, Humbolt University, Berlin, 17 July 2011 - 23 July 2011,

Cunneen C; Baldry E, 2011, 'Contemporary Penality in the Shadow of Colonial Patriachy', in 5TH Annual Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference Proceedings, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, pp. 1 - 15, presented at 5TH Annual Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, 07 July 2011 - 08 July 2011

Baldry E; Dowse LM; Clarence M, 2010, 'Background Paper: Pathways to Prison for Mentally Ill and Cognitively Impaired Offenders', Sydney, presented at NSW District Court Conference, Sydney, 06 April 2010 - 07 April 2010

Baldry E, 2009, 'Prisons and Vulnerable Persons: Institutions and Patriarchy', in Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference 2009 Proceedings, Criminology, School of Political and Social Inquiry, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Melbourne, presented at ANZ Critical Criminology Conference, Melbourne

Baldry E; Dowse LM; Snoyman P; Clarence M; Webster IW, 2008, 'A critical perspective on Mental Health Disorders and Cognitive Disability in the Criminal Justice System', in Proceedings of the 2nd Australia and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference, Sydney, presented at 2nd ANZ Critical Criminology Conference, Sydney, 19 June 2008 - 20 June 2008

Judd BH; Baldry E; Corkery LF, 2007, 'Connecting the Dots: Designers and Social Workers Learning in Community', in ConnecED 2007 International Conference on Design Education, Sydney, University of New South Wales, presented at ConnectED 2007 International Conference on Design Education, Sydney, 09 July 2007 - 12 July 2007

Baldry E, 2006, 'Mental health in the criminal justice system', in SAVE Annual Conference, Sydney, presented at SAVE Annual Conference, Sydney, 02 November 2006 - 03 November 2006

Baldry E, 2006, 'Current Social Justice Issues in housing disability and mental health', in Social Justice in the New Millennium, Sydney, presented at Social Justice in the New Millennium, Sydney, 19 June 2006 - 20 June 2006

Baldry E; Green SM, 2006, 'Building Indigenous Social Work Theory and Practice', in NCATSISW National Conference, Canberra, presented at NCATSISW National Conference, Canberra, 03 June 2006 - 04 June 2006

Baldry E; Dowse LM, 2006, 'People with Mental Health disorders in the Criminal Justice System', in Vicserve Richmond Fellowship ASPAC Conference, Melbourne, presented at Partnerships toward recovery Mental Health Conference 2006. Vicserv Richmond Fellowship ASPAC, Melbourne, 26 April 2006 - 28 April 2006

Baldry E; Dowse LM, 2006, 'People with Mental Health Disorders in the Criminal Justice System', in Partnerships toward recovery Mental Health Conference 2006. Vicserv Richmond Fellowship ASPAC, Melbourne, presented at Partnerships toward recovery Mental Health Conference 2006. Vicserv Richmond Fellowship ASPAC, Melbourne, 26 April 2006 - 28 April 2006

Baldry E, 2005, 'Ex Prisoners, Public Housing and Recidivism (Keynote address)', in Crime and Public Housing: City futures Seminar, FBE/UNSW Sydney, (Australia), presented at Crime and Public Housing: Community and Integrating Approaches, FBE/UNSW Sydney, (Australia), 26 September 2005

Baldry E, 2005, 'Throughcare: Policy and Practice (Keynote address)', in Australia Probation and Comm. Corrections Officers Assoc. Annual Conference, Canberra, presented at Australia Probation and Comm. Corrections Officers Assoc. Annual Conference, Canberra, 27 July 2005 - 28 July 2005

Baldry E, 2005, 'Women, throughcare and well-being', in Department of Corrective Services (ed.), Is Prison Obsolete: Sisters Inside 3rd Intern Conference, Hotel Y Melbourne, presented at Is Prison Obsolete: Sisters Inside 3rd Intern Conference, Hotel Y Melbourne, 20 July 2005 - 22 July 2005

Baldry E, 2005, 'Indigenous Australians: Prison and Post-Release (Keynote address)', in TAFE Indigenous Correctional Education Conference, Leura, NSW, presented at TAFE Indigenous Correctional Education Conference, Leura, NSW, 11 May 2005

Baldry E, 2005, 'Women and Throughcare (Keynote address)', in Well Women Conference: 5th National LWorking with Female Offenders Conference, Sydney, presented at Well Women Conference: 5th National LWorking with Female Offenders Conference, Sydney, 20 April 2005 - 22 April 2005

Green SM; Baldry E, 2005, 'Indigenous Welfare Reform', in SPRC (ed.), Australian Social Policy Conference 2005, University of New South Wales, presented at Australian Social Policy Conference 2005, University of New South Wales

Baldry E; McDONNELL D; Maplestone PH; Peeters M, 2003, 'Ex-Prisoners` Post Release Housing and Social Integration', in ANZSOC (ed.), Controlling Crime: ANZSOC Conference, Sydney, pp. 33 - 33, presented at Controlling Crime: ANZSOC Conference, Sydney, 01 October 2003 - 03 October 2003

Baldry E; Green SM, 2003, 'Indigenous Social Work Programs at UNSW', in AASW National Conference: Cooperating for Social Justice, Canberra, pp. 29 - 29, presented at AASW National Conference: Cooperating for Social Justice, Canberra, 28 September 2003 - 01 October 2003

Baldry E; Bratel J; Dunsire M; Durrant M, 2003, 'Keeping Children with a Disability Safely within the family', in BASPCAN (ed.), BASPCAN 5th National Congress, York, England, pp. 97 - 97, presented at Baspcan Congress 2003 - 5th National Congress, York, England, 20 July 2003 - 23 July 2003

Baldry E; Bratel J; Dunsire M; Durrant M, 2003, 'Keeping children with a disability safely within the family', in SPA (ed.), What works? SPA 37th Annual Conference, University of Teesside, pp. 10 - 10, presented at What works? SPA 37th Annual Conference, University of Teesside, 15 July 2003 - 17 July 2003

Baldry E; Maplestone PH; McDONNELL D; Peeters M, 2002, 'Ex-prisoners and accommodation: what bearing do different forms of housing have on social reintegration?', in AHURI (ed.), Housing, Crime and Stronger Communities, Carlton Crest, Melbourne, presented at Housing, Crime and Stronger Communities, Carlton Crest, Melbourne, 06 May 2002 - 07 May 2002

Baldry E; McDONNELL D; Maplestone PH; Peeters M, 2001, 'Ex-prisoners and housing: what bearing do dofferent forms of housing have on social ventegration', in National Housing Conference (ed.), National Housing Conference 2001, Brisbane, Qld, presented at National Housing Conference 2001, Brisbane, Qld, 24 October 2001 - 26 October 2001

BALDRY E, 1992, 'The changing boundaries: What place community organisations in change and reforms of the criminal justice system?', in Biles D; Vernon J (ed.), PRIVATE SECTOR AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, AUSTRALIAN INST CRIMINOLOGY, NEW ZEALAND, WELLINGTON, pp. 301 - 314, presented at Conference on Private Sector and Community Involvement in the Criminal Justice System, NEW ZEALAND, WELLINGTON, 30 November 1992 - 02 December 1992,

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