Select Publications
2015, Manly Cove, Kai’ymay, Dictionary of Sydney - NSW Office of Environment Aboriginal Heritage Project, Sydney,
,2015, Painting Old Sydney, Dictionary of Sydney - Cultural Ribbon Foreshores History Project, Sydney,
,Creigh S (ed.), 2014, Harbour life: tracing early Sydney’s watery history, The Conversation, Sydney,
2012, Shifting the shape of Australian history: convicts, the early colonial period and the making of Australia: The 2012 Allan Martin Lecture, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra
,2012, Shifting the Shape of Australian History, School of History, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra
,Spedding J (ed.), 2011, The myth of Sydney’s Foundational Orgy, Dictionary of Sydney, Sydney,