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Select Publications
2018, 'Modelling of Parabolic Trough Direct Steam Generation Solar Collectors', in Renewable Energy, Routledge, pp. 487 - 506, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315793245-79
,2003, 'Australia - A state of the market', in Brechlin U; Pilgaard O; Piria R (ed.), Sun in Action II - A Solar Thermal Strategy for Europe, ESTIF a.i.s.b.l, Belgium, pp. 241 - 250
,2001, 'Solar Collectors', in Gordon J (ed.), Solar Energy: The State of the Art, James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd, United Kingdom, pp. 145 - 221
,2001, 'Solar power - How can you use the sun`s energy?', in Jon Stevenson (ed.), Solar Power - Resources for the Secondary Science Teacher, Faculty of Engineering - The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, AUstralia, pp. 22 - 22
,2001, 'Solar thermal electricity generation', in Jon Stevenson (ed.), Solar Power - Resources for the Secondary Science Teacher, Faculty of Engineering - The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, AUstralia, pp. 23 - 23
,2001, 'Solar water heaters', in Jon Stevenson (ed.), Solar Power - Resources for the Secondary Science Teacher, Faculty of Engineering - The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, AUstralia, pp. 24 - 24
,2001, 'Solar Water Heating', in Gordon J (ed.), Solar Energy: The State of the Art, James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd, United Kingdom, pp. 223 - 289
,2000, 'Modelling Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters with Mantle Collector-Loop Heat Exchangers', in 1999 ISES Solar World Congress, Elsevier, pp. 236 - 244, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-008043895-5/50209-5