Select Publications
2015, Some of These Days: Black Stars, Jazz Aesthetics and Modernist Culture, Oxford University Press, New York
,, 2008, The Sage Handbook of Film Studies, Donald J, (ed.), SAGE, London, Thousand Oaks, New Dehli, Singapore
2005, Vorstellungswelten moderner Urbanitat, Locker Verlag, Vienna
,2001, Atlas des médias dans le monde, Éditions Autrement, Paris
,2001, Der Fischer Atlas Medien, Fischer, Frankfurt
,2001, The Global Media Atlas, British Film Institute, London
,2001, The Penguin Atlas of Media and Information, Penguin, New York
,1999, Imagining the Modern City, Athlone Press/ University of Minnesota Press, London/ Minneapolis
,1998, Close Up 1927-1933: Cinema and Modernism, Donald J; Friedberg A; Marcus L, (eds.), Cassell/ University of Princeton Press, London/ Princeton
,1992, Sentimental Education: Schooling, Popular Culture and the Regulation of Liberty, Verso, London
,1989, Fantasy and the cinema, Donald J, (ed.), British Film Inst
,1989, Formations of fantasy, Kaplan C; Donald J; Burgin V, (eds.)
,1986, Politics and ideology, Hall S; Donald J, (ed.), Open Univ Pr
,1985, Subjectivity and social relations, Beechey V; Donald J, (ed.), Open Univ Pr
,1983, Is there anyone here from education?, Longwood Pr Ltd
,1983, Formations of Pleasure, Routledge Kegan & Paul
,Book Chapters
2019, 'Urban Cinema and Photography: On Cities and "Cityness"', in Krajina Z; Stevenson D (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Urban Media and Communication, Routledge, pp. 46 - 56
,2019, 'Urban cinema and photography on cities and “cityness”', in The Routledge Companion to Urban Media and Communication, pp. 46 - 56,
,2014, 'Robeson Agonistes', in Lusty N (ed.), Modernism and Masculinity, Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 141 - 158,
,2012, 'Response', in Finnane M; Donaldson I (ed.), Taking Stock: The Humanities in Australia, UWA Publishing, Crawley, WA, pp. 137 - 142
,2011, 'Inner London', in Manley L (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of London, Cambridge University Press, pp. 261 - 278
,2010, 'Cinema, Modernism, and Modernity', in The Oxford Handbook of Modernisms,
,2010, 'Cinema, Modernism, and Modernity', in Brooker P; Gasiorek A; Longworth D; Thacker A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Modernisms, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 503 - 520
,2010, 'Sounds like hell : dystopian urban noise', in Prakash G (ed.), Noir urbanisms : dystopic images of the modern city, Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp. 31 - 52
,2008, 'Introduction: Hooray for a Mickey mouse subject!', in The SAGE Handbook of Film Studies, pp. 1 - 6,
,2008, 'As It Happened...Borderline, the Uncanny and the Cosmopolitan', in Collins J; Jervis J (ed.), Uncanny Modernity: Cultural Theories, Modern Anxieties, Macmillan, pp. 91 - 111
,2007, 'A Complex Kind of Training: Cities technologies and sound in jazz-age Europe', in Damousi J; Deacon D (ed.), Talking and Listening in the Age of Modernity: Essays on the History of Sound, ANU, The Australian National University E Press, Canberra, Australia, pp. 19 - 34
,2006, 'Wo bin ich? Was ist los? Was mache ich hier?', in Delete! Die Entschriftung des offentlichen Raums, Orange Press, Germany, pp. 31 - 43
,2005, 'Flannery', in Brooker P; Thacker A (ed.), Geographies of Modernism Literatures, cultures, spaces, Routledge Press, USA and Canada, pp. 155 - 166
,2000, 'The publicness of cinema', in Gledhill C; Williams L (ed.), Re-inventing Film Studies, Edward Arnold, London, pp. 114 - 129
,Journal articles
2023, 'Close Up: Laura', Screen, 64, pp. 332 - 341,
,2013, 'Q&A session after the public lecture of Quentin Skinner', Ab Imperio, pp. 55 - 60,
,2010, 'The Spaces of the Modern City: Imaginaries, Politics, and Everyday Life', CULTURAL GEOGRAPHIES, 17, pp. 535 - 535,
,2010, 'Persuading Fred: An essay review of recent books by Stanley Fish, Louis Menand, and Martha Nussbaum', , November 10, 2010,
,2009, 'Jazz Modernism and Film Art: Dudley Murphy and Ballet mecanique', Modernism-Modernity, 16, pp. 25 - 49
,2008, 'Borderline', Modernism-Modernity, 15, pp. 594 - 598
,2008, 'Paul Robeson: Portraits of the Artist', Modernism-Modernity, 15, pp. 594 - 598
,2007, 'Internationalisation, Diversity and the Humanities Curriculum: Cosmopolitanism and Multiculturalism Revisted', Journal of Philosophy of Education, 41.3, pp. 289 - 307
,2007, 'Kracauer and the Dancing Girls', New Formations, Number 61, pp. 49 - 63
,2007, 'Modernism, media and propaganda: British narrative from 1900 to 1945', Novel - a Forum on Fiction, 40, pp. 312 - 315
,2006, 'Hartley, John (Ed.), Creative Industries, Blackwell, Oxford, 2005', Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture and Policy, 118, pp. 160 - 161
,2005, 'The Enigma of Arrival', SCAN - Journal of Media Arts and Culture, 2, pp. Online
,2004, 'What`s New? A Letter to Terry Flew', Continuum : Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 18, pp. 235 - 246
,2003, 'Kant, the Press and the Public Use of Reason', Javnost-The Public, 10, pp. 45 - 63
,Working Papers
1995, British Cinema and National Identity, University of Sussex, UK, 2,
,1995, Identity, Authority and Democracy, University of Sussex, UK, 1,
,1995, Studies in Radio History, University of Sussex, UK, 3,
,1995, The City, the Cinema: Modern Spaces, University of Sussex, UK,