Select Publications

Book Chapters

Chan JB, 2008, 'Police Culture: A Brief History of a Concept', in Anthony T; Cunneen C (ed.), The Critical Criminology Companion, edn. 1, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 218 - 227

Chan JB, 2008, 'The New Lateral Surveillance and a Culture of Suspicion', in Deflem M (ed.), Surveillance and Governance: Crime Control and Beyond, Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, UK, pp. 223 - 239

Chan JB, 2007, 'Police Stress and Occupational Culture', in O'Neill M; Marks M; Singh A-M (ed.), Police Occupational Culture: New Debates and Directions, edn. First, JAI Press Inc, Oxford, UK, pp. 129 - 152

Chan JB, 2005, 'Conclusion: Reshaping Juvenile Justice', in Chan J (ed.), Reshaping Juvenile Justice: The NSW Young Offenders Act 1997, edn. Original, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Sydney, pp. 187 - 197

Chan JB; Bargen J; Clancey G, 2005, 'Development of the Young Offenders Act', in Chan J (ed.), Reshaping Juvenile Justice: The NSW Young Offenders Act 1997, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Sydney, pp. 17 - 24

Chan JB; Luke G, 2005, 'Impact of the Young Offenders Act', in Chan J (ed.), Reshaping Juvenile Justice: The NSW Young Offenders Act 1997, edn. Original, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Sydney, pp. 171 - 186

Chan JB, 2005, 'Implementation of the Young Offenders Act', in Chan J (ed.), Reshaping Juvenile Justice: The NSW Young Offenders Act 1997, edn. Original, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Sydney, pp. 25 - 46

Chan JB, 2005, 'Introduction', in Chan J (ed.), Reshaping Juvenile Justice: The NSW Young Offenders Act 1997, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Sydney, pp. 11 - 16

Chan JB, 2003, 'Police and new technologies', in Newburn T (ed.), Handbook of Policing, Willan Publishing, Cullompton, Devon, UK, pp. 655 - 679

Chan JB, 2003, 'Conclusion: Learning the Art of Policing', in Chan J (ed.), Fair Cop: Learning the Art of Policing, edn. Original, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, pp. 301 - 330

Doran SM; Chan JB, 2003, 'Doing Gender', in Chan J (ed.), Fair Cop: Learning the Art of Policing, edn. Original, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, pp. 276 - 300

Chan JB, 2003, 'Joning the Organization', in Chan J (ed.), Fair Cop: Learning the Art of Policing, edn. Original, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, pp. 62 - 79

Chan JB, 2003, 'Learning in the Field', in Chan J (ed.), Fair Cop: Learning the Art of Policing, edn. Original, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, pp. 145 - 200

Chan JB, 2003, 'Negotiating the Field', in Chan J (ed.), Fair Cop: Learning the Art of Policing, edn. Original, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, pp. 248 - 275

Chan JB, 2003, 'Organizational Socialization and Professionalism', in Chan J (ed.), Fair Cop: Learning the Art of Policing, edn. Original, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, pp. 3 - 40

Chan JB; Doran SM, 2003, 'Research Organization and Methods', in Chan J (ed.), Fair Cop: Learning the Art of Policing, edn. Original, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, pp. 41 - 61

Chan JB, 2003, 'Taking on the Culture', in Chan J (ed.), Fair Cop: Learning the Art of Policing, edn. Original, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, pp. 201 - 247

Chan JB, 2000, '¿Backstage Punishment: Police Violence, Occupational Culture and Criminal Justice¿', in Violence and Police Culture, edn. Original, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic, pp. 85 - 108

Chan JB, 1999, 'Police Culture', in A Culture of Corruption: Changing an Australian Police Service, edn. Original, Hawkins Press, Sydney, NSW, pp. 98 - 137

Chan JB, 1997, 'Understanding Juvenile Crime: A REview of Traditional and Contemporary Theories', in Juvenile Crime, Justice and Corrections, edn. Original, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, pp. 25 - 42

Chan JBL, 1996, 'Police racism: Experiences and reforms', in The teeth are smiling: the persistence of racism in multicultural Australia, edn. Original, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, NSW

Chan JBL, 1994, 'Policing Youth in Ethnic Communities: Is Community Policing the Answer?', in White R; Alder C (ed.), The Police and Young People in Australia, edn. Original, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne

Chan J, 1987, 'The limits of sentencing reform', in Zdenkowski G (ed.), The Criminal Injustice System, Pluto Press, Sydney

Edited Books

Chan J; Saunders P, (ed.), 2021, Big Data for Australian Social Policy: Developments, Benefits and Risks, Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, Canberra,


Thomas K; Chan JB, (ed.), 2013, Handbook of research on creativity, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK

Journal articles

Chan J, 2023, 'Unusual Suspects (2022)', Surveillance and Society, 21, pp. 287,

Blackmore H; Logan S; Chan J; Moses LB, 2023, 'Public Attitudes Towards Government Surveillance of Social Media in Australia', Surveillance and Society, 21, pp. 317 - 333,

Bowrey K; Chan J, 2022, 'The Machinery of Creation. Oulipo Poetry, Copyright & Rules of Constraint', Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review, 5, pp. 36 - 57,

Chan J; Sanders C; Bennett Moses L; Blackmore H, 2022, 'Datafication and the practice of intelligence production', Big Data and Society, 9, pp. 20539517221089310,

Chan JBL, 2021, 'NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR T EN-FOUR', Surveillance and Society, 19, pp. 445 - 447,

Chan J; Bennett Moses L; Logan S, 2020, 'Rules in information sharing for security', Criminology and Criminal Justice, 22, pp. 304 - 322,

Bennett Moses L; Chan J, 2019, 'Algorithmic prediction in policing: assumptions, evaluation, and accountability', Policing and Society, 28, pp. 806 - 822,

Poynton S; Chan J; Vogt M; Grunseit A; Bruce J, 2018, 'Assessing the Effectiveness of Welbeing Initiatives for Lawyers and Support Staff', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 41, pp. 584 - 619

Chan J; Bennett Moses LK, 2017, 'Making Sense of Big Data for Security', The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society, 57, pp. 299 - 319,

Smith GJD; Moses LB; Chan J, 2017, 'The challenges of doing criminology in the big data era: Towards a digital and data-driven approach', British Journal of Criminology, 57, pp. 259 - 274,

Chan J; Bennett Moses L, 2016, 'Is Big Data challenging criminology?', Theoretical Criminology, 20, pp. 21 - 39,

Chan J, 2015, 'The Arts of Imprisonment: Control, Resistance and Empowerment', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR CRIME JUSTICE AND SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, 4,

Chan J, 2015, 'Conceptualising legal culture and lawyering stress', International Journal of the Legal Profession, 21, pp. 213 - 232,

Chan JB, 2014, 'Depression, anxiety and stress in the legal profession', Law Institute Journal, 88, pp. 40 - 43,

Chan JB, 2014, 'Depression, Anxiety, Stress in the Legal Profession', Law Institute Journal, pp. 40 - 43

Chan JB; Poynton S; Bruce J, 2014, 'Lawyering, Stress and Work Culture: An Australian Study', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 37, pp. 1062 - 1102,

Chan JB; Bruce J; Gonsalves R, 2014, 'Seeking and finding: Creative processes of 21st century painters', Poetics, 48, pp. 21 - 41,

Bennett Moses LK; chan J, 2014, 'Using Big Data for Legal and Law Enforcement Decisions: Testing the New Tools', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 37, pp. 643 - 678,

Chan J, 2013, 'Ethnography as Practice: Is Validity an Issue', Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 25, pp. 503 - 516,

Thomas K; Chan J, 2013, 'Negotiating the paradox of creative autonomy in the making of artists', Studies in Art Education, 54, pp. 260 - 272,

Chan J, 2011, 'Racial profiling and police subculture', Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 53, pp. 75 - 78,

Chan JBL; Doran SM; Marel C, 2010, 'Doing and Undoing Gender in Policing', Theoretical Criminology, 14, pp. 425 - 446,

Chan JB; Doran SM, 2009, 'Staying in the job: Job satisfaction among mid-career police officers', Policing, 3, pp. 66 - 77

Gonsalves R; Chan JB, 2008, 'Creating Fiction: Bourdieu`s Theory and Writing Practice', Text: JOURNAL OF WRITING AND WRITING COURSES, 12,

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