My Expertise
Franchise law; franchisor insolvency; franchise governance; consumer protection; retail leasing law; legal policy; stakeholder consultation.
Qualified Expert Witness.
Fields of Research (FoR)
Commercial and Contract Law, Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Engagement, Corporations and Associations Law, Organisational Behaviour, Consumer-Oriented Product or Service DevelopmentSEO tags
Jenny joined the School of Taxation and Business Law in 2002. Prior to becoming an academic she worked as a commercial lawyer in private practice in New Zealand, Melbourne and Sydney, and as a compliance consultant.
Jenny's expertise in franchising law led to her appointment as a panel member of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's Franchising Consultative Committee 2010 - 2015, and her appointment in 2016 to its successor the...view more
Jenny joined the School of Taxation and Business Law in 2002. Prior to becoming an academic she worked as a commercial lawyer in private practice in New Zealand, Melbourne and Sydney, and as a compliance consultant.
Jenny's expertise in franchising law led to her appointment as a panel member of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's Franchising Consultative Committee 2010 - 2015, and her appointment in 2016 to its successor the Small Business and Franchising Consultative Committee. She chaired the UNSW Human Research Ethics Committee.
- Domestic and International Franchise Law
- Supervisor research in business law
Research Interests:
- Consumer protection
- Protection of consumers with allergies from non-disclosed allergens in medicine
- Franchise law and policy
- Insolvency as it affects franchise networks
- Legal education
Jenny Buchan's publications on her SSRN author page: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=661783
My Grants
Grants provided by CPA Australia, the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia, NSW State Government Office of Small Business, and UNSW.
Projects included:
Do you know what’s in your medicine? Excipients causing allergic reactions in pharmaceutical products. (current, funded by UNSW Health@Business)
Do Franchisors Abuse their Market Dominance? A Pilot Study. (current)
Case study writing grant from UNSW Business School.
Gants from UNSW and UNSW Business School for creation of MOOC "International Franchise Law: the World is Yours" https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/international-franchise-law
Evidence based government policy and stakeholder participation.
Franchisors in administration: profiles, factors, impacts
Real and intellectual property rights under franchise systems operating from retail premises in NSW.
Retail leasing.
Effectiveness of undertaking due diligence prior to starting up or purchasing a small business or franchise
My Qualifications
PhD (QUT), LLM (Melbourne), LLB (Otago)
Certificate of Completion: Animal Ethics Committee Member Training Course, Animal Welfare Victoria, April 2021.
My Awards
2019 International Society of Franchising Best Reviewer Award.
Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence 2016 for Contribution to Student Learning Teaching: MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “International franchise law”.
UNSW Business School 2016 Excellence in Team Teaching Award.
The Cedric Sandford Medal 2014, ATAX 11th International Conference on Tax Administration – best paper: 'The Role of Reputational Risk in Tax Decision Making by Large Companies'.
Franchise Council of Australia awards for services to franchising as a Judge of National Excellence Awards, 2011 and 2013.
Award for Achievement in Research by HDR Students, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology, 2009.
My Research Activities
Current projects:
Franchise law - Recalibrating the franchisor/ franchisee relationship to recognise and reward the contribution of all parties.
ORCID as entered in ROS
