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Select Publications
Buchan J, 2013, Franchisees as Consumers: Benchmarks, Perspectives and Consequences, Springer, New York
Buchan J, 2020, 'Franchisees as externalities of insolvent franchisors: a windfall gain for employees?', in Omar P; Gant JLL (ed.), Research Handbook on Corporate Restructuring, Edward Elgar, UK, https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/research-handbook-on-corporate-restructuring-9781786437464.html
Welsh DHB; Alon I; Buchan J; Lanchimba C, 2020, 'International Franchising and Other Forms of Enterpreneurship', in Global Entrepreneurship, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, USA
Buchan JM; Cejnar L; Katz S, 2018, 'Equity, Diversity and Inclusion through Online Learning: Using a massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to Facilitate Acquisition of Specialist Legal Knowledge', in Lindgren K; Kunc F; Coper M (ed.), The Future of Australian Legal Education, Lawbook Company, Sydney, pp. 441 - 456
Atwell C; Buchan JM, 2017, 'An academic apprenticeship – publishing during doctoral candidature', in McMaster C; Murphy ; Mewburn I; Whitburn (ed.), Postgraduate study in Australia: Surviving and succeeding, Peter Lang Publishing, New York, pp. 13 - 21
Buchan J, 2016, 'How Competition Law May Affect Franchised SMEs in APEC Economies', in Schaper MT; Lee C (ed.), Competition Law, Regulation and SMEs in APEC: Understanding the Small Business Perspective, ISEAS - YUSOF ISHAK INST, Singapore, pp. 156 - 174
Buchan J, 2013, 'The failure of pre-purchase disclosure to protect franchisees of a franchisor in administration', in Ehrmann T; Windsperger J; Cliquet G; Hendrikse G (ed.), Network Governance : Alliances, Cooperatives and Franchise Chains, Physica-Verlag, A Springer company, Germany, pp. 313 - 334
Buchan J; Buberis P, 2012, 'Franchising in Australia', in Flohr E; Liesegang H (ed.), Deutscher Franchise Verband E.V. Jahrnuch Franchising 2012, ZAP Verlag, Germany, pp. 234 - 249
Buchan J, 2012, 'Government Policy to Support Franchisees', in Blackburn RA; Schaper MT (ed.), Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development: Policies, Tools and Challenges, Gower publishing (UK), UK, pp. 227 - 240, http://www.gowerpublishing.com/isbn/9781409430353
Buchan J; Wilcox T, 2012, 'Preparing Doctoral Students in Social Sciences for a Future in Academe: Perspectives on Publishing During Candidature', in Rochette A (ed.), Canadian Legal Education Annual Review/ Revue de l'Enseignement du Droit au Canada, Carswell, Montreal, pp. 35 - 58, http://www.carswell.com/product-detail/canadian-legal-education-annual-review-2012/
Buchan J, 2011, 'Franchisees whose Franchisors Fail: Unprotected Consumers', in Spencer EC (ed.), Relational Rights and Responsibilities: Perspectives on Contractual Arrangements in Franchising, Bond University Press, Queensland, pp. 93 - 117
Buchan JM, 2009, 'Business failure', in Books and Book Chapters Business and the Law, Cengage Learning Australia, Australia, pp. 414 - 428
Buchan JM, 2008, 'Reducing collateral damage in franchisor insolvency', in Omar PJ (ed.), International Insolvency Law - Themes & Perspectives, ASHGAT, UK, pp. 367 - 402
Buchan JM, 2003, 'Insurance', in Edmond R (ed.), Business, Society and the Law, Thomson, Melbourne, pp. 661 - 669
Buchan J; Nicholls R, 2020, 'The challenges of navigating the COVID-19 pandemic for Australia’s franchise sector', Australian Business Law Review, 48, pp. 126 - 137, https://www-westlaw-com-au.wwwproxy1.library.unsw.edu.au/maf/wlau/app/document?docguid=I8c9ae703c1fd11eab306d55769e1257b&tocDs=AUNZ_AU_JOURNALS_TOC&isTocNav=true&startChunk=1&endChunk=1
Buchan J, 2020, 'Australia's Franchising Code of Conduct Review - A continuation down the path of jamming a square peg into a round hole?', Australian Business Law Review, 47, pp. 393 - 399
Cejnar L; Buchan J; Atwell C; Hayes M, 2020, 'INTEGRATING GLOBAL ONLINE LEGAL EDUCATION WITH AN ON- CAMPUS FRANCHISE COURSE: A ROLE FOR MOOCS', European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, http://leela/
Cumberland DM; Buchan J; Litalien B, 2019, 'Franchise Education in the United States: A Content Analysis of Syllabi from U.S. Business Schools', Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22
Buchan J, 2019, 'The 2018 review of the Franchising Code of Conduct: epicentre of a year of scrutiny for Australian franchising', Australian Business Law Review, 47, pp. 101 - 119, https://www.westlaw.com.au/maf/wlau/app/document?docguid=I2c1d1340933a11e98b44b29f3622255f&tocDs=AUNZ_AU_JOURNALS_TOC&isTocNav=true&startChunk=1&endChunk=1
Gant JLL; Buchan JM, 2019, 'Moral Hazard, Path Dependency and Failing Franchisors: Mitigating Franchisee Risk Through Participation', Federal Law Review, 47, pp. 1 - 27, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0067205X19831841
Frazer L; Buchan J; Weaven S; Tran-Nam B; Grace A, 2018, 'Pre-Contractual Due Diligence by Franchisees and Independent Small Business Buyers', Australian Business Law Review, 46, pp. 157 - 177, https://www.westlaw.com.au/maf/wlau/app/document?docguid=I4e047e0abd0a11e898719c83364b0845&tocDs=AUNZ_AU_JOURNALS_TOC&isTocNav=true&startChunk=1&endChunk=1
Nicholls R; Buchan JM, 2017, 'The law of unintended consequences: The effects of voiding ipso facto clauses in business format franchise agreements', Australian Business Law Review, 45, pp. 433 - 447
Buchan JM; Nicholls R, 2017, 'Flipping Out: Flip Clauses are Enforceable in the United States Again!', Company and Securities Law Journal, 35, pp. 65 - 69, http://www.westlaw.com.au.wwwproxy1.library.unsw.edu.au/maf/wlau/app/document?docguid=Ie8b68f40e84311e6b606e78a75e9f1e9&tocDs=AUNZ_AU_JOURNALS_TOC&isTocNav=true&startChunk=1&endChunk=1
Benoliel U; Buchan JM; Gutentag T, 2017, 'Revisiting the Rationality Assumption of Disclosure Laws: An Empirical Analysis', Hofstra Law Review, 46, pp. 469 - 488
Buchan JM; Frazer L; Weaven S; Tran-Nam B; Grace A, 2017, 'The Adequacy of Pre-purchase Due Diligence in Independent Small Business and Franchising', Australian Accounting Review, 28, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/auar.12164
Omar PJ; Buchan JM, 2016, 'Bucolic Dream or Arboreal Fantasy? The Willmott Saga, Insolvency Disclaimers and the Contract/Property Dichotomy', The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 80, pp. 197 - 214, http://www.arita.com.au/docs/member-only-page---documents/disclaimer-lecture-omar-and-others-aug-2013.pdf?sfvrsn=0
Nicholls R; Buchan JM, 2016, 'Failing Firm, Failing Franchisor: Local Market Analysis in Australian Merger Clearance', Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 23, pp. 247 - 265, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308905090_Failing_firm_failing_franchisor_Local_market_analysis_in_Australian_merger_clearance
Buchan JM; Frazer L; Qu CZ; Nicholls R, 2015, 'Franchisor Insolvency in Australia: Profiles, Factors, and Impacts', Journal of Marketing Channels, 22, pp. 311 - 332, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1046669X.2015.1113487
Buchan JM; Herndon N, 2015, 'Book Review Policy for Journal of Marketing Channels', Journal of Marketing Channels, 22, pp. 242 - 243, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1046669X.2015.1071599
Benoliel U; Buchan JM, 2015, 'Franchisees' Optimism Bias and the Inefficiency of the FTC Franchise Rule', DePaul Business & Commercial Law Journal, 13, pp. 411 - 431, http://via.library.depaul.edu/bclj/vol13/iss3/3
Buchan J; Gunasekara G, 2015, 'Administrative Law Parallels with Private Law Concepts: Unconscionable Conduct, Good Faith and Fairness in Franchise Relationships', Adelaide Law Review, 36, pp. 541 - 575, https://www.adelaide.edu.au/press/journals/law-review/issues/36-2/alr-36-2-ch09-buchan-gunasekara.pdf
Lavermicocca C; Buchan J, 2015, 'Role of reputational risk in tax decision making by large companies', eJournal of Tax Research, 13, pp. 5 - 50, https://www.business.unsw.edu.au/research-site/publications-site/ejournaloftaxresearch-site/Documents/01_LavermicoccaBuchan_RoleOfReputationalRisk.pdf
Buchan JM, 2014, 'Deconstructing the Franchise as a Legal Entity: Practice and Research in International Franchise Law', Journal of Marketing Channels, 21, pp. 143 - 158, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1046669X.2014.917015
Atwell C; Buchan JM, 2014, 'The franchise Fulcrum: The Legal System's Contributions to Research about Power and Control in Business Format Franchising.', Journal of Marketing Channels, 21, pp. 180 - 195, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1046669X.2013.840715
Schaper M; Buchan JM, 2014, 'Franchising in Australia: A History', International Journal of Franchising Law, 12, pp. 3 - 23, http://www.iflweb.com/site/journal/ifl.php?vol=12&issue=4
Buchan J, 2013, 'Franchising: A Honey Pot in a Bear Trap', Adelaide Law Review, 34, pp. 283 - 315, http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/AdelLawRw/2013/17.pdf
Buchan JM; Gottlieb K, 2009, 'A Practical Approach to Teaching and Assessing Part IV of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (CTH)', Journal of the Australian Law Teachers Association, 2, pp. 149 - 171, http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/JlALawTA/2009/14.pdf
Buchan JM, 2009, 'Consumer Protection for Franchisees of Failed Franchisors: Is there a Need for Statutory Intervention', Law and Justice Journal, 9, http://dx.doi.org/10.5204/qutlr.v9i2.30
Buchan J; Butcher CW, 2009, 'Premises occupancy models for franchised retails businesses in Australia: factors for consideration', Australian Property Law Journal, 17, pp. 143 - 177, https://ssrn.com/abstract=1476117
Buchan JM, 2008, 'Challenges that franchisees of insolvent franchisors pose for liquidators', Insolvency Law Journal, 16, pp. 26 - 42, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1268153
Buchan JM, 2008, 'Ex ante information and ex post reality for franchisees - the case of franchisor failure', Australian Business Law Review, 36, pp. 407 - 431, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1348548
Buchan JM, 2008, 'Franchises need friends too', Monash Business Review, 4, pp. 49 - 49, http://dx.doi.org/10.2104/mbr08039
Buchan JM, 2008, 'Square pegs in round holes: franchisees of insolvent franchisors', Business Law International, 9, pp. 114 - 144, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1326559
Buchan JM, 2007, 'Can the Cheshire cat be understood yet?', Insolvency Law Bulletin, 7, pp. 90 - 91
Buchan JM, 2006, 'The Cheshire cats of franchisor insolvency', Insolvency Law Bulletin, 7, pp. 9 - 11
Buchan JM, 2004, 'Whom to compensate?', Newsletter: International Franchising, 8, pp. 17 - 19
Buchan JM, 2000, 'Enhancing Legal Practice through Debriefing', Macarthur Law Review, 4, pp. 147 - 171, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1339045
Buchan J, 1997, 'Consumer Protection Laws in Australia and their effects on Franchising', International Journal of Franchising and Distribution Law, 11
Buchan J; Butcher B, 2008, 'Franchisees retail premises occupancy models in Australia; the rights and the risks', in International Society of Franchising, Saint-Malo, France, presented at 22nd Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, Saint-Malo, France, 20 June 2008 - 21 June 2008, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1334336
Buchan JM, 2008, 'Franchisors' Registered Trade Marks under Australia`s Trade Marks Act 1995', in International Society of Franchising, Saint-Malo, France, presented at 22nd Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, Saint-Malo, France, 20 June 2008 - 21 June 2008, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1334466