Select Publications


Dowse L; Cronin P; Reeve R; Addo R, 2020, Dowse, L., Cronin, P., Reeve, R. and Addo, R. (2020) Economic evaluation of the impact of speech pathology services on criminal justice outcomes. UNSW Sydney.,

Meltzer A; Dew A; Dowse L; Dillon Savage I, 2018, Team Up Evaluation Final Report - Easy Read version, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Meltzer A; Dew A; Dowse LM; Dillon Savage I, 2018, Team Up Evaluation Final Report, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Baldry E; Bright D; Cale J; Day A; Dowse L; Giles M; Hardcastle L; Graffam J; McGillivray J; Newton D; Rowe SD; Wodak J, 2018, A Future Beyond the Wall: Improving Post-release Employment Outcomes for People Leaving Prison Final Report, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Hardcastle L; Dowse L; McGillivray J; Newton D; Rowe SD; Crosbie J; Giles M, 2018, A qualitative study of the experiences of ex-prisoners who are seeking employment, the experiences of practitioners who work with ex-prisoners who are seeking employment and models of practice used, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Dowse LM; Rowe S; McGillivray J; Newton D, 2017, Education, Training and Employment for Prisoners with Cognitive Disabilities: A Case Study, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Collings SE; Dew A; Dowse L; Cooney E, 2017, Evaluation of Project RE PIN: Receive, Encode, Process and INtegrate drug and alcohol treatment strategies for people with cognitive impairment. Final Report, Sydney: UNSW Sydney.

Reeve R; McCausland R; Dowse L; Trofimovs J, 2017, Economic Evaluation of the Intellectual Disability Rights Service Criminal Justice Support Network, Intellectual Disability Behaviour Support Program, UNSW Sydney,,

Collings S; Dew AH; Dowse L, 2016, Being a Planner with a Person with Disability and Complex Support Needs: Planning resource kit,,

Dew AH; Dowse L; Athanassiou U; Trollor J, 2016, Making Mental Health Policy Inclusive of People with Intellectual Disability Report

Baldry E; McCausland R; Dowse L; McEntyre E, 2015, A Predictable and Preventable path: Aboriginal People with mental and cognitive disability in the criminal justice system, UNSW, Sydney,,

Collings S; Dew AH; Dowse L, 2015, The Support Planning Framework Project: Final Report, UNSW Sydney, Sydney

Dowse LM; Soldatic K; Did A; van Toorn G, 2013, Stop the Violence: Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Australia. Background Paper,

Dowse LM; Soldatic K; Did A; van Toorn G, 2013, Stop the Violence: Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Australia. Background Paper,

Tudball J; Fisher KR; Sands T; Dowse LM, 2003, Supporting families who have a child with a disability, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Working Papers

Butler T; Haikerwal M; Schofield P; Dowse L; Withall A; Turnbull T; Cations M; Simpson MA, 2016, Linking health and justice data: Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Data Availability and Use, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Offender Health, Kirby Institute, Sydney,


Steele L; Carnemolla P; Spencer R; Kelly J; Naing L; Dowse L, Listening to People with Intellectual Disability about Institutions,

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