My Grants
Faculty Research Grant (2011) with Dr Peter Graham on “greening the 21st century city” to develop an ARC Linkage proposal with the City of Sydney and others partners for late 2011 submission. Value: $30,000.
Faculty Research Grant (2010) with Catherine Evans on “Park-City Edges” to develop two conference papers and journal articles. Value: $10,000.
L+T Action Research Initiative (2010) “Learning in Context as Preparation...view more
My Grants
Faculty Research Grant (2011) with Dr Peter Graham on “greening the 21st century city” to develop an ARC Linkage proposal with the City of Sydney and others partners for late 2011 submission. Value: $30,000.
Faculty Research Grant (2010) with Catherine Evans on “Park-City Edges” to develop two conference papers and journal articles. Value: $10,000.
L+T Action Research Initiative (2010) “Learning in Context as Preparation for Civic and Professional Leadership in Landscape Architecture”, surveying the attitudes of Landscape Architecture practitioners on the value of service learning and community engagement in preparing students to become civic and professional leaders in their discipline. Value: $2,000.
FBE Research Links Project, (2007) “Understanding Student Perceptions of FBE Interdisciplinary Design Learning”, with Ann Quinlan; Adam Jeffery and Shawna Ng, BLArch students, co-researchers for the Collaborative Studios Project on the Sydney Metro. Value: $1,000.
FBE Research Links Project (2007) “Urban Parks: Contexts, Connectivity and Content”, with George Wang, BLArch student researcher, initiating a web-based resource on contemporary urban open space projects. Value: $1,000.
Australian Research Council Linkage Project grant (2005-2008) ‘People and Parks: The Real Value of Open Space in Western Sydney’ (co-Chief Investigator with Nancy Marshall), Value: $427,000
NSW Architects Registration Board Research Project grant (2007) ‘Learning through the Built Environment’ (with FBEOutThere!) Value: $30,000.
UNSW Learning and Teaching Grant (2006) ‘Understanding the Self-Directed Research Process in the Graduation Year in All Undergraduate Programs within FBE’, (team led by Ann Quinlan and Nancy Marshall) Value: $15,000.
FBE Research Project grant (2000-2002) ‘Community Gardens and Neighbourhood Renewal in Waterloo’ (with Susan Thompson and Bruce Judd) Value: $8,000.
My Qualifications
MLA MRP (Cornell), BS (Iowa State)
My Awards
Dean’s Teaching Award for Innovation (2009) in recognition of development of interdisciplinary service learning electives through BEOutThere!
HERDSA Edith Cowan Authentic Learning Award: Outstanding Scholarly Paper (2008) Conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Rotorua. Paper entitled ‘Establishing a faculty community engagement unit: a case study from built environment’.
Australian Learning & Teaching Council Citation (2008) ‘For commitment to a service-oriented approach to collaborative built environment design learning that connects community, students and university in mutually beneficial relationships’ (shared with the FBEOutThere! team including Linda Corkery, Ann Quinlan, Ben Roche and Karin Watson).
AILA National Merit Award for Research & Communication in Landscape Architecture (2004) for ‘A Bountiful Harvest: Community Gardens and Neighbourhood Renewal in Waterloo’, final report of an FBE Internal Research project (co-authored with Dr Bruce Judd, Dr Susan Thompson and Dr Linda Bartolomei).
AILA NSW Award of Excellence for Research & Communication in Landscape Architecture (2003) for ‘A Bountiful Harvest: Community Gardens and Neighbourhood Renewal in Waterloo’, final report of an FBE Internal Research project (co-authored with Dr Bruce Judd, Dr Susan Thompson and Dr Linda Bartolomei).
My Research Activities
Linda’s areas of research interest and expertise include: people/place relationships, urban parks and open space planning and design, green infrastructure planning and design, design for children and young people, and built environment design education.
Member, People and Place BE Faculty Research Cluster
Member, Design BE Faculty Research Cluster
PhD Supervision:
Helen Kendall Topic: Integrated Landscapes for Ageing Well in the Urban Environment: An Australian Perspective (Joint supervision with Dr Susan Thompson).
Eve Mussi Topic: The Legacy of Olympic Cities (Joint supervision with Catherine Evans and Dr Christine Steinmetz).
My Engagement
In the Media
- Fellow, Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (FAILA)
- Member, AILA National Advocacy Committee (2015- present)
- Chair, National Accreditation Framework Working Group (2014-2015)
- International Member, American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
- Board Member for Region 8 (Australasia), Council of Educators of Landscape Architecture (2011-2016)
- Member, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)
Jury Member, Kidsafe NSW Playground Design Awards, 2010
My Teaching
Within the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program, Linda teaches design studio, convenes electives and has been instrumental in organising and leading a number of interdisciplinary/service learning studios that engaged students from numerous FBE programs with community groups to address various issues. She has been active in re-establishing BEOutThere! as the Faculty’s focal point for interdisciplinary/service learning with the first of these new electives running in Semester 2/2010 on the Northcott Public Housing Estate in partnership with HousingNSW.
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