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Select Publications
Edwards L, 2023, 'From Iron Girls to Greedy Girls: Gender Marking Stability and Chaos Before and After the Cultural Revolution', in Clemente T; Tanigaki M; Shih C-Y (ed.), Studies of China and Chineseness since the Cultural Revolution Volume 2: Micro Intellectual History through De-central Lenses, World Scientific, pp. 1 - 22, http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/9789811260902_0001
Edwards L, 2022, 'Aestheticizing masculinity in Hongloumeng: Clothing, dress, and decoration', in Dream of the Red Chamber: Literary and Translation Perspectives, pp. 29 - 44, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003296812-3
Edwards L; Jung K; McLaren S, 2022, 'East Asia', in The Routledge Global History of Feminism, pp. 163 - 179
Edwards L, 2020, 'Problems for Commemorating Women Wartime Spies: Case Studies from China', in Cothran B; Judge J; Shubert A (ed.), WOMEN WARRIORS AND NATIONAL HEROES: GLOBAL HISTORIES, Bloomsbury, London, pp. 215 - 230, https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/women-warriors-and-national-heroes-9781350121133/
Edwards L; Penn N; Winter J, 2020, '“Introduction: 1800 to the Present”', in Edwards L; Penn N; Winter J (ed.), The Cambridge World History of Violence: Volume IV – 1800 to the Present, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1 - 18, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/9781316585023.001
Edwards LP, 2016, 'Aestheticising Masculinity in Honglou meng: Clothing, Dress, and Decoration', in Changing Chinese Masculinities From Imperial Pillars of State to Global Real Men, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 90 - 112
Edwards LP, 2013, 'Eating and Drinking in a Red Chambered Dream', in Yue I; Tang S (ed.), Scribes of Gastronomy: Representations of Food and Drink in Imperial Chinese Literature, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 113 - 132, http://hkupress.org/Common/Reader/Products/ShowProduct.jsp?Pid=1&Version=0&Cid=16&Charset=iso-8859-1&page=-1&key=9789888139989
Edwards LP, 2013, 'Painting boundaries of sex segregation in Qing China: representing the family in The Red Chamber Dream', in Silbergeld J; Ching D (ed.), The Family Model in Chinese Art and Culture, Princeton University Department of Art and Archeology with Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, pp. 339 - 372, http://press.princeton.edu/titles/10016.html
Edwards LP, 2012, 'Gendered Fictions and Chinese Women’s History', in Ho C (ed.), Overt and Covert Treasures: Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History, Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 307 - 337
Edwards LP; Jeffreys E, 2010, 'Celebrity/China', in Edwards L; Jeffreys E (ed.), Celebrity in China, Hong Kong University Press, pp. 1 - 21
Edwards LP, 2010, 'Chinese feminisms in a transnational frame: between internationalism and xenophobia', in Roces M; Edwards L (ed.), Women’s Movements in Asia: Feminism and Transnational Activism, Routledge, pp. 53 - 74
Edwards LP, 2010, 'Military Celebrity in China: The Evolution of ‘Heroic and Model Servicemen'', in Edwards L; Jeffreys E (ed.), Celebrity in China, Hong Kong University Press, pp. 21 - 44
Edwards LP, 2010, 'Twenty-first Century Women Warriors: Variations on Traditional Themes', in Rawnsley G; Rawnsley MY; Stringer J (ed.), Global Chinese Cinema: The Culture and Politics of ‘Hero’, Routledge, pp. 65 - 77
Edwards LP, 2010, 'Twenty-first Century Women Warriors: Variations on Traditional Themes', in Global Chinese Cinema: The Culture and Politics of ‘Hero’, Routledge, pp. 65 - 77
Edwards LP, 2009, 'International Influences on the State-in-Society: Combating Violence against Women', in Li L (ed.), The Chinese state in transition: processes and contests in local China, Routledge, pp. 108 - 126
Edwards LP, 2009, 'Women in Asia as a Distinct Research Field', in Roces M; Edwards L (ed.), Women in Asia: Volume 1, Women and Political Power, Routledge, pp. 1 - 18
Edwards L, 2008, 'Diversity and evolution in the state-in-society: International influences in combating violence against women', in The Chinese State in Transition: Processes and Contests in Local China, pp. 108 - 126, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203893661
Edwards L, 2008, 'Diversity and evolution in the state-in-society: International influences in combating violence against women', in The Chinese State in Transition: Processes and contests in local China, pp. 108 - 126, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203893661-13
Edwards LP, 2008, 'Issue-based politics: feminism with Chinese characteristics or the return of bourgeois feminism', in Goodman D (ed.), The New Rich in China, pp. 201 - 212
Edwards LP, 2007, 'Dressing for Power: Scholars’ Robes, School Uniforms and Military Attire in China', in Roces M; Edwards L (ed.), The Politics of Dress in Asia and the Americas, Sussex Academic Press, pp. 42 - 64
Edwards LP, 2007, 'Trans-national Flows and the Politics of Dress in Asia and the Americas,”', in Roces M; Edwards L (ed.), The Politics of Dress in Asia and the Americas, Sussex Academic Press, pp. 1 - 18
Edwards L, 2006, 'Sport, Fashion and Beauty: New Incarnations of the Female Politician in Contemporary China', in Martin F; Heinrich L (ed.), Embodied Modernities: Corporeality, Representation and Chinese Cultures, Hawaii University Press, pp. 146 - 61
Edwards LP, 2005, 'Bourgeois Women and communist revolutionaries?: De-revolutionizing the Chinese Women’s Suffrage Movement', in Mikula M (ed.), Women, Activism and Social Change, Routledge, pp. 29 - 48
Edwards LP, 2005, 'Opposition to Women’s Suffrage in China: Confronting Modernity in Governance', in Leutner M; Spakowski N (ed.), Women in China: The Republican Period on Historical Perspective, LIT, Muenster, pp. 107 - 182
Edwards LP, 2005, 'Zhanzheng dui xiandai Zhongguo funü canzheng yundong de yinxiang: ‘weijinüxing’ de wenti (The impact of war on women’s suffrage in China: the problem of ‘crisis femininity’)', in Wang Z; Chen Y (ed.), Bainian Zhongguo nüquan sichao yanjiu (Research in one hundred years of Chinese feminist thought), Fudan University press, Shanghai, pp. 220 - 226
Edwards LP, 2004, 'Chinese Women’s Campaigns for Suffrage: Nationalism, Confucianism and Political Agency', in Edwards L; Roces M (ed.), Women’s Suffrage in Asia: Gender, Nationalism, Democracy, Routledge, pp. 59 - 78
Edwards LP, 2004, 'Constraining Women’s Political Work with ‘Women’s-Work’: The Chinese Communist Party and Women’s Participation in Politics', in McLaren A (ed.), Chinese Women—Living and Working, Routledge, pp. 109 - 30
Roces M; Edwards L, 2004, 'Introduction: orienting the global suffrage movement', in Edwards L; Roces M (ed.), Women`s Suffrage in Asia: Gender, Nationalism and Democracy, Routledge Press, London, pp. 1 - 23
Edwards LP; Roces M, 2004, 'Orienting the Global Women’s Suffrage Movement', in Edwards L; Roces M (ed.), Women’s Suffrage in Asia: Gender, Nationalism, Democracy, pp. 1 - 23
Edwards LP; Roces M, 2000, 'Contesting Gender Narratives 1970-2000', in Edwards L (ed.), Women in Asia: Tradition, Modernity and Globalisation, Allen and Unwin and the University of Michigan Press, pp. 1 - 15
Roces M; Edwards RJ, 2000, 'Contesting gender narratives, 1970-2000', in Women in Asia: Tradition, modernity and globalisation, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, pp. 1 - 15
Edwards LP, 2000, 'Women in the People’s Republic of China: new challenges to the grand gender narrative', in Edwards L (ed.), Women in Asia: Tradition, Modernity and Globalisation, Allen & Unwin and University of Michigan Press, pp. 59 - 84
Edwards LP, 1999, 'Consolidating a Socialist Patriarchy: The Women Writers’ Industry and ‘Feminist’ Literary Criticism', in McLaren A; Finnane A (ed.), Dress, Sex and Text in Chinese Culture, Monash Asia Institute, pp. 183 - 197
Edwards LP; Louie K, 1995, 'Introduction--Censored by Confucius', in Louie K; Edwards L (ed.), Censored by Confucius: Ghost Stories by Yuan Mei, pp. xxiii - xxxv