Select Publications

Journal articles

Chen C; Valipour HR; Bradford MA; Liu X; Zhang D, 2025, 'Computational analysis of wildland fire resistance for transmission line tower', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 224, pp. 109097,

Wang Q; Li J; Gao W; Li G; Liu X; Bradford MA, 2024, 'Smoothing and approximation of grassland fire loading data for engineering structures by Capped Extended Support Vector Regression', Engineering Structures, 319, pp. 118848,

Zingoni A; Bradford M; Gardner L, 2024, 'Advances in buckling: Mechanics, analysis and design', Structures, 69, pp. 107535,

Wen C; Bradford MA; Yang G, 2024, 'Long-term behaviour of stud connections in composite structures', Engineering Structures, 313, pp. 118266,

Chen QJ; Lei J; Bradford MA; Liu X; Zhang YQ; Qiu KX; Tang XL; Cai J, 2024, 'Experimental study on seismic performance of spatial and planar hoop-head mortise and tenon timber joints in historical architecture', Construction and Building Materials, 438, pp. 136989,

Chen C; Bradford MA; Liu X; Valipour HR, 2024, 'Component-based modelling of single-leg bolted steel angle connections at elevated temperatures', Structures, 66, pp. 106833,

Pan Z; Lu H; Liu A; Wang J; Bradford MA, 2024, 'Experimental and numerical investigation on out-of-plane ultimate strength of high-strength steel arches', Thin-Walled Structures, 200, pp. 111898,

Chen Z; Bradford MA; Li GQ; Wang YB; Yang G, 2024, 'Hysteretic performance of thin-walled Q690 high-strength steel H-section beam-columns bent about the weak-axis', Thin-Walled Structures, 195, pp. 111436,

Kang L; Zhang C; Bradford MA; Liu X, 2023, 'Full-range stress–strain relationship and fracture model for laser cladding additively manufactured 316L stainless steel sheets', Engineering Structures, 297, pp. 116997,

Kang L; Zhang C; Bradford MA; Liu X, 2023, 'Residual stresses in circular steel tubular columns repaired by laser-cladding additive manufacturing', Thin-Walled Structures, 193, pp. 111275,

Zhao Y; Fu J; Wang R; Zhen X; Huang Y; Song J; Bradford MA, 2023, 'Study on a curvature compensation method for improving the end face matching of large-segment steel box girders during full-span erection', Structures, 58, pp. 105446,

Kang L; Zhang C; Bradford MA; Liu X, 2023, 'Axial compressive behaviour of corroded circular steel tube columns retrofitted by laser-cladding additive manufacturing', Thin-Walled Structures, 192, pp. 111129,

Liu Y; Liu A; Zhang Z; Bradford MA; Yang J, 2023, 'Nonlinear vibration of pinned FGP-GPLRC arches under a transverse harmonic excitation: A theoretical study', Thin-Walled Structures, 192, pp. 111099,

Bradford MA; Liu X; Chen C; Wang J, 2023, 'Finite element modelling of lattice angle steel structures exposed to wildland fires', Structures, 56,

Kang L; Chen F; Bradford MA; Liu X, 2023, 'Experimental study of mechanical properties of laser additively manufactured 316L stainless steels', Structures, 54, pp. 221 - 235,

Delgado-Baquerizo M; García-Palacios P; Bradford MA; Eldridge DJ; Berdugo M; Sáez-Sandino T; Liu YR; Alfaro F; Abades S; Bamigboye AR; Bastida F; Blanco-Pastor JL; Duran J; Gaitan JJ; Illán JG; Grebenc T; Makhalanyane TP; Jaiswal DK; Nahberger TU; Peñaloza-Bojacá GF; Rey A; Rodríguez A; Siebe C; Teixido AL; Sun W; Trivedi P; Verma JP; Wang L; Wang J; Yang T; Zaady E; Zhou X; Zhou XQ; Plaza C, 2023, 'Biogenic factors explain soil carbon in paired urban and natural ecosystems worldwide', Nature Climate Change, 13, pp. 450 - 455,

Yang Z; Li GQ; Bradford MA; Wang YB; Chen Z; Yang G, 2023, 'Hysteretic performance of Q690 high-strength steel box-section columns with slender webs', Thin-Walled Structures, 185,

Kang L; Zhang B; Bradford MA; Liu X, 2023, 'Interfacial behaviour and stress transfer mechanism of additively manufactured laser cladding sheet-covered steel plates', Thin-Walled Structures, 182,

Yang Z; Li GQ; Bradford MA; Wang YB; Chen Z; Yang G, 2023, 'Local buckling and hysteretic behavior of Q690 high-strength steel box-section beam–columns', Thin-Walled Structures, 182,

Chen B; Liu A; Zhang J; Zhang F; Bradford MA, 2022, 'Behavior of T-shaped embedded-nut bolted shear connectors in prefabricated steel-concrete composite beams', Engineering Structures, 272,

Liu X; Bradford M; Wang J, 2022, 'Load-slip behaviour of single-leg bolted angle steel connections at elevated temperatures', Structures, 43, pp. 1018 - 1041,

You W; Bradford MA; Liu H; Zhao W; Yang G, 2022, 'Steel-alkali activated cement based ultra-high performance concrete lightweight composite bridge decks: Flexural behavior', Engineering Structures, 266,

Ataei A; Chiniforush AA; Bradford MA; Valipour HR; Ngo TD, 2022, 'Behaviour of embedded bolted shear connectors in steel-timber composite beams subjected to cyclic loading', Journal of Building Engineering, 54,

Hammad MW; Valipour HR; Ghanbari-Ghazijahani T; Bradford MA, 2022, 'Timber-timber composite (TTC) beams subjected to hogging moment', Construction and Building Materials, 321,

Chen Z; Li GQ; Bradford MA; Wang YB; Zhang C; Yang G, 2022, 'Local buckling and hysteretic behavior of thin-walled Q690 high-strength steel H-section beam-columns', Engineering Structures, 252,

Rasmussen KJR; Hancock GJ; Bradford MA, 2022, 'Nicholas Snowden Trahair Obituary', STRUCTURES, 35, pp. 1098 - 1099,

Chiniforush AA; Valipour HR; Bradford MA; Akbar Nezhad A, 2021, 'Experimental and theoretical investigation of long-term performance of steel-timber composite beams', Engineering Structures, 249,

Hashemi SK; Valipour HR; Bradford MA, 2021, 'Effect of the Traffic Load Distribution on the Progressive Collapse of a Cable-Stayed Bridge Under Blast Load', International Journal of Steel Structures, 21, pp. 1937 - 1952,

Liu L; Liu A; Fu J; Lu H; Pi YL; Bradford MA, 2021, 'Flexural-torsional buckling of shear deformable steel circular arches under a central concentrated load in a thermal environment', Engineering Structures, 242,

Chiniforush AA; Ataei A; Bradford MA, 2021, 'Experimental study of deconstructable bolt shear connectors subjected to cyclic loading', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 183,

Liu L; Lu H; Liu A; Pi YL; Bradford MA; Huang Y; Fu J, 2021, 'Elastic lateral-torsional instability of monosymmetric shear deformable fixed arches under a localized uniform radial load', Thin-Walled Structures, 160,

Liu L; Lu H; Liu A; Pi YL; Bradford MA, 2021, 'Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Shear Deformable Monosymmetric Steel I-Section Arches with Elastic Rotational-End Restraints under a Central Concentrated Load', Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 147,

Rasmussen KJR; Hancock GJ; Bradford MA, 2021, 'Nicholas Snowden Trahair Obituary', THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES, 166,

Rasmussen KJR; Hancock GJ; Bradford MA, 2021, 'Obituary: Professor Nicholas Trahair', JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH, 185,

Keipour N; Valipour HR; Bradford MA, 2020, 'Structural behaviour of steel-timber versus steel-concrete composite joints with flush end plate', Construction and Building Materials, 262,

Lu H; Liu L; Liu A; Pi YL; Bradford MA; Huang Y, 2020, 'Effects of movement and rotation of supports on nonlinear instability of fixed shallow arches', Thin-Walled Structures, 155,

Zhang Y; Liu A; Chen B; Zhang J; Pi YL; Bradford MA, 2020, 'Experimental and numerical study of shear connection in composite beams of steel and steel-fibre reinforced concrete', Engineering Structures, 215,

Le T; Bradford MA; Liu X; Valipour HR, 2020, 'Buckling of welded high-strength steel I-beams', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 168,

Wang Y; Bradford MA; Liu X, 2020, 'Strength design of welded high-strength steel beams considering coupled local and global buckling', Thin-Walled Structures, 149,

Bradford MA; Pi YL; Liu A, 2020, 'Closure to "out-Plane Elastic-Plastic Buckling Strength of High-Strength Steel Arches" by Mark Andrew Bradford, Yong-Lin Pi, and Airong Liu', Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 146,

Huang Y; Liu A; Pi YL; Bradford MA; Fu J, 2020, 'Experimental and numerical investigations on remaining strengths of damaged parabolic steel tubular arches', Steel and Composite Structures, 34, pp. 1 - 15,

Nouri F; Valipour HR; Bradford MA, 2019, 'Finite element modelling of steel-timber composite beam-to-column joints with nominally pinned connections', Engineering Structures, 201,

Ataei A; Valipour HR; Bradford MA; Chiniforush AA, 2019, 'Experimental study of steel-timber composite beam-to-column joints with extended end plates', Construction and Building Materials, 226, pp. 636 - 650,

Ataei A; Chiniforush AA; Bradford M; Valipour H, 2019, 'Cyclic behaviour of bolt and screw shear connectors in steel-timber composite (STC) beams', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 161, pp. 328 - 340,

Lu H; Liu A; Pi YL; Huang Y; Bradford MA; Fu J, 2019, 'Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Steel Arches under a Localized Uniform Radial-Load Incorporating Shear Deformations', Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 145,

Chiniforush AA; Valipour HR; Bradford MA; Akbarnezhad A, 2019, 'Long-term behaviour of steel-timber composite (STC) shear connections', Engineering Structures, 196,

Nouri F; Valipour HR; Bradford MA, 2019, 'Structural behaviour of steel-timber composite (STC)beam-to-column connections with double angle web cleats subjected to hogging bending moment', Engineering Structures, 192, pp. 1 - 17,

Hassanieh A; Chiniforush AA; Valipour HR; Bradford MA, 2019, 'Vibration behaviour of steel-timber composite floors, part (2): Evaluation of human-induced vibrations', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 158, pp. 156 - 170,

Zhou P; Guo YL; Bradford MA; Pi YL; Tong JZ, 2019, 'Load resistance and hysteretic response of multiple cross-arm pre-tensioned cable stayed buckling-restrained braces', Engineering Structures, 183, pp. 949 - 964,

Nouri F; Bradford M; Valipour H, 2019, 'Steel-Timber Composite Beam-to-Column Connections with Shear Tab', Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 145,

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