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Select Publications
2022, The History of Illiteracy in the Modern World Since 1750, Palgrave Macmillan, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-09261-9
,2021, The Typewriter Century: A Cultural History of Writing Practices, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, https://utorontopress.com/us/the-typewriter-century-2
,2021, Dear Prime Minister Letters to Robert Menzies, 1949-1966
,2018, The Pyrenees in the Modern Era: Reinventions of a Landscape, 1775-2012, Bloomsbury, London, https://www.bloomsbury.com/au/search?q=Martyn+Lyons&Gid=1
,2016, La Cultura escrita de la gente comun en Europa, c. 1860-1920, Ampersand, Buenos Aires
,2013, The Writing Culture of Ordinary People in Europe, c. 1860-1920, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, http://www.cambridge.org/fr/knowledge/isbn/item6867092/The%20Writing%20Culture%20of%20Ordinary%20People%20in%20Europe,%20c1860%E2%80%931920/?site_locale=fr_FR
,2011, Books - A Living History, Thames and Hudson, London, http://www.tandhhighlights.co.uk/9780500251652.html
,2010, A History of Reading and Writing in the Western World, Palgrave-Macmillan UK, Basingstoke UK
,2008, Reading culture and writing practices in nineteenth-century France, University of Toronto Press, Toronto
,, 2007, Ordinary Writings, Personal Narratives: Writing Practices in 19th and early 20th-century Europe, Lyons M, (ed.), Peter Lang, Switzerland
2006, Post-Revolutionary Europe, 1815-1856, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmills, Basingstoke UK
,, 2005, Australia`s History: themes and debates, Lyons M; Russell P, (ed.), University of New South Wales Press, Sydney
, 2001, A history of the book in Australia, 1891-1945: a national culture in a colonised market, Lyons M; Arnold J, (ed.), Queensland University Press, St Lucia, Queensland
2001, Readers and society in nineteenth-century France: workers, women, peasants, Palgrave, Houndsmills, UK
,1999, A Palavra impressa: historias da leitura no seculo XIX, Casa da Palavra, Rio de Janeiro
,, 1999, The Sphinx in the Tuileries and other essays in French History, Aldrich R; Lyons M, (ed.), University of Sydney, Sydney
1994, Napoleon Bonaparte and the Legacy of the French Revolution, Palgrave-Macmillan, Basingstoke UK
,1992, Australian Readers Remember: an oral history of reading, 1890-1930, Oxford University Press, Melbourne
,1987, Le Triomphe du Livre: une histoire sociologique de la lecture dans la France du XIXe siecle, Promodis, Paris
,1986, The Totem and the Tricolour: A short history of New Caledonia since 1774, UNSW Press, Sydney
,1980, Revolution et Terreur a Toulouse, Privat, Toulouse
,1975, France under the Directory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK
,2023, ''Dear Prime Minister': the rhetoric of apology and affiliation in letters to Robert Menzies, Australian Prime Minister 1949-1966', in The common writer in modern history, Manchester University Press, Manchester UK, pp. 217 - 234, http://dx.doi.org/10.7765/9781526170767.00017
,2023, 'The common writer in history', in The common writer in modern history, Manchester University Press, Manchester UK, pp. 1 - 20, https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526170750/the-common-writer-in-modern-history/
,2023, 'Leselust, Il gusto della lettura: Il consumo letterario di massa e i suoi disagi, 1850-1918', in Braida L; Ouvry-Vial B (ed.), Leggere en Europa: testi, forme pratiche, secoli XVIII-XXI, Carocci editore, Rome, pp. 83 - 111, https://www.carocci.it/prodotto/leggere-in-europa
,2022, 'Las escrituras ordinarias y la nueva historia desde abajo', in Hurtado A; Rodríguez Ávila SP (ed.), Pasado presente: Disputas por la memoria y el conocimiento histórico, siglos xix-xxi, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional / Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia, pp. 69 - 89
,2019, 'The Common Writer since 1500', in Eliot S; Rose J (ed.), Companion to the History of the Book, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken NJ, pp. 759 - 772, http://dx.doi.org/10.1022/9781119018193.ch50
,2018, 'Companions and competitors: Men and women travellers and travel writing in the mid-nineteenth-century French Pyrenees', in Gender, Companionship, and Travel: Discourses in Pre-modern and Modern Travel Literature, pp. 155 - 170
,2018, 'Companions and Competitors: Men and Women Travellers and Travel Writing in the mid-nineteenth century French Pyrenees', in Meens F; Sintobin T (ed.), Gender, Companionship and Travel: Discourses in Pre-Modern and Modern Travel Literature, Routledge, London, pp. 154 - 170, https://www.routledge.com/Gender-Companionship-and-Travel-Discourses-in-Pre-modern-and-Modern-Travel/Meens-Sintobin/p/book/9781138579927
,2018, 'Ordinary Writings of War and Emigration, 1860s-1920s:Vernacular Language and Epistolary Literacy', in Joachim Steffen ; Harald Thun ; Rainer Zaiser (ed.), Classes populaires, scripturalité et histoire de la langue, Westensee Verlag, Kiel, Germany, pp. 463 - 491
,2017, 'A World Inscribed - Introduction', in Lyons M (ed.), Approaches to the History of Written Culture: A World Inscribed, Palgrave-Macmillan, Basingstoke UK, pp. 1 - 20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-54136-5
,2017, 'The Future of the History of Writing', in Lyons M; Marquilhas R (ed.), Approaches to the History of Written Culture: A World Inscribed, Palgrave-Macmillan, Basingstoke UK, pp. 225 - 238, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-54136-5
,2017, 'A World Inscribed – Introduction', in New Directions in Book History, pp. 1 - 20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-54136-5_1
,2017, 'QWERTYUIOP: How the Typewriter Influenced Writing Practices', in New Directions in Book History, pp. 203 - 223, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-54136-5_11
,2017, 'The Future of the History of Writing', in New Directions in Book History, pp. 225 - 238, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-54136-5_12
,2017, 'A World Inscribed – Introduction', in Approaches to the History of Written Culture, Springer Nature, pp. 1 - 20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-54136-5_1
,2016, 'Escrever aos de Cima: Como o Fracos Escrevem aos Poderosos', in Schapochnik N; Martins Venância G (ed.), Escrita, Edição e Leitura na América Latina, PPGHistoria-UFF, Niterói RJ Brasil, pp. 6 - 22, http://www.academia.edu/30587787/Escrita_Leitura_e_Edi%C3%A7%C3%A3o_na_Am%C3%A9rica_Latina._Nelson_Schapochnik_e_Giselle_Martins_Ven%C3%A2ncio_Ord.s_
,2014, 'Amor, muerte y escritura en el frente italiano, 1915-1918', in Castillo Gomez, A ; Sierra Blas, V (ed.), Cinco Siglos de Cartas. Historia y practicas epistolares en las epocas moderna y contemporanea, Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, pp. 291 - 309, http://www.siece.es/siece/publicaciones/publicaciones_29.html
,2013, 'A New History from Below? The Writing Culture of European Peasants, c.1850 - c.1920', in Kuismin A; Driscoll MJ (ed.), White field, black seeds: Nordic literary practices in the long nineteenth century, Finnish Literature Society, Studia Fennica Litteraria, Helsinki, pp. 13 - 25, https://kirjat.finlit.fi/index.php?showitem=2682
,2008, 'L`essor de la librairie', in Histoire de la Librairie Francaise, Cercle de la Librairie, Paris, pp. 27 - 39
,2008, 'L`histoire culturelle en Australie', in L`histoire culturelle: un `tournant mondial` dans l`historiographie?, Editions Universitaires de Dijon, Dijon, pp. 79 - 92
,2007, '`Ordinary Writings` or How the `Illiterate` Speak to Historians', in Ordinary Writings, Personal Narratives: Writing Practices in 19th and early 20th-century Europe, Peter Lang, Switzerland, pp. 13 - 32
,2002, 'Los soldados franceses y su correspondencia. Hacia una historia de las practicas de la cultura escrita en la primera guerra mundial', in Gomez AC (ed.), La conquista del alfabeto: Escritura y clases populares, Ediciones Trea, Spain, pp. 225 - 245
,2001, 'Britain`s largest export market', in Lyons M; Arnold J (ed.), A history of the book in Australia, 1891-1945: a national culture in a colonised market, Queensland University Press, St Lucia, Queensland, pp. 19 - 26
,2001, 'Literary anniversaries: commemorating Shakespeare and others, 1900-1940', in Lyons M; Arnold J (ed.), A history of the book in Australia, 1891-1945: a national culture in a colonised market, Queensland University Press, St Lucia, Queensland, pp. 389 - 400
,2001, 'Mechanics` institute libraries - the readers demand fiction', in Lyons M; Arnold J (ed.), A history of the book in Australia, 1891-1945: a national culture in a colonised market, Queensland University Press, St Lucia, Queensland, pp. 209 - 225
,2001, 'Reading models and reading communities', in Lyons M; Arnold J (ed.), A history of the book in Australia, 1891-1945: a national culture in a colonised market, Queensland University Press, St Lucia, Queensland, pp. 370 - 383
,2001, 'Reading practices in Australia', in Lyons M; Arnold J (ed.), A history of the book in Australia, 1891-1945: a national culture in a colonised market, Queensland University Press, St Lucia, Queensland, pp. 335 - 354
,2001, 'The book trade and the Australian reader in 1945', in Lyons M; Arnold J (ed.), A history of the book in Australia, 1891-1945: a national culture in a colonised market, Queensland University Press, St Lucia, Queensland, pp. 401 - 407
,2001, 'The library in the workplace: the New South Wales Railway Institute library', in Lyons M; Arnold J (ed.), A history of the book in Australia, 1891-1945: a national culture in a colonised market, Queensland University Press, St Lucia, Queensland, pp. 176 - 189