Select Publications
Journal articles
2020, 'Considerations for the development of a driver distraction safety rating system for new vehicles', Journal of Road Safety, 31, pp. 23 - 34,
,2019, 'Public opinion about automated vehicles in Australia: Results from a large-scale national survey', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 129, pp. 1 - 18,
,2019, 'Mobile phone conversation distraction: Understanding differences in impact between simulator and naturalistic driving studies', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 129, pp. 108 - 118,
,2019, 'To buy or not to buy? Predicting willingness to pay for automated vehicles based on public opinion', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 65, pp. 418 - 438,
,2018, 'Selecting trainee pilots: Predictive validity of the WOMBAT situational awareness pilot selection test', Applied Ergonomics, 73, pp. 100 - 107,
,2017, 'Cost performance of public infrastructure projects: the nemesis and nirvana of change-orders', Production Planning & Control, 28, pp. 1081 - 1092,
,2017, 'Entry points for climate-informed planning for the water resources and agriculture sectors in Cambodia', ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY, 19, pp. 1167 - 1188,
,2017, 'Financing of public private partnerships: Transactional evidence from Australian toll roads', Case Studies on Transport Policy, 5, pp. 267 - 278,
,2017, 'Understanding driver distraction associated with specific behavioural interactions with in-vehicle and portable technologies.', Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 23, pp. 27 - 40,;dn=695045538098973;res=IELENG
,2016, 'The impact of emotion, life stress and mental health issues on driving performance and safety', Road and Transport Research, 25, pp. 40 - 50
,2016, 'The electric vehicle: A new driving experience involving specific skills and rules', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 37, pp. 27 - 40,
,2015, 'Public infrastructure procurement: A review of adversarial and non-adversarial contracting methods', Journal of Public Procurement, 15, pp. 405 - 438,
,2015, 'Review of performance measurement: implications for public–private partnerships', Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 5, pp. 35 - 51,
,2015, 'Understanding the landscape of overruns in transport infrastructure projects', ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN, 42, pp. 490 - 509,
,2015, 'Use of Cognitive Work Analysis for exploration of safety management in the operation of motorcycles and scooters', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 74, pp. 279 - 289,
,2015, 'Conceptual Framework for the Performance Measurement of Public-Private Partnerships', Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 21,
,2015, 'Ex-Ante Evaluation of Public-Private Partnerships: Macroeconomic Analysis', Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 21,
,2015, 'Life Cycle Critical Success Factors for Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects', Journal of Management in Engineering, 31,
,2014, 'Public-Private Partnerships: a review of theory and practice of performance measurement', International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63, pp. 499 - 512,
,2014, 'Towards an understanding of driver inattention: taxonomy and theory', Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine, 58, pp. 5 - 14,
,2013, 'Driver distraction and inattention and their role in crashes and safety-critical events', , 1, pp. 157 - 170
,2013, 'Daily use of an electric vehicle: Behavioural changes and potential for ITS support', IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 7, pp. 210 - 214,
,2013, 'Public-Private Partnerships: Capital Market Conditions and Alternative Finance Mechanisms for Australian Infrastructure Projects', Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 19, pp. 335 - 342,
,2013, 'The Role of Social Capital and Local Institutions in Coping with Climate Stresses: The Case of Krapum Chhouk Commune in Rural Cambodia', Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, 10, pp. 61 - 78
,2012, 'Text messaging amongst New Zealand drivers: Prevalence and risk perception', Transportation Research Part F - Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15, pp. 261 - 271,
,2011, 'Cell phone conversing while driving in New Zealand: Prevalence, risk perception and legislation', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, pp. 862 - 869
,2011, 'Driver Distraction and Driver Inattention: Definition, Relationship, and Taxonomy', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, pp. 1771 - 1781
,2011, 'Impact of the Capital Market Collapse on Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects', Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 137, pp. 6 - 16,
,2011, 'Infrastructure Procurement: Learning from Private–Public Partnership Experiences ‘Down Under’', Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 29, pp. 363 - 378,
,2010, 'Distraction 'on the buses': a novel framework of ergonomics methods for identifying sources and effects of bus driver distraction', Applied Ergonomics, 42, pp. 602 - 610
,2009, 'Development of an in-vehicle eco-drive agent for supporting fuel efficient driving', Intelligent Transportation Society of America - 12th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 2005, 4, pp. 2094 - 2105
,2009, 'Final results of a long-term evaluation of intelligent speed adaptation, following distance warning and seatbelt reminder systems: System and interactive effects', Intelligent Transportation Society of America - 12th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 2005, 3, pp. 1885 - 1895
,2009, 'Intelligent Speed Adaptation: Effects on experienced and inexperienced drivers’ behaviour and acceptability', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, pp. 935 - 943
,2009, 'Planning and implementing Field Operational Tests of Intelligent Transport Systems: a Checklist derived from the EC FESTA project', IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 3, pp. 168 - 184
,2009, 'The effects of text-messaging on young drivers', Human Factors, 51, pp. 582 - 592
,2008, 'Detection of emergency vehicles: Driver responses to advance warning in a driving simulator', Human Factors, 50, pp. 135 - 144,
,2008, 'Field Operational Test of a Seatbelt Reminder System: Effects on Driver Behaviour and Acceptance', Transportation Research, Part F, Traffic Behaviour and Psychology, 11, pp. 434 - 444
,2008, 'In-vehicle technology to improve the safety of driver interactions with emergency vehicles', Human Factors, 50, pp. 135 - 144
,2007, 'Airport ramp safety and intelligent transport systems', IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 1, pp. 234 - 240
,2007, 'Effects on driving performance of In-Vehicle Intelligent Transport Systems: Final Results of the Australian TAC SafeCar Project', Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 18, pp. 23 - 30
,2007, 'Impact on Car Driving Performance of a Following Distance Warning System: Findings from the Australian Transport Accident Commission SafeCar Project', Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Technology, Planning, and Operations, 11, pp. 121 - 131
,2007, 'The effect on driver workload, attitudes and acceptability of in-vehicle Intelligent Transport Systems : Selected results from the TAC SafeCar project', Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 18, pp. 30 - 36
,2007, 'Use of manual speed alerting and cruise control devices by car drivers', Safety Science, 45, pp. 473 - 485
,2007, 'Work domain analysis and intelligent transport systems: Implications for vehicle design', International Journal of Vehicle Design: Special Issue of Human Factors and Vehicle Design, 45, pp. 426 - 448
,2006, 'Driver Distraction: The Effects of Concurrent In-Vehicle Tasks, Road Environment Complexity and Age on Driving Performance', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 38, pp. 185 - 191
,2006, 'Impact on driving performance of Intelligent Speed Adaptation, Following Distance Warning and Seatbelt Reminder Systems: Key findings from the TAC SafeCar project', IEE Proceedings Intelligent Transport Systems, 53, pp. 51 - 62
,2006, 'Intelligent Transport Systems for Industrial Mobile Equipment Safety', Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Australia and New Zealand, 22, pp. 323 - 334
,2006, 'Preventing traffic accidents by mobile phone users', Medical Journal of Australia, 185, pp. 628 - 629
,2006, 'The possible safety benefits of enhanced road markings: a driving simulator evaluation', Transportation Research, Part F, 9, pp. 77 - 87
,2005, 'Driver distraction: reflections on the past, present and future', Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 16, pp. 22 - 33