Select Publications

Book Chapters

Pearson M, 2016, 'Locating garcia de orta in the port city of Goa and the Indian ocean world', in Medicine, Trade and Empire: Garcia de Orta's Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India (1563) in Context, pp. 33 - 48,

Pearson MN, 2012, 'Indian ocean and the Red Sea', in History of Islam in Africa, pp. 37 - 59

Pearson MN, 2012, 'Life at sea', in Prakash O (ed.), History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization: The Trading World of the Indian Ocean. 1500-1800, Volume 7, edn. 1st, Centre for Studies in Civilizations, Delhi, pp. 633 - 658

Pearson MN, 2012, 'Religion and the Sea', in Prakash O (ed.), History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civukuzation: The Trading World of the Indian Ocean. 1500-1800, Volume 7, edn. 1st, Centre for Studies in Civilizations, Delhi, pp. 659 - 677,

Pearson M, 2011, 'Hajj, or Pilgrimage, to Mecca', in World History Encyclopedia: Volumes 1-21, pp. Vol7:229-Vol7:231

Pearson M, 2011, 'Indian Ocean Trade and the Swahili Coast', in World History Encyclopedia: Volumes 1-21, pp. Vol8:404-Vol8:405

Pearson M, 2010, 'Piracy in Asian waters: Problems of definition', in Pirates, Ports, and Coasts in Asia: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, pp. 15 - 28

Pearson MN, 2010, 'Connecting the Littorals: Cultural Brokers in the Early Modern Indian Ocean', in Gupta P; Hofmeyr I; Pearson M (ed.), Eyes across the water : navigating the Indian Ocean, edn. 1st ed., Unisa Press, Pretoria, pp. 32 - 47

Pearson MN, 2010, 'Introduction: The Idea of the Ocean', in Gupta P; Hofmeyr I; Pearson M (ed.), Eyes across the water : navigating the Indian Ocean, edn. 1st ed., Unisa Press, Pretoria, pp. 7 - 14

Pearson MN, 2010, 'Islamic trade, shipping, port-states and merchant communities in the Indian Ocean, seventh to sixteenth centuries', in Morgan DO; Reid A (ed.), The New Cambridge History of Islam Volume 3, The Eastern Islamic World, Eleventh to Eighteenth Centuries, CUP, Cambridge, pp. 317 - 365

Pearson MN, 2001, 'Asia and world precious metal flows in the early modern period', in McGuire J; Bertola P; Reeves P (ed.), Evolution of the world economy, previous metals and India, edn. Original, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, pp. 21 - 58

Pearson MN, 2001, 'The Portuguese in India and the Indian Ocean: an overview of the sixteenth century', in Malekandathil P; Mohammed J (ed.), The Portuguese, Indian Ocean and European bridgeheads 1500-1800: Festschrift in honour of Prof. K.S. Mathew, edn. Original, Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities of MESHAR, Tellicherry, Kerala, India, pp. 49 - 66

Pearson MN, 1998, 'Indians in East Africa: the early modern period', in Politics and trade in the Indian Ocean world: essays in honour of Ashin Das Gupta, edn. Original, Oxford University Press, Delhi, pp. 227 - 249

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