Select Publications


Christie D; Brown A; Seccombe M; Hicks M; James M; Taylor RJ; Coates M; Cameron R; McCredie M; Zonaga E; Carter A; Ireland M, 1994, The New South Wales Coal Industry Cancer Surveillance Program (Inception Cohort). Report to the Joint Coal Board, Discipline of Environmental and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, The University of Newcastle; and the NSW Central Cancer Registry, NSW Cancer Council. The University of Newcastle, NSW, Joint Coal Board

Taylor R; Morrell SL, 1993, Barraba - an investigation into the health resource needs of a small rural local government area. Report 1: Demography, mortality and cacner incidence 1970-1992, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, New England Area Health Service (Public Health Unit)

Taylor RJ; Coates M; McCredie M, 1993, Cancer in migrants to New South Wales: Incidence and Mortality 1972-1990, New South Wales Central Cancer Registry and Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, Sydney

Taylor RJ; Coates M; Smith D; McCredie M, 1993, Cancer incidence and mortality by local government area and health region for NSW 1985-89, Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit and NSW Central Cancer Registry, NSW Cancer Council

Taylor RJ; Coates M; Smith D; Hayes L, 1993, Investigation of health status of the population of Sutherland Shire: incidence of leukaemia and lymphoma in Sutherland and Warringah shires, aggregations of postcodes within Sutherland shire, and NSW, 1970-1990. Appendix 4, Commonwealth of Australia, Future Reaction: Report of the Research Reactor Review

Taylor RJ, 1993, Kiribati, Vanuatu and Nauru situational analyses and future scenarios, Department of Public Health, University of Sydney, Report to the Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University

Carter N; Peploe P; Taylor R; Job RFS; Jenkins A; Morrell SL; Brown R; Pang G, 1993, Proposal for the study of the effects of aircraft noise from Sydney (Kingsford Smith) airport on health, Sydney Airport Health Study Committee, Federal Airports Corporation

Taylor RJ, 1993, Review of the World Bank health sector study of selected pacific island countries; entitled: "Health priorities and options in the World Bank Pacific Member countries (June 1993)", Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB)

Hayes L; Taylor RJ; Quine S, 1993, Surveillance of socio-economic differentials in health status in NSW 1970-89 using mortality analysis by local government area, NSW Health Department and Department of Public Health, University of Sydney

Taylor RJ, 1993, Teaching of Aboriginal health in the under-graduate medical curriculum, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney

Taylor RJ, 1993, Teaching of and research into ethnic health issues in the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney

Badcock J; Bach F; Taylor RJ; Lund M; Fred T, 1993, Vanuatu Dietary Study 1985: Summary Report, SPC, Noumea, New Caledonia, SPC Technical Paper No. 204

Jelfs P; Giles G; Shugg D; Taylor R; Bonett A; Thompson J; Ring I; Durling G, 1992, Cancer in Australia 1983-1985, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, Cancer Series, No. 1

Coates M; McCredie M; Taylor RJ, 1992, Cancer in New South Wales: Incidence and Mortality 1985, New South Wales Central Cancer Registry and Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, Sydney

Coates M; McCredie M; Taylor RJ, 1992, Cancer in New South Wales: Incidence and Mortality 1986, New South Wales Central Cancer Registry and Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, NSW Cancer Council

Coates M; McCredie M; Taylor RJ, 1992, Cancer in New South Wales: Incidence and Mortality 1987, New South Wales Central Cancer Registry and Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, Sydney

Coates M; McCredie M; Taylor RJ, 1992, Cancer in New South Wales: Incidence and Mortality 1988, New South Wales Central Cancer Registry and Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, NSW Cancer Council

Coates M; McCredie M; Taylor RJ, 1992, Cancer in New South Wales: Incidence and Mortality 1989, New South Wales Central Cancer Registry and Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit

McCredie M; Coates M; Taylor RJ, 1992, Cancer in New South Wales: Incidence and Mortality 1990, New South Wales Central Cancer Registry and Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, NSW Cancer Council

Taylor RJ, 1992, Estimated risks of all-cause mortality and lung cancer incidence and mortality in smokers and non-smokers in Sydney, New South Wales and Australia, . New South Wales Central Cancer Registry and Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, Sydney

Taylor RJ, 1992, Multi-sectoral activities in the maintenance and improvement of health status in developing countries, Australian National University, Australian Development Studies Network

Taylor RJ; Kerr C, 1992, Proceedings of the First Australian Conference on Unemployment and Health, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney

McCredie M; Hoyer A; Coates M; Taylor RJ, 1992, Trends in cancer incidence and mortality in NSW 1972-1989, NSW Central Cancer Registry and Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, NSW Cancer Council

McCredie M; Coates M; Taylor RJ; Chu S, 1992, Trends in cancer incidence by region 1972-1990, NSW Central Cancer Registry and Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, NSW Cancer Council

Moon OR; Taylor RJ, 1991, National workshop on health systems research in China: mission report, WHO, Manila, ICP/HSR/001. RS/91/0256

Taylor RJ, 1990, Comments on the Newcastle statistical report. Reply to response of Drs Whyte and Henry, Hon. Mr Acting Justice J. P. Slattery AO, Royal Commissioner, Government Printing Service, Sydney, New South Wales, Report of the Royal Commission into Deep Sleep Therapy, Vol. 12

Taylor RJ, 1990, Pacific Health Initiative: Health sector study for minor recipient countries (New Caledonia, Nauru, Cook Islands, Tokelau), Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, Department of Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth Government, Canberra

Taylor RJ; Lyle D, 1990, Possible health effects. Part I: A review of existing published information. Working Paper (and appendices), Kinhill Engineers, Harris St, Ultimo, Sydney, In: Third Runway Proposal. Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Taylor RJ; Lyle D, 1990, Possible health effects. Part II: An examination of relevant routinely collected mortality and morbidity data. Working Paper (and appendices), Kinhill Engineers, Harris St, Ultimo, Sydney, In: Third Runway Proposal. Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Corbett S; Corvalan C; Guttridge J; Harrison J; Kerr C; Taylor RJ, 1990, The magnitude of health disorders resulting from exposure to industrial chemicals, Report for Workcover (NSW)

Taylor RJ, 1989, A review of methods for estimating the size of subgroups particularly at risk of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and development of proposals which could be used to enumerate these sub-populations in the field: With particular reference to the use of capture-release methods for estimating populations of IV drug users and prostitutes, Global Programme on AIDS, World Health Organisation, Geneva

Taylor RJ, 1989, Economics of Public Health in the South Pacific: An overview of health status, health services and health expenditure in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, Western Samoa and Kiribati, The National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT

Levy S; Taylor RJ; Higgins I; Gillet D; Grafton D; Whitemore J; Bach F; DeRoeck D; Halkena J; Maddison M; Le Brun J, 1989, Marshall Islands Women's Health Survey 1985, South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia, Technical Paper No. 196

Thomas P; Taylor RJ, 1988, Australian health services and products: An assessment of their present and potential role in the development of the health sector in South East Asia, Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, Canberra, Vol.1: Burma; Vol.2: Indonesia; Vol.3: Philippines; Vol.4: Thailand; Vol.5: General overview

Gross P; Taylor RJ, 1988, The total economic cost of disease in Australia and the contribution of smoking, high blood pressure and cholesterol, 1985/86, Health Economics and Technology Assessment Corporation Pty Ltd, Sydney, Health Economics Monograph No. 17

Taylor RJ; Levy S; Keke L; Biumaiwai M; Mataitoga V; Sharma K; Singh D; Gust I; Dimitrakakis M, 1987, A seroepidemiological survey of Hepatitis B amongst Fiji health care workers, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, Technical Paper No. 190

Taylor RJ; Bach F; Teariki T; Short N; Pare V, 1987, Non-communicable disease evaluation survey (Cook Islands): Preliminary report, South Pacific Commission, Noumea

Taylor RJ; Levy S; Bale M; Helme S; Gee K; Collins A; Montaville B; Lund M; Malisa P; Theto F, 1987, Vanuatu/WHO/SPC noncommunicable disease survey 1985, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, Technical Paper No. 190

Taylor RJ; Naroba V, 1986, Analysis of Mortality in the Population of Fiji 1981-83, and a Review of Previous Mortality Data, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia

Taylor RJ, 1986, South Pacific Epidemiological and Health Information System (SPEHIS) Annual Report for 1985, South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia

Taylor RJ; Bach F; Kumangai M; Polloi A; Moreau JP; Brethes B; Laille M, 1986, The investigation of an epidemic of Hepatitis A in Palau, January-June 1985, South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia, Technical Paper No. 191

Taylor RJ; Henderson B; Levy S; Kolonel L; Lewis N, 1985, Cancer in the Pacific Island countries, South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia, South Pacific Commission Information Document, No. 53

Germani Y; Montaville B; Taylor RJ; Fauran C; Owen A; Kalorib D, 1985, Epidemiological survey on gastroenteritis due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli in Vanuatu, South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia

Taylor RJ; Nemaia H; Whitmore J; Tukuitonga C; Robertson S; Tongatule T; Norton R; Siakimotu L; Levy S, 1985, Niue women's health survey, 1983, South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia, South Pacific Commission Technical Paper, No. 187

Taylor RJ; Tama K; Goldstein G, 1985, Paraquat poisoning in Pacific Island Countries, 1975-1985, SPC, Nouméa, New Caledonia, South Pacific Commission Technical paper No. 189

Taylor RJ, 1985, Review of the epidemiological and health information services in Guam, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia

Taylor RJ, 1985, Status of Cancer Registration in Pacific Island Countries - 1985, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia

Taylor RJ; Bennett PH; Ulil R; Zimmet P, 1984, Epidemiological studies of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in Polynesians from Rarotonga (Cook Islands) and Niue, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, South Pacific Commission Technical Paper No. 185

Taylor RJ; Bennett PH; Zimmet P, 1984, Epidemiological studies of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in Wallis Polynesians - a comparison of residents of Wallis Island and first generation migrants to Nouméa, New Caledonia, SPC, Noumea, New Caledonia, South Pacific Commission Technical Paper, No. 181

Pargeter KA; Taylor RJ; King H; Zimmet P, 1984, Kiribati: a dietary study, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia

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