Select Publications

Conference Papers


Conference Proceedings (Editor of)

Taufa T; Bass C, (ed.), 1993, 'Mortality in Pacific island countries circa 1980, in relation to socioeconomic, demographic, health service and other variables. Population, Family Health and Development. Papers from the 19th Waigani Seminar. Volume I', University of Papua New Guinea Press, Port Moresby, presented at 19th Waigani Seminar, Port Morseby, -

Taylor RJ; Quine S, (ed.), 1991, 'Differences in life expectancy: social factors in mortality rates. In: Expectations of life: increasing the options for the 21st Century', The House of Representatives Standing Committee for Long Term Strategies. The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, presented at Standing Committee for Long Term Strategies, 24 September 1991 - 24 September 1991

George L; Taylor RJ; Noonan S; Cole P; Hyland L; Morgan A; Lenne J; Moore-Jones D; Brandl S; Borody T, (eds.), 1989, 'C. Pylori-related non-ulcer dyspepsia improves after C. Pylori eradication (Abstract)', Vol. Vol. 96, presented at Gastroenterology, -

Taylor RJ, (ed.), 1987, 'Epidemiological data on AIDS and other STDs in Pacific Island countries. In: Proceedings of the WHO/Australian Inter-regional Ministerial Meeting on AIDS', Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, presented at WHO/Australian Inter-regional Ministerial Meeting on AIDS, -

Douglas RM; Kerby-Eaton , (ed.), 1984, 'An influenza epidemic in the population of Niue. May-June 1983. In: Acute respiratory infections in childhood', presented at Acute respiratory infections in childhood, -

Douglas RM; Kerby-Eaton , (ed.), 1984, 'Carriage of viruses and bacteria in the respiratory tract of preschool children in Mele Village. In: Acute respiratory infections in childhood', Sydney, presented at Acute respiratory infections in childhood, Sydney, -

King H; Taylor RJ; Zimmet P; Collins V; Ram P; Maberly G; Eastman C; Hetzel B, (eds.), 1983, 'Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand', Vol. 8, presented at Nutrition Society of New Zealand, -

Conference Presentations

Taylor RJ; Lin S, 2015, 'Trends in diabetes and obesity in Samoa and Tonga over 30 years', presented at Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Global Health Workshop, Osaka, Japan, 30 October 2015 - 01 November 2015

Linhart C; Carter K; Sorchik R; Haberkorn G; Taylor RJ, 2015, 'Trends in Neonatal and Infant Mortality in Pacific Island Countries and Territories', presented at Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Global Health Workshop, Osaka, Japan, 30 October 2015 - 01 November 2015

Taylor RJ; Linhart C; Carter K; Richards N, 2015, 'Strengthening Cause of Death Certification in Pacific Island Countries and Territories through a collaborative approach', presented at Pasifika Medical Association Conference, Vanuatu, -

Taylor RJ; Lin S, 2014, 'Trends in saturated fat intake in Pacific Island countries and territories, 1961-2009', presented at Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Global Health Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, 24 September 2014 - 27 September 2014

Lin S; Lewycka S; Taylor RJ, 2014, 'Trends in obesity and diabetes in Fiji, 1980-2011', presented at International Congress on Obesity, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17 March 2014 - 20 March 2014

Linhart C; Taylor RJ; Turner R; Morrell S, 2014, 'Trends in blood pressure in Fiji', presented at Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Global Health Conference, Taiwan, -

Linhart C; Taylor RJ; Carter K; Naidu S, 2013, 'Trends in Cardiovascular Disease Mortality and Life Expectancy in Fiji', presented at Annual Association of Pacific Rim Universities Global Health Workshop, Hangzhou, China, 29 October 2013 - 01 November 2013

Lin S; Taylor RJ, 2013, 'Trends in obesity and diabetes prevalence in Fiji: 1980-2011', presented at Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Global Health Workshop, Hang Zhou, China, 29 October 2013 - 01 November 2013

Tran TMO; Khuong T; Hoang TT; Hoang TP; Ngyuen TT; Nguyen MH; Nguyen TT; Trinh NT; Nguyen HG; Do TM; Rule J; Roberts G; Taylor RJ; Ngo DA, 2013, 'Attraction to and Retention of Health Workforce in Disadvantaged Area in Vietnam – A Case Study of Policy Implementation', presented at Global Health Conference, Singapore, 08 July 2013 - 09 July 2013,

Taylor RJ, 2010, 'What is the Health Burden in Pacific Island States in 2020? Implications for Human Resources for Health', presented at Expert Consultative Meeting on Human Resources for Health (HRH). HRH Knowledge Hub UNSW and Australian Workforce Institute (AHWI), Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia, 18 February 2010 - 19 February 2010

Carter K; Taylor R; Rao CM; Lopez A, 2010, 'Mortality surveillance systems in the Pacific Islands', presented at Western Pacific Regional Epidemiological Association Meeting, Tokyo

Carter G; Taylor R; Rao CM; Lopez A, 2010, 'The Epidemiological Transition in Fiji', presented at Western Pacific Regional Epidemiological Association Meeting, Tokyo

Carter G; Taylor R; Rao CM; Lopez A, 2010, 'The epidemiological transition in Fiji and Nauru', presented at Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies, Melbourne

Carter K; Taylor R; Rao CM; Lopez A, 2009, 'Mortality and cause of death surveillance in the Pacific Islands', presented at Pasifika Medical Association Conference, Cook Islands

Taylor RJ, 2005, 'Meta-analyses of passive smoking and lung cancer', presented at XVII International Epidemiology Association (IEA) World Congress of Epidemiology, Bangkok, Thailand, 21 August 2005 - 25 August 2005

Hatfield J; Job RS; Peploe P; Carter N; Taylor R; Morrell S, 2003, 'The health effect of aircraft noise levels at Sydney Airport: The role of reaction', presented at 24th International Conference on Stress and Anxiety, Lisbon

Conference Abstracts

Richmond RL; Baker A; Haile M; Carr VJ; Lewin TJ; Wilhelm KA; Taylor R; Jansons S, (eds.), 2005, 'Intervention for tobacco dependence among people with a psychotic illness: Randomized controlled trial with one-year outcome', in Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 7, pp. 681 - 681, presented at 11th Annual Meeting, Society for Research into Nicotine and Tobacco, Prague, Czech Republic, 20 March 2005 - 23 March 2005,,d.dGY&cad=rja


Linhart C; Carter K; Sorchik R; Haberkorn G; Taylor R, 2015, Trends in Neonatal and Infant Mortality for Pacific Island States, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia,

Taylor RJ; Page A; Morrell S, 2015, Breastscreen Aotearoa (BSA). Independent Monitoring Report: Treatment of women with BSA detected cancers. Women Screened July 2010 to June 2012, University of NSW & University of Western Sydney

Taylor RJ, 2015, Health Research Capabilities in Mongolia. Mission Report 1-30 June 1998, Regional Office of the Western Pacific of the World Health Organisation, Manila, Philippines, (WP) HSD / MOG / NHP / 001

Taylor RJ; Page A; Morrell S, 2015, Independent Monitoring Report: Screening and Assessment Report of Women Attending BSA. Women Screened July 2011 to June 2013, University of NSW & University of Western Sydney

Linhart CL; Carter K; Taylor R; Rao C; Lopez A, 2014, Mortality Trends in Pacific Island States, Noumea, New Caledonia,

Page A; Morrell SL; Taylor R, 2014, Breastscreen Aotearoa Independent Monitoring Report: Screening and Assessment Report of Women Attending BSA (Women Screened July 2010 to June 2012)

Taylor RJ; Page A; Morrell S, 2014, Treatment of women with BSA detected cancers. Women screened July 2009 - June 2011. Independent Monitoring Report, University of New South Wales & University of Western Sydney,

Taylor R; Wall M; Morrell SL, 2012, Interval cancers in BreastScreen Aotearoa 1997-2007

Taylor RJ; Page A, 2012, Screening and assessment report of women attending BreastScreen Aotearoa: Women screened Jan 2010 - Dec 2011, University of New South Wales

Taylor RJ; Page A, 2012, Treatment of women with BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA) detected cancers: Women screened Jan 2009 - Dec 2010, University of New South Wales,

Stuart KE; Houssami N; Taylor RJ; Boyages J, 2011, Long-term Outcomes of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA,

Page A; Taylor R, 2011, Screening and assessment report of women attending BreastScreen Aotearoa: Women screened Jan 2009 - Dec 2010, Independent Monitoring Group Report, BreastScreen Aotearoa, Wellington, NZ,

Page A; Taylor R, 2011, Screening and assessment report of women attending BreastScreen Aotearoa: Women screened July 2008-June 2010, Independent Monitoring Group Report, BreastScreen Aotearoa, Wellington, NZ,

Page A; Taylor R, 2011, Treatment of women with BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA) detected cancers: Women screened Jan 2008 - Dec 2009, Independent Monitoring Group Report, BreastScreen Aotearoa, Wellington, NZ,

Page A; Taylor R, 2011, Treatment of women with BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA) detected cancers: Women screened July 2007-June 2009, Independent Monitoring Group Report, BreastScreen Aotearoa, Wellington, NZ,

Taylor R; Blake B; Claudio F, 2010, An analysis of the opinions and experiences of Australians involved in health aspects of disaster response overseas to enhance effectiveness of humanitarian assistance, School of Population Health, University of Queensland, Brisbane,

Carter K; Cornelius M; Taylor RJ; Ali S; Rao C; Lopez A; Lewai V; Goudar R; Mowry C, 2010, An assessment of mortality estimates for Fiji, 1949-2008: findings and life tables, Health Information Systems (HIS) Knowledge Hub. School of Population Health, University of Queensland,

Carter K; Rao CM; Taylor R; Lopez A, 2010, Routine mortality and cause of death reporting and analysis systems in seven Pacific Island countries, Health Information Systems (HIS) Knowledge Hub, School of Population Health (SPH), University of Queensland, Brisbane, 8,

Page A; Taylor R, 2010, Screening and assessment report of women attending BreastScreen Aotearoa: Women screened January 2008 - December 2009, BreastScreen Aotearoa, Wellington,

Page A; Taylor R, 2010, Screening and assessment report of women attending BreastScreen Aotearoa: Women screened July 2007-June 2009, BreastScreen Aotearoa, Wellington, NZ,

Watson W; Clapperton A; Mitchell RJ, 2010, The incidence and cost of falls injury among older people in New South Wales 2006/07, NSW Department of Health, Sydney,

Page A; Taylor R, 2010, Treatment of women with BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA) detected cancers: Women screened January 2007 - December 2008, BreastScreen Aotearoa, Wellington,

Page A; Taylor R, 2010, Treatment of women with BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA) detected cancers: Women screened July 06 to June 2008, BreastScreen Aotearoa, Wellington, NZ,

Gertig D; Dobson A; Jorm L; Zorbas H; Taylor R; Morrell S; Roder D; Duffy S; Webster F, 2009, BreastScreen Australia Evaluation Mortality (Ecological) Study, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aging (Australia), Barton, ACT, No.4/2009,

Taylor RJ; Morrell S; Roder D, 2009, BreastScreen Australia Evaluation. Mortality (Ecological) Study. Screening Monograph No. 4/2009, Department of Health and Aging (DoHA), P3-6042

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