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Select Publications
2013, 'Smoking Cessation', in Therapeutic guidelines: psychotropic. Version 7, Therapeutic Guidelines Limited, Melbourne, http://www.tg.org.au/?sectionid=48
,2011, 'The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: The Importance of Article 14', in Ghodse H; Herrman H; Maj M; Sartorius N (ed.), Substance Abuse Disorders: Evidence and Experience, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, pp. 289 - 292, http://au.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-047074510X.html
,2010, 'The treatment of tobacco dependence', in Boyle P; Gray N; Henningfield J; Seffrin J; Zatonski W (ed.), Tobacco: Science, Policy and Public Health, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 653 - 674, http://www.oup.com.au/titles/academic/health_sciences/9780198526872
,2006, 'Tobacco and Cardiovascular Disease', in Comprehensive Management of High Risk Cardiocascular Patients, INforma Health Care, USA, pp. 647 - 688
,2005, 'A Plan to Develop a Brief Healthy Lifestyle Intervention for Delivery in Indigenous Primary Health Care Settings', in , School of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW., UNSW, https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiXk7v6rKbLAhVLzGMKHZosAe4QFggmMAI&url=http://www.vtmh.org.au/docs/djiadi%2520no.%25201%2520%2520muru%2520marri%2520monograph%2520series.pdf&usg=AFQjCNG-vMYmTCKSh6Ros7bp9wYAm0oMtA
,2003, 'Tobacco', in Hulse G (ed.), Alcohol and Drug Problems: A Case Studies Workbook, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 35 - 60
,2002, 'Smoking Cessation', in Burdon J; Frith P; McKenzie D; Town I (ed.), The proactive approach to diagnosing and treating COPD, Australian Lung Foundation, pp. 35 - 37
,2002, 'Smoking Cessation', in Burdon J; Frith P; McKenzie D; Town I (ed.), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Australian and New Zealand Management Guidelines and the COPD Handbook : a Joint Project of the Thoracic Society of Australian and New Zealand [and] the Australian Lung Foundation
,2002, 'Tobacco', in Hulse G; White J; Cape G (ed.), Management of Alcohol and Drug Problems, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 100 - 123
,2000, 'Teaching about tobacco in medical schools', in Tobacco: The Growing Epidemic, Springer London, pp. 877 - 879, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-0769-9_385
,1997, 'L’exemple Australien: Smokescreen for the 1990s', in Martinet Y; Bohadana A (ed.), Le tabagisme: De la prevention au sevrage., Paris
,1996, 'Australian treatment agencies data', in Reducing risky drinking. A report on early identification and management of alcohol problems through screening and brief intervention.
,1996, 'Educating medical students about tobacco: teachers’ manual and students’ handouts.', in Educating Medical Students about Tobacco: Planning and Implementation, Tobacco Prevention Section, IUATLD, Paris, pp. 15 - 60
,1996, 'Worldwide survey of teaching about tobacco in medical schools.', in Educating Medical Students about Tobacco: Planning and Implementation, Tobacco Prevention Section, IUATLD, Paris, pp. 281 - 298
,1995, 'Chapter 5: Family Practitioner Tobacco Prevention Programmes', in Chollat-Traquet C (ed.), Evaluation and monitoring of national tobacco prevention policies and programmes: guiding principles, World Health Organization, Geneva
,1995, 'Chapter 6: Specialist Tobacco Prevention Programmes.', in Chollat-Traquet C (ed.), Evaluation and monitoring of national tobacco prevention policies and programmes: guiding principles, World Health Organization, Geneva
,1994, 'Chapter 8: Multicomponent Group Programmes conducted at the Hospital Clinic and Worksite: Cessation Rates and Predictors of Outcome.', in Richmond RL (ed.), Interventions for Smokers: an international perspective, Williams and Wilkins Publishers,, USA
,1994, 'Group programs conducted at the hospital clinic and worksite cessation rates and predictors of outcome.', in Interventions for smokers: an international perspective., Williams and Wilkins Publishers,, USA, pp. 171 - 194
,1994, 'Interventions for Smokers in General Practice: From Clinical Trials to Implementation.', in Interventions for smokers: an international perspective., Williams and Wilkins Publishers,, USA, pp. 217 - 258
,1992, 'Workplace Policies and Programs for Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs in Australia', in Richmond R (ed.), Responding to Drug Problems., National Campaign Against Drug Abuse, Canberra, http://websearch.aic.gov.au/firstaicPublic/fullRecord.jsp?recno=261755
,1991, 'Smoking cessation programs - Australia', in Mattick R; Project QAITTODD; Baillie A (ed.), Quality Assurance in the Treatment of Drug Dependence Project: An Outline for Approaches to Smoking Cessation, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney, https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Bnts-w6h4LwC&pg=PA309&lpg=PA309&dq=National+Campaign+Against+Drug+Abuse.+mattick+baille&source=bl&ots=obTQOHjSar&sig=r586LfHu6XpjHMbnTrWoGQG4gCw&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zmFdVfP2McO1mwX944CwAQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=National%20Campaign%20Against%20Drug%20Abuse.%20mattick%20baille&f=false
,1989, 'Antecedents, natural history and prevalence of nicotine dependence.', in Heather N (ed.), The Effectiveness of Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Problems, Australian Government Pub. Service, pp. 11 - 22
,1983, 'Early influences on the development of Australian hospitals', in Pearn J; O'Carrigan C (ed.), Australia's Quest for Colonial Health, pp. 149 - 155