Select Publications

Book Chapters

Voyer CJ; Ryan DH; Cadogan JM, 2013, '155Gd Mössbauer investigation of the magnetic order and spin-reorientation in Gd3Ag4Sn4', in ICAME 2011, Springer Netherlands, pp. 557 - 561,

Hu R; Mun ED; Ryan DH; Cho K; Kim H; Hodovanets H; Straszheim WE; Tanatar MA; Prozorov R; Rowan-Weetaluktuk WN; Cadogan JM; Altarawneh MM; Mielke CH; Zapf VS; Bud'ko SL; Canfield PC, 2012, 'Synthesis and physical properties of the new Potassium Iron Selenide superconductor K0.80Fe1.76Se2', in Wang NL; Hisono H; Dai P (ed.), Iron-based Superconductors Materials, Properties and Mechanisms, Pan Stanford

Hu R; Mun E; Ryan D; Cho K; Kim H; Hodovanets H; Straszheim W; Tanatar M; Prozorov R; Rowan-Weetaluktuk W; Cadogan J; Altarawneh M; Mielke C; Zapf V; Bud'ko S; Canfield P, 2012, 'Synthesis and Physical Properties of the New Potassium Iron Selenide Superconductor K0.80Fe1.76Se2', in Iron-based Superconductors, Pan Stanford Publishing, pp. 53 - 87,

Hu R; Mun ED; Ryan DH; Cho K; Kim H; Hodovanets H; Straszheim WE; Tanatar MA; Prozorov R; Rowan-Weetaluktuk WN; Cadogan JM; Altarawneh MM; Mielke CH; Zapf VS; Bud’ko SL; Canfield PC, 2012, 'Synthesis and Physical Properties of the New Potassium Iron Selenide Superconductor K0.80Fe1.76Se2', in Materials, Properties, and Mechanisms: Iron-Based Superconductors, pp. 53 - 87

Ryan DH; Lee-Hone NR; Cadogan JM; Ahn K; Pecharsky VK; Gschneidner KA, 2011, 'Doping-induced valence change in Yb5Ge4 − x (Sb, Ga) x : (x ≤ 1)', in ICAME 2011, Springer Netherlands, pp. 639 - 643,

Cadogan JM; Devlin EJ, 2011, 'Mössbauer study of the Ordinary-Chondrite meteorite Thylacine Hole–001', in ICAME 2011, Springer Netherlands, pp. 671 - 674,

Šepelák V; Bergmann I; Feldhoff A; Litterst FJ; Becker KD; Cadogan JM; Hofmann M; Hoelzel M; Wang JL; Avdeev M; Campbell SJ, 2010, 'Mechanosynthesis of nanocrystalline MgFe2O4—neutron diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy', in HFI / NQI 2010, Springer Netherlands, pp. 413 - 417,

Rowan-Weetaluktuk WN; Ryan DH; Sushkov AO; Eckel S; Lamoreaux SK; Sushkov OP; Cadogan JM; Yethiraj M; Studer AJ, 2010, 'Phonon mode softening at the ferroelectric transition in Eu0.5Ba0.5TiO3', in HFI / NQI 2010, Springer Netherlands, pp. 347 - 350,

Cadogan JM; Ryan DH, 2006, 'Mossbauer Spectroscopy', in Handbook of Applied Solid State Spectroscopy, Springer Publishing Company, USA, pp. 201 - 256

Ryan DH; Saleema NM; Gagnon R; van Lierop J; Cadogan JM, 2002, '170Yb Mössbauer study of magnetic ordering in Yb2Cu2O5', in Hyperfine Interactions (C), Springer Netherlands, pp. 173 - 176,

Cadogan JM, 2002, 'Magnetic Phase Diagrams', in Westbrook JH; Fleischer RL (ed.), Intermetallic Compounds: Principles and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Uk, pp. 165 - 184

Coey JMD; Li HS; Gavigan JP; Cadogan JM; Hu BP, 1989, 'Intrinsic magnetic properties of iron-rich compounds with the Nd2Fe14B or ThMn12 structure', in Mitchell IV (ed.), Concerted European Action on Magnets (CEAM), Kluwer Academic Pub, pp. 76 - 97

CADOGAN JM; RYAN DH; COEY JMD, 1988, 'Influence of Quench Rate and Hydrogen Absorption on the Magnetic Properties of Melt-spun Nd15Fe77B8', in Rapidly Quenched Metals 6, Elsevier, pp. 143 - 146,

Coey JMD; Cadogan JM; Ryan DH, 1985, 'Aspects of the intrinsic magnetic properties of R2Fe14B alloys', in Mitchell IV (ed.), Nd-Fe permanent magnets their present and future applications, Kluwer Academic Pub, pp. 143 - 153

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