Select Publications


, 2008, A Textbook of Australian Rural Health, Liaw ST; Kilpatrick S, (ed.), Australian Rural Health Education Network, Canberra

Book Chapters

Karim SM; Liaw S-T; Ray P, 2021, 'Health Co-Benefits in Climate Action Policies for Healthy Ageing', in Digital Methods and Tools to Support Healthy Ageing

Barton C; Hall S; Abbott P; Tam CWM; Lyons A; Liaw ST, 2018, 'How to ensure your research follows ethical principles', in Goodyear-Smith F; Mash R (ed.), How To Do Primary Care Research, CRC Press

Jonnagaddala J; Dai HJ; Ray P; Liaw ST, 2017, 'Mining electronic health records to guide and support clinical decision support systems', in Healthcare Ethics and Training: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, pp. 184 - 201,

Rahimi A; Parameswaran N; Ray PK; Taggart J; Yu H; Liaw ST, 2015, 'Development of a methodological approach for data quality ontology in diabetes management', in E-Health and Telemedicine: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, pp. 444 - 465,

Khatun F; Heywood AE; Bhuiya A; Liaw S-T; Ray PK; Liaw T, 2014, 'Prospects of mHealth to Improve the Health of the Disadvantaged Population in Bangladesh', in Adibi S (ed.), mHealth Multidisciplinary Verticals, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 465 - 484,

Rahimi A; Liaw ST; Ray PK; Taggart J; Yu H, 2014, 'Ontology for data quality and chronic disease management: A literature review', in Healthcare Informatics and Analytics: Emerging Issues and Trends, pp. 303 - 331,

Liaw ST, 2013, 'Clinical decision support systems: data quality management and governance.', in Health Information Governance in a Digital Environment, pp. 362 - 369,

Pradhan M; Liaw ST, 2010, 'Clinical Decision Support Foundations', in Hovenga EJS; Kidd MR; Garde S; Hullin Lucay Cossio C (ed.), Health Informatics: An Overview, IOSPress, Amsterdam, pp. 278 - 295,

Liaw ST; Pradhan M, 2010, 'Clinical Decision Support Implementations', in Hovenga EJS; Kidd MR; Garde S; Hullin Lucay Cossio C (ed.), Health Informatics: An Overview, IOSPress, Amsterdam, pp. 296 - 311,

Liaw ST; Gray K, 2010, 'Clinical Health Informatics Education for a 21st Century World', in Hovenga EJS; Kidd MR; Garde S; Hullin Lucay Cossio C (ed.), Health Informatics: An Overview, IOSPress, Amsterdam, pp. 479 - 491,

Liaw ST, 2010, 'Prescribing patterns in Australia: Determinants and implications for the Asia-Pacific', in Eggleston K (ed.), Prescribing cultures and pharmaceutical policy in the Asia-Pacific, Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford, CA, USA, pp. 281 - 310

Liaw ST; Boyle D, 2010, 'Primary Care Informatics and Integrated Care', in Hovenga EJS; Kidd MR; Garde S; Hullin Lucay Cossio C (ed.), Health Informatics: An Overview, IOSPress, Amsterdam, pp. 255 - 268,

Whetton S; Larson A; Liaw ST, 2008, 'eHealth, eLearning and eResearch for rural health practice', in A Textbook of Australian Rural Health, Australian Rural Health Education Network, Canberra, pp. 198 - 199

Misan G; Beard J; Liaw ST, 2008, 'Population health programs, performance measures and evaluation', in A Textbook of Australian Rural Health, Australian Rural Health Education Network, Canberra, pp. 83 - 101

Liaw ST; Schattner P, 2007, 'eConsulting', in Trent R (ed.), Clinical Bioinformatics (Methods in Molecular Medicine Volume 141), Humana Press, New York, NY, pp. 353 - 373

Bland R; Clarke M; Liaw ST, 2007, 'The active participants in Mental Health Services', in Meadows G; Singh B (ed.), Mental health in Australia: collaborative community practice, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, VIC, pp. 136 - 162

Liaw ST; Tomlins R, 2004, 'Developments in information systems', in General Practice in Australia: 2004, Australian governamen Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra, pp. 544 - 586

Journal articles

Hansun S; Argha A; Bakhshayeshi I; Wicaksana A; Alinejad-Rokny H; Fox GJ; Liaw S-T; Celler BG; Marks GB, 2025, 'Diagnostic Performance of Artificial Intelligence-Based Methods for Tuberculosis Detection: Systematic Review.', J Med Internet Res, 27, pp. e69068,

Buss VH; Barr M; Parker SM; Kabir A; Lau AYS; Liaw ST; Stocks N; Harris MF, 2024, 'Erratum: Correction: Mobile App Intervention of a Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients With Obesity and Those Who Are Overweight in General Practice: User Engagement Analysis Quantitative Study (JMIR mHealth and uHealth (2024) 12 (e45942))', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12, pp. e58507,

Hallinan CM; Ward R; Hart GK; Sullivan C; Pratt N; Ng AP; Capurro D; Van Der Vegt A; Liaw ST; Daly O; Luxan BG; Bunker D; Boyle D, 2024, 'Seamless EMR data access: Integrated governance, digital health and the OMOP-CDM', BMJ Health and Care Informatics, 31,

Buss VH; Barr M; Parker SM; Kabir A; Lau AYS; Liaw ST; Stocks N; Harris MF, 2024, 'Mobile App Intervention of a Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients With Obesity and Those Who Are Overweight in General Practice: User Engagement Analysis Quantitative Study', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12,

John JR; Khan JR; Lin PI; Jonnagaddala J; Hu N; Belcher J; Liaw ST; Lingam R; Eapen V, 2023, 'A nationwide study of COVID-19 impact on mental health-related presentations among children and adolescents to primary care practices in Australia', Psychiatry Research, 326,

Godinho MA; Liaw ST; Kanjo C; Marin HF; Martins H; Quintana Y, 2023, 'Digital vaccine passports and digital health diplomacy: an online model WHO simulation', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 30, pp. 712 - 717,

Liaw ST; Godinho MA, 2023, 'Digital health and capability maturity models—a critical thematic review and conceptual synthesis of the literature', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 30, pp. 393 - 406,

Craig A; Beek K; Godinho M; Ansari S; Jonnagaddala J; Asgari-Jirhandeh N; Linhart C; Hall J; Liaw T, 2023, 'Digital health and universal health coverage: opportunities and policy considerations for low- and middle-income Pacific Island countries and territories', Pacific Health, 6,

Hansun S; Argha A; Liaw ST; Celler BG; Marks GB, 2023, 'Machine and Deep Learning for Tuberculosis Detection on Chest X-Rays: Systematic Literature Review', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25,

Godinho MA; Ashraf M; Narasimhan P; Liaw S-T; Liaw T, 2023, 'Title: Understanding the convergence of social enterprise, digital health, and citizen engagement for co-producing Integrated Person-Centred Health services: a critical review and theoretical framework', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 178, pp. 105174 - 105174,

Parker SM; Barr M; Stocks N; Denney-Wilson E; Zwar N; Karnon J; Kabir A; Nutbeam D; Roseleur J; Liaw ST; McNamara C; Frank O; Tran A; Osborne R; Lau AYS; Harris M; Liaw T, 2022, 'Preventing chronic disease in overweight and obese patients with low health literacy using eHealth and teamwork in primary healthcare (HeLP-GP): A cluster randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 12, pp. e060393,

Eapen V; Winata T; Gilbert M; Nair R; Khan F; Lucien A; Islam R; Masi A; Lam-Cassettari C; Mendoza Diaz A; Dissanayake C; Karlov L; Descallar J; Eastwood J; Hasan I; Jalaludin B; Kohlhoff J; Liaw ST; Lingam R; Ong N; Tam CWM; Woolfenden S; Barbaro J; Liaw T, 2022, 'Parental experience of an early developmental surveillance programme for autism within Australian general practice: A qualitative study', BMJ Open, 12, pp. 1 - 12,

Khano S; Sanci L; Woolfenden S; Zurynski Y; Dalziel K; Liaw ST; Boyle D; Freed GL; Moore C; Hodgins M; Le J; Morris TM; Germano S; Wheeler K; Lingam R; Hiscock H, 2022, 'Strengthening Care for Children (SC4C): protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial of an integrated general practitioner-paediatrician model of primary care', BMJ Open, 12,

Eapen V; Liaw ST; Lingam R; Woolfenden S; Jalaludin B; Page A; Kohlhoff J; Scott JG; Lawson KD; Lam-Cassettari C; Heussler H; Descallar J; Karlov L; Ong N; Colditz PB; Littlewood R; Murphy E; Deering A; Short K; Garg P; Blight V; Rodgers K; Chalmers L; Webb KL; Atkins H; Newcomb D; Beswick R; Thomas C; Marron C; Chambers A; Scheinpflug S; Statham M; Samaranayake D; Chay P; Tam CWM; Khan F; Diaz AM; Cibralic S; Winata T; Pritchard M; Liaw T; Mendoza Diaz A, 2022, 'Watch me grow integrated (WMG-I): protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of a web-based surveillance approach for developmental screening in primary care settings', BMJ Open, 12, pp. e065823,

Kadappu P; Jonnagaddala J; Liaw ST; Cochran BJ; Rye KA; Ong KL; Liaw T, 2022, 'Statin Prescription Patterns and Associations with Subclinical Inflammation', Medicina (Lithuania), 58, pp. 1096,

Godinho MA; Martins H; Al-Shorbaji N; Quintana Y; Liaw ST; Liaw T, 2022, '"Digital Health Diplomacy" in Global Digital Health? A call for critique and discourse', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 29, pp. 1019 - 1024,

Craig A; Beek K; Gilbert K; Soakai TS; Liaw T; Hall J, 2022, 'Universal Health Coverage and the Pacific Islands: An Overview of Senior Leaders’ Discussions, Challenges, Priorities and Solutions, 2015–2020', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, pp. 4108,

Rahimi-Ardabili H; Spooner C; Harris MF; Magin P; Tam CWM; Liaw ST; Zwar N; Rahimi Ardabili H; Liaw T, 2021, 'Online training in evidence-based medicine and research methods for GP registrars: a mixed-methods evaluation of engagement and impact', BMC Medical Education, 21, pp. 1 - 14,

Aktar S; Talukder A; Ahamad MM; Kamal AHM; Khan JR; Protikuzzaman M; Hossain N; Azad AKM; Quinn JMW; Summers MA; Liaw T; Eapen V; Moni MA, 2021, 'Machine learning approaches to identify patient comorbidities and symptoms that increased risk of mortality in covid-19', Diagnostics, 11,

Jennings GLR; Audehm R; Bishop W; Chow CK; Liaw ST; Liew D; Linton SM, 2021, 'National Heart Foundation of Australia: position statement on coronary artery calcium scoring for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 214, pp. 434 - 439,

Reps JM; Kim C; Williams RD; Markus AF; Yang C; Duarte-Salles T; Falconer T; Jonnagaddala J; Williams A; Fernández-Bertolín S; DuVall SL; Kostka K; Rao G; Shoaibi A; Ostropolets A; Spotnitz ME; Zhang L; Casajust P; Steyerberg EW; Nyberg F; Kaas-Hansen BS; Choi YH; Morales D; Liaw ST; Fernandes Abrahão MT; Areia C; Matheny ME; Lynch KE; Aragón M; Park RW; Hripcsak G; Reich CG; Suchard MA; You SC; Ryan PB; Prieto-Alhambra D; Rijnbeek PR, 2021, 'Implementation of the COVID-19 vulnerability index across an international network of health care data sets: Collaborative external validation study', JMIR Medical Informatics, 9,

Liaw ST; Zhou R; Ansari S; Gao J, 2021, 'A digital health profile & maturity assessment toolkit: Cocreation and testing in the Pacific Islands', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 28, pp. 494 - 503,

Godinho M; Ansari S; Guo J; Liaw T, 2021, 'Toolkits for implementing and evaluating digital health: A systematic review of rigor and reporting', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 28, pp. 1298 - 1307,

Liaw T; Guo J; Ansari S; Jonnagaddala J; Godinho M; Borelli Jr A; de Lusignan S; Capurro D; Liyanage H; Bhattal N; Bennett V; Chan J; Kahn M; Guo J, 2021, 'Quality assessment of real-world data repositories across the data life cycle: A literature review', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 28, pp. 1591 - 1599,

Jonnagaddala J; Godinho MA; Liaw S-T, 2021, 'From telehealth to virtual primary care in Australia? A Rapid Scoping Review', International Journal of Medical Informatics, pp. 104470 - 104470

Liaw S-T; Kuziemsky C; Schreiber R; Jonnagaddala J; Liyanage H; Chittalia A; Bahniwal R; He JW; Ryan BL; Lizotte DJ; others , 2021, 'Primary Care Informatics Response to Covid-19 Pandemic: Adaptation, Progress, and Lessons from Four Countries with High ICT Development', Yearbook of Medical Informatics

Liaw ST; Georgiou A; Marin H, 2020, 'Evaluation of Digital Health & Information Technology in Primary Care', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 144,

Liaw T; Zhou R; Ansari S; Gao J, 2020, 'A digital health profile & maturity assessment toolkit: co-creation and testing in the Pacific Islands', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,

Godinho MA; Jonnagaddala J; Gudi N; Islam R; Narasimhan P; Liaw ST; Liaw T, 2020, 'mHealth for Integrated People-Centred Health Services in the Western Pacific: A Systematic Review', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 142, pp. 104259,

Godinho MA; Borda A; Kostkova P; Molnar A; Liaw ST; Liaw T, 2020, ''Serious Games' for unboxing Global Digital Health policymaking', BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 6, pp. 255 - 256,

Jonnagaddala J; Guo GN; Batongbacal S; Marcelo A; Liaw ST, 2020, 'Adoption of enterprise architecture for healthcare in AeHIN member countries', BMJ Health and Care Informatics, 27,

Manski-Nankervis JAE; Sturgiss EA; Liaw ST; Spurling GK; Mazza D, 2020, 'General practice research: an investment to improve the health of all Australians', Medical Journal of Australia, 212, pp. 398 - 400.e1,

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