Select Publications
Journal articles
2000, 'On autocorrelation in a Poisson regression model', Biometrika, 87, pp. 491 - 505,
,1998, 'Computing joint distributions of 2D moving median filters with applications to detection of edges', IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 20, pp. 340 - 343
,1997, 'Least absolute deviation estimation for regression with ARMA errors', Journal of Theoretical Probability, 10, pp. 481 - 497,
,1996, 'Maximum likelihood estimation for ma(1) processes with root on or near the unit circle', Econometric Theory, 12, pp. 1 - 29,
,1996, 'The distribution of the weighted moving median of a sequence of iid observations', Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 25, pp. 1015 - 1029
,1995, 'Improved bootstrap forecast intervals for autoregressions', Journal of Time Series Analysis, 16, pp. 177 - 200,
,1995, 'Inference for a MA(1) process with a root on or near the unit circle', Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 15, pp. 227 - 242,
,1993, 'Least absolute deviation estimation of stationary time series models', European Journal of Operational Research, 67, pp. 272 - 277
,1992, 'A simulation study of l1: estimation of a seasonal moving average time series model', Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 21, pp. 519 - 531
,1992, 'On backcasting in linear time series models', New Directions in Time Series Analysis, 45, pp. 25 - 40
,1991, 'Modelling of annual variation of tropospheric moisture in the Australian region from radiosonde and satellite data', Australian Meteorological Magazine, 39, pp. 87 - 94
,1991, 'Strong consistency and asymptotic normality of /1 estimates of the autoregressive moving-average model', Journal of Time Series Analysis, 12, pp. 95 - 104,
,1990, 'Modelling of temporal variation of atmospheric moisture at surface level in the Australian region', Australian Meteorological Magazine, 38, pp. 181 - 9
,1989, 'Control of inventories with intermittent demand', European Journal of Operational Research, 40, pp. 16 - 21
,1989, 'Modelling of transitions between employment states for young Australians', Australian Journal of Statistics, 31, pp. 165 - 196
,1983, 'A central limit theorem for estimation in Gaussian stationary time series observed at unequally spaced times', Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 14, pp. 279 - 295
,1981, 'Asymptotic theory for time series containing missing and amplitude modulated observations', Sankhya Series A, 43, pp. 260 - 281, url:%20
,1981, 'Estimation of periodically varying means and standard deviations in time series data', Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2, pp. 129 - 153,
,1981, 'Estimation of time series models in the presence of missing data', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76, pp. 560 - 568,
,1981, 'Parametric estimators for stationary time series with missing observations', Advances in applied probability, 13, pp. 129 - 146,
,1980, 'Estimation of vector ARMAX models', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 10, pp. 275 - 295
,1979, 'A central limit theorem for parameter estimation in stationary vector time series and its application to models for a signal observed with noise', The Annals of Statistics, pp. 490 - 506
,1978, 'Vector linear time series models: corrections and extensions', Advances in Applied Probability, pp. 360 - 372,
,1976, 'Vector linear time series models', Advances in Applied Probability, pp. 339 - 364,
,Conference Papers
2016, 'Assessing the effect of interruptive events on task completion time: a multi-site study', Toulouse, France, presented at HEPS 2016 Healthcare and Society: new challenges, new opportunities., Toulouse, France, 05 October 2016 - 07 October 2016
,2012, 'Changes in nurses' work associated with computerised information systems: Opportunities for international comparative studies using the revised Work Observation Method By Activity Timing (WOMBAT)', in Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Nursing Informatics, American Medical Informatics Association, Bethesda, USA, pp. 448 - 452, presented at 11th International Congress on Nursing Informatics, Montreal, Canada, 23 June 2012 - 27 June 2012,
,2004, 'Extensions to observation driven models for time series of counts', in de Silva BM; Mukhopadhyay, N (ed.), Proceedings of the International Sri Lankan Statistical Conference: Visions of Futuristic Methodologies,, Postgraduate Institute of Science, Sri Lanka, presented at International Sri Lankan Statistical Conference: Visions of Futuristic Methodologies, Postgraduate Institute of Science, Sri Lanka, 28 December 2004 - 30 December 2004
,2001, 'Estimation of non-stationary spatial covariance structure', in Mardia KV; Aykroyd RG (ed.), Proceedings in Functional and Spatial Data Analysis, Leeds, UK, presented at Leeds Conference on Functional and Spatial Data Analysis, Leeds, UK, -
,1997, 'Generalized max/median filtering', in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Santa Barbara CA, pp. 428 - 431, presented at International Conference on Image Processing, Santa Barbara CA, 26 October 1997 - 29 October 1997
,1997, 'Edge detection using generalized root signals of 2-d median filtering', in Image Processing, International Conference on, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 417 - 417, IEEE Computer Society
,1980, 'Estimation for stationary time series when data are irregularly spaced or missing', in Findley DF (ed.), Applied time series analysis II : proceedings of the Second Applied Time Series Symposium held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, March 3-5, 1980, New York : Academic Press, Tulsa, OK, pp. 609 - 650, presented at Second Applied Time Series Symposium, Tulsa, OK, 03 March 1980 - 05 March 1980
,Software / Code
2014, glarma: Generalized Linear Autoregressive Moving Average Models. R package version 1.3-0, CRAN archive, R package, Published: 2014, Software / Code
,Working Papers
2016, Detecting Serial Dependence in Binomial Time Series II: Observation Driven Models,,
,2016, Testing for Serial Dependence in Binomial Time Series I: Parameter Driven Models,,
,2016, Modelling discrete valued cross sectional time series with observation driven models,,
2024, Likelihood inference of the non-stationary Hawkes process with non-exponential kernel,
,2024, Score Test for Marks in Hawkes Processes,
,2019, Asymptotic Distribution of the Score Test for Detecting Marks in Hawkes Processes,
,2012, Heavy-Tailed Features and Empirical Analysis of the Limit Order Book Volume Profiles in Futures Markets,
,Asymptotic Distribution of the Score Test for Detecting Marks in Hawkes Processes,
,Heavy-Tailed Features and Empirical Analysis of the Limit Order Book Volume Profiles in Futures Markets,
,Score Test for Marks in Hawkes Processes,
,Supplementary Materials for 'Score Test for Marks in Hawkes Processes',