Select Publications


Montano L; Miller B, 2024, Pilot model comparing evaporation from a weir pool vs a natural flowing river, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL TR2024/11

Doherty Y; Carley J; Miller B; Drummond C, 2023, Merimbula Lake entrance sediment study, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW 2093, WRL TR2022/27,

Chaaya F; Miller B, 2022, A review of artificial destratification techniques for cold water pollution mitigation, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, 2021/17

Miller B; Montano L, 2020, Hydraulic performance testing of a concrete mattress, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL TR2020/40

Miller B; Deiber M; Herold J, 2019, Burwood Beach Ocean Outfall Monitoring and Modelling, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2019/37 FINAL DECEMBER 2019

Blacka M; Drummond C; Rahman PF; Miller BM, 2019, Hydrodynamic Investigation of Muri Lagoon and Avana Harbour, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2018/21

Heimhuber V; Glamore W; Ataupah J; Bishop M; Dominguez G; Scanes P; Rahman P; Rayner D; Miller B, 2019, Module-3 Physical responses to climate change; Climate Change in Estuaries - State of the science and framework for assessment,

Glamore W; Deiber M; Ruprecht J; Miller BM; Ferguson A, 2019, Hunter River Estuary Water Quality Model – Water Quality Model Calibration and Validation Report, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2018/40

Miller B; Simpson JH; Lumiatti G, 2019, Port of Lyttelton – Bow Thruster Impacts, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2019/07

Carley J; Coghlan I; Miller B; Drummond C; Harrison AJ, 2018, Coastal Engineering advice for Ballina Ocean Pool, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2018/23

Miller B; Rahman PF; Glamore WC, 2018, Hunter Estuary Wetlands Ramsar Contaminant Transport Modelling, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2018/31

Tucker T; Coghlan IR; Carley J; Miller B, 2018, Narrabeen Lagoon Entrance Clearance Operation Design, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2018/16,

Carley J; Coghlan I; Harrison AJ; Miller BM, 2018, Renewal of the South Steyne Stormwater Outlet, Manly, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2018/09

Deiber M; Miller BM, 2017, Scale Model Tests for Assessment of Breakwater Slope Stability in Propeller Wash (Mini Cape) - Port Preston, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2017/13

Deiber M; Miller BD, 2017, Scale Model Tests for Assessment of Breakwater Slope Stability in Propeller Wash – Port Preston, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2017/08

Miller BM; Rahman P; Deiber M; Harrison AJ, 2016, Calibrated Modelling of Botany Bay, Water Research Laboratory, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL TR2016/02

Drummond C; Miller B; Deiber M; Harrison AJ, 2016, Physical Model Testing of Low Flow Bypass Pits for Water Sensitive Urban Roads, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, NSW, WRL Technical Report, WRL TR2016/19

Miller BM; Rayner DS, 2015, Astrolabe Park Gross Pollutant Trap - Physical Model Testing, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL TR2015/18,

Guerry NS; Deiber M; Miller B, 2015, Warringah Mall Chamber C6 Physical Model Study, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL TR2015/10

Miller BM; Rahman PF; Coghlan I; Guerry N, 2015, Uncalibrated Modelling of Botany Bay Overflows, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL TR2014/21

Glamore W; Rayner DS; Miller BM, 2014, Detailed Concept Design of Yamba-Iluka Ebb Tide Release, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL Technical Report, WRL TR2008/28

Glamore W; Coghlan IR; Miller BM; Peirson WL, 2014, Hunter Valley Hydrodynamic Platform and Model Scoping Study, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL Technical Report, WRL TR2013/26

Peirson WL; Guerry N; Miller BM; Cox RJ; Evans J, 2014, Determining the Joint Probability of Modelled and Recorded Atmospheric Forcings Causing Coastal Inundation and Damage Along the Temperate Eastern Seaboards of the United States of America and Australia, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL Research Report 256

Guerry NS; Miller BM, 2014, Warringah Mall Box Culvert Physical Model Study, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, 2013/30

Ruprecht JE; Miller BM, 2014, Assessment of Destratification at Dungowan Reservoir, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL TR2014/11

Miller BM, 2013, Desktop Assessment of Chichester Reservoir Bubble Plume Destratification System, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL Technical Report, WRL TR2013/27

Anderson DJ; Rahman ; Davey ; Miller ; Glamore , 2013, Background Paper on Groundwater Resources in Relation to Coal Seam Gas Production, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL TR2013/09,

Ruprecht JE; Miller ; Flocard , 2013, Extended Gravity Oil-Water Separation (EGOWS) System Design Manual, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW, Australia, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, WRL TR2011/04

Boys C; Baumgartner L; Miller BM; Deng Z; Brown R; Pflugrath B, 2013, Protecting Downstream Migrating Fish at Mini Hydropower and Other River Infrastructure, Nelson Bay, Fisheries Final Report Series, 137

Rayner D; Miller BM; Flocard F; Ruprecht J; Rahman PF, 2012, Brooklyn and Dangar Island Outfall Dilution Study: 3rd and 8th May 2012, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW, Manly Vale, WRL TR2012/14

Miller BM; Tarrade L, 2012, Manning River Saline Dynamic Modelling, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW, Manly Vale, WRL Technical Report, WRL TR2008/29

Ruprecht J; Shand TD; Miller BM, 2012, Melville Bay - Wind Hindcasting, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW, Manly Vale, WRL TR2011/20

Miller BM; Badenhop AM, 2012, Peer Review of Camden Gas Project Groundwater Investigations, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW, Manly Vale, WRL Technical Report, WRL TR2012/26

Pells SE; Bacon P; Miller BM; Timms WA, 2011, Assessment of Stream Restorationand Aquifer Management Options for Borambil Creek, WRL TR2011/15

Wasko CD; Miller BM, 2011, Demonstrating Climate Change Adaptation of Interconnected Water Infrastructure: Literature Review and Project Plan, WRL TR2011/13

Smith G; Ruprecht J; Miller BM; Flocard F, 2011, Dye Tracer Testing of The Sydney Desalination Plant Outfall: 29th and 30th March 2011, WRL TR2011/08

Miller BM; Rayner D; Wyllie S, 2011, Hydraulic Testing of Outfall Ports for Adelaide Desalination Plant, WRL TR2009/18

Miller BM, 2011, Hydrodynamic and Sedimentation Assessment - Darwin Marine Supply Base, WRL TR2011/31

Carley JT; Cox RJ; Miller BM, 2011, Peer Review of Black Head to Crowdy Head Coastline Hazard Definition Study and Management Options Study, 2010/21

Carley JT; Glamore W; Miller BM; Cox RJ, 2011, Peer Review of Reports Regarding Erosion at the Detention River, Hellyer, Tasmania, WRL TR2010/26

Miller BM, 2011, Routine Modelling of the Sydney Deepwater Outfalls - 2010, WRL TR2011/17

Cunningham I; Miller BM, 2011, Stratification and Destratification of Penrith Lakes Main Lake A, WRL TR2007/16

Rayner D; Miller BM; Glamore W; Smith G, 2011, Sydney Harbour Catchment Water Quality Improvement Plan: Data Compilation and Review, WRL TR2011/07

Carley JT; Mariani A; Miller BM; Cox RJ, 2011, Task 1, Brunei, Review of Coastal Processes for Brunei, WRL TR2010/17

Mariani A; Carley JT; Miller BM, 2011, Task 6, Design of Seaward Extent of River Training Walls and Sand Bypassing Tutong River Estuary, Brunei, WRL TR2009/24

Mariani A; Carley JT; Mole MA; Miller BM, 2011, Task 8, Tutong Estuary, Brunei, Physical Modelling of Training Walls, WRL TR2010/29

Mariani A; Carley JT; Miller BM, 2011, Task3, Kuala Belait Brunei, Beach Drain Outfalls and Beach Profile Variations, Long Term Shoreline Analysis and Outfall Pipeline Concept, WRL TR2009/26

Miller BM; Coghlan IR; Cunningham I, 2011, Three Dimensional Physical Modelling of Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal Apron Widening, WRL TR2006/13

Miller BM; Ruprecht JE; Glamore WC, 2010, Christchurch Ocean Outfall Diffuser Trials, WRL Technical Report 2010/14, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW, WRL TR2010/14

Smith GP; Glamore WC; Miller BM; Ruprecht JE, 2010, Dye Tracer Testing of the Sydney Desalination Plant Outfall: 26th and 27th August 2010, WRL Technical Report 2010/27, Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW, WRL TR2010/27

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