Select Publications


Pearce C; Somes T, 2024, Trusts, LexisNexis, Sydney

Pearce C; Somes T, 2024, Equity, LexisNexis, Sydney

Book Chapters

Pearce C, 2021, 'Caveat Emptor or Caveat Venditor? Stigmatised Properties and Obligations of Disclosure', in Modern Studies in Property Law, Volume 11, Bloomsbury Publishing

Journal articles

Pearce C, 2021, 'Book Review: Andrew Robertson and James Goudkamp (eds), Form and Substance in the Law of Obligations (Hart Publishing, 2019)', Torts Law Journal, 26, pp. 289 - 293

Pearce C, 2020, 'Fraud, the In Personam Exception and Enforcing the Undertakings of Predecessors', Australian Law Journal, 94, pp. 662 - 662

Pearce C, 2019, 'Fixtures and Forge', Australian Law Journal and Reports, 93, pp. 438 - 442,

Pearce C, 2019, 'The Problem of Perfection: Can Equity Provide a Solution?', Australian Property Law Journal, 27, pp. 26 - 41,

Pearce C, 2018, 'It Pays to Prepare: The Value of Tutorial Pre-preparation Tasks', Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 58, pp. 226 - 245

Pearce C, 2018, 'Does the 'One-Stop Shop' need refurbishing? Evaluating the review jurisdiction of the NSW Land and Environment Court', Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 35, pp. 235 - 246,

Pearce C, 2017, 'The Search for a Long-term Solution to Short-term Rentals: The Rise of Airbnb and the Sharing Economy', University of Tasmania Law Review, 35, pp. 58 - 78

Pearce C, 2016, 'A Broken Record: Amending and Removing Registrations on the PPSA', Australian Property Law Journal, 25, pp. 173 - 182,

Pearce C, 2016, 'Retention of Old Titles: Pre-PPSA Retention of Title Agreements and Unfair Preferences', Australian Business Law Review, 44, pp. 397 - 403,

Conference Presentations

Pearce C, 2020, 'Caveat Venditor: Stigmatised Properties and Obligations of Disclosure', presented at ANU Private Law Early Career Researcher Conference 2020, Australian National University Canberra, 08 July 2020 - 10 July 2020


Pearce C, 2021, Is Scarlett Johansson's claim against Disney valid?,

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