Select Publications

Journal articles

Soo W-K; King M; Pope A; Steer CB; Devitt BA; Chua SLL; Parente P; Davis ID; Darzins P, 2020, 'ELderly Functional Index (ELFI): Validation of a self-reported measure of functional status in cancer patients.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 38, pp. e19126 - e19126,

Mileshkin LR; Posner A; Pattison A; Balachander S; Etemadmoghadam D; Fellowes A; Wong HL; Dow E; deFazio A; Gao B; Karapetis CS; Singh MS; Collins IM; Steer C; Warren MA; Karanth N; Bowtell D; Prall OWJ; Tothill R, 2020, 'Identifying biomarkers to guide immunotherapy treatment of cancer of unknown primary.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 38, pp. e15252 - e15252,

Moth EB; Kiely BE; Martin A; Naganathan V; Della-Fiorentina S; Honeyball F; Zielinski R; Steer C; Mandaliya H; Ragunathan A; Blinman P, 2020, 'Older adults' preferred and perceived roles in decision-making about palliative chemotherapy, decision priorities and information preferences', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 11, pp. 626 - 632,

Tebbutt NC; Steer CB; Sjoquist KM; Chantrill LA; Karapetis CS; Nott LM; Espinoza D; Oostendorp M; Yip S; Cuff J; Burge ME, 2020, 'MONARCC: A randomized phase II study of panitumumab monotherapy and panitumumab (pan) plus 5 Fluorouracil (FU) as first-line therapy for RAS and BRAF wild type metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): An AGITG clinical trial.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 38, pp. TPS271 - TPS271,

Segelov E; Underhill C; Prenen H; Karapetis C; Jackson C; Nott L; Clay T; Pavlakis N; Sabesan S; Heywood E; Steer C; Lethborg C; Gan HK; Yip D; Karanth N; Karikios D; Raina MacIntyre C, 2020, 'Practical considerations for treating patients with cancer in the COVID-19 pandemic', JCO Oncology Practice, 16, pp. 467 - 482,

Hui D; Paiva CE; Del Fabbro EG; Steer C; Naberhuis J; van de Wetering M; Fernández-Ortega P; Morita T; Suh SY; Bruera E; Mori M, 2019, 'Prognostication in advanced cancer: update and directions for future research', Supportive Care in Cancer, 27, pp. 1973 - 1984,

Moth E; Kiely BE; Martin AJ; Naganathan V; Della-Fiorentina SA; Honeyball F; Zielinski R; Steer CB; Mandaliya HA; Ragunathan A; Blinman P, 2019, 'Older adults’ preferred and perceived roles in decision making about palliative chemotherapy: Their decision priorities, and information preferences.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37, pp. 11546 - 11546,

To THM; Soo WK; Lane H; Khattak A; Steer C; Devitt B; Dhillon HM; Booms A; Phillips J, 2019, 'Utilisation of geriatric assessment in oncology - a survey of Australian medical oncologists', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 10, pp. 216 - 221,

Steer CB; Alidina A; Webb N; Long D; Forbes D; Underhill C; Eek R; Clarke K; Shahrokni A, 2019, 'FEASIBILITY OF THE ELECTRONIC RAPID FITNESS ASSESSMENT (ERFA) IN AN AUSTRALIAN REGIONAL CANCER CENTER', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 10, pp. S58 - S58,

Paillaud E; Soubeyran P; Caillet P; Cudennec T; Brain E; Terret C; Etchepare F; Mourey L; Aparicio T; Pamoukdjian F; Audisio RA; Rostoft S; Hurria A; Bellera C; Mathoulin-Pélissier S; Boulahssass R; De Decker L; Fossey-Diaz V; Liuu E; Mertens C; Balardy L; Retornaz F; Couderc AL; Rollot-Trad F; Azria D; Bacciarello G; Barranger E; Bengrine L; Bernat-Piazza L; Blay JY; Bourdolle E; Carola E; Chinot O; Classe JM; Corre R; Culine S; Cure H; Delaloge S S; Delattre JY; Desolneux G; Freyer G; Graff P; Guigay J; Herlin C; Hoang-Xuan K; Italiano A; Kurtz JE; Lartigau E; Lazarovicci-Nagera C; Lebas I; Le Caer H; Maguire C; Mir O; Natur S; Ortholan C; Pigneux A; Prou M; Qabbal R; Rousseau F; Rouzier R; Roveri A; Sargos P; Servagi S; Servent V; Ysebaert L; Alibhai S; Balducci L; Bastiaannet E; Bron D; Cheng K; Cohen HJ; Cornelis F; De Glas N; Kalsi T; Kanesvaran R; Kenis C; Hamaker M; Holmes H; Hsu T; Lichtman S; Mohile S; O'Donovan A; Puts M; Repetto L; Singhal N; Steer C; Stolz Baskett P; Van De Water W; Van Leuven B; Wedding U; Wildes T; Wildiers H; Zulian G, 2018, 'Multidisciplinary development of the Geriatric Core Dataset for clinical research in older patients with cancer: A French initiative with international survey', European Journal of Cancer, 103, pp. 61 - 68,

De Silva N; Jackson J; Steer C, 2018, 'Infections, resistance patterns and antibiotic use in patients at a regional cancer centre', Internal Medicine Journal, 48, pp. 323 - 329,

Lum C; Steer CB, 2017, 'Targeted Therapies in the Management of Ovarian Cancer: A Focus on Older Patients', Drugs and Aging, 34, pp. 821 - 831,

Soto-Perez-de-Celis E; de Glas NA; Hsu T; Kanesvaran R; Steer C; Navarrete-Reyes AP; Battisti NML; Chavarri-Guerra Y; O'Donovan A; Avila-Funes JA; Hurria A, 2017, 'Global geriatric oncology: Achievements and challenges', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 8, pp. 374 - 386,

Steer CB; Brain EGC, 2016, 'Geriatric oncology and supportive care: A global approach to advance the science', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 7, pp. 313 - 314,

Steer CB, 2016, 'Supportive care in older adults with cancer – An update of research in 2015', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 7, pp. 397 - 403,

Koll T; Pergolotti M; Holmes HM; Pieters HC; van Londen GJ; Marcum ZA; MacKenzie AR; Steer CB, 2016, 'Supportive Care in Older Adults with Cancer: Across the Continuum', Current Oncology Reports, 18,

Despierre E; Vergote I; Anderson R; Coens C; Katsaros D; Hirsch FR; Boeckx B; Varella-Garcia M; Ferrero A; Ray-Coquard I; Green JA; Steer C; Berns EMJJ; Casado A; Lambrechts D; Jimeno A, 2016, 'Erratum to: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Pathway Biomarkers in the Randomized Phase III Trial of Erlotinib Versus Observation in Ovarian Cancer Patients with No Evidence of Disease Progression after First-Line Platinum-Based Chemotherapy (Targ Oncol, 10, 2015 (583-596), 10.1007/s11523-015-0369-6)', Targeted Oncology, 11, pp. 429,

Strickland A; Harper P; Karapetis C; Steer CB; Yip D, 2016, 'Oral versus intravenous fluoropyrimidines for metastatic colorectal cancer', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016,

Anuradha S; Donovan PJ; Webb PM; Brand AH; Goh J; Friedlander M; Oehler MK; Quinn M; Steer C; Jordan SJ, 2016, 'Variations in adjuvant chemotherapy and survival in women with epithelial ovarian cancer - A population-based study', Acta Oncologica, 55, pp. 226 - 233,

Davis ID; Long A; Yip S; Espinoza D; Thompson JF; Kichenadasse G; Harrison M; Lowenthal RM; Pavlakis N; Azad A; Kannourakis G; Steer C; Goldstein D; Shapiro J; Harvie R; Jovanovic L; Hudson AL; Nelson CC; Stockler MR; Martin A, 2015, 'EVERSUN: A phase 2 trial of alternating sunitinib and everolimus as first-line therapy for advanced renal cell carcinoma', Annals of Oncology, 26, pp. 1118 - 1123,

Lakhanpal R; Yoong J; Joshi S; Yip D; Mileshkin L; Marx GM; Dunlop T; Hovey EJ; Della Fiorentina SA; Venkateswaran L; Tattersall MHN; Liew S; Field K; Singhal N; Steer CB, 2015, 'Geriatric assessment of older patients with cancer in Australia-A multicentre audit', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 6, pp. 185 - 193,

Murphy C; Sabesan S; Steer C; Yates P; Booms A; Jones V; Simpson A; Clarke K; Eek R; Ashley D; Goldstein D; Packer C; Tuthill F; Boyce A; Underhill C, 2015, 'Oncology service initiatives and research in regional Australia', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 23, pp. 40 - 48,

Decoster L; Van Puyvelde K; Mohile S; Wedding U; Basso U; Colloca G; Rostoft S; Overcash J; Wildiers H; Steer C; Kimmick G; Kanesvaran R; Luciani A; Terret C; Hurria A; Kenis C; Audisio R; Extermann M, 2015, 'Screening tools for multidimensional health problems warranting a geriatric assessment in older cancer patients: An update on SIOG recommendations', Annals of Oncology, 26, pp. 288 - 300,

Okamoto A; Glasspool RM; Mabuchi S; Matsumura N; Nomura H; Itamochi H; Takano M; Takano T; Susumu N; Aoki D; Konishi I; Covens A; Ledermann J; Mezzazanica D; Steer C; Millan D; Mcneish IA; Pfisterer J; Kang S; Gladieff L; Bryce J; Oza A, 2014, 'Gynecologic cancer intergroup (GCIG) consensus review for clear cell carcinoma of the ovary', International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 24, pp. S20 - S25,

Anuradha S; Webb PM; Blomfield P; Brand AH; Friedlander M; Leung Y; Obermair A; Oehler MK; Quinn M; Steer C; Jordan SJ, 2014, 'Survival of Australian women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer: A populationbased study', Medical Journal of Australia, 201, pp. 283 - 288,

Davis ID; Long A; Martin A; Espinoza D; Yip S; Thompson JF; Kichenadasse G; Harrison M; Lowenthal RM; Pavlakis N; Azad A; Kannourakis G; Steer C; Goldstein D; Shapiro J; Stockler MR, 2014, 'EVERSUN: A PHASE 2 TRIAL OF EVEROLIMUS ALTERNATING WITH SUNITINIB AS FIRST-LINE THERAPY FOR ADVANCED RENAL CELL CARCINOMA (ANZUP TRIAL 0901)', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, 50, pp. E68 - E69,

Vergote IB; Jimeno A; Joly F; Katsaros D; Coens C; Despierre E; Marth C; Hall M; Steer CB; Colombo N; Lesoin A; Casado A; Reinthaller A; Green J; Buck M; Ray-Coquard I; Ferrero A; Favier L; Reed NS; Curé H; Pujade-Lauraine E, 2014, 'Randomized phase III study of erlotinib versus observation in patients with no evidence of disease progression after first-line platin-based chemotherapy for ovarian carcinoma: A European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Gynaecological Cancer Group, and Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup study', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 32, pp. 320 - 326,

Goldstein D; Bell ML; Butow P; Sze M; Vaccaro L; Dong S; Liauw W; Hui R; Tattersall M; Ng W; Asghari R; Steer C; Vardy J; Parente P; Harris M; Karanth NV; King M; Girgis A; Eisenbruch M; Jefford M, 2014, 'Immigrants' perceptions of the quality of their cancer care: An Australian comparative study, identifying potentially modifiable factors', Annals of Oncology, 25, pp. 1643 - 1649,

Pachman DR; Watson JC; Lustberg MB; Wagner-Johnston ND; Chan A; Broadfield L; Cheung YT; Steer C; Storey DJ; Chandwani KD; Paice J; Jean-Pierre P; Oh J; Kamath J; Fallon M; Strik H; Koeppen S; Loprinzi CL, 2014, 'Management options for established chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy', Supportive Care in Cancer, 22, pp. 2281 - 2295,

Woo HH; Begbie S; Gogna K; Mainwaring PN; Murphy DG; Parnis F; Steer C; Davis ID, 2014, 'Multidisciplinary consensus: A practical guide for the integration of abiraterone into clinical practice', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 10, pp. 228 - 236,

Steer C; Phillips J, 2013, 'Geriatric oncology: Curent state of the science', Cancer Forum, 37, pp. 199 - 200

Jordan S; Steer C; DeFazio A; Quinn M; Obermair A; Friedlander M; Francis J; O'Brien S; Goss G; Wyld D; Webb P, 2013, 'Patterns of chemotherapy treatment for women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer - A population-based study', Gynecologic Oncology, 129, pp. 310 - 317,

Steer C, 2013, 'Single agent vs doublet chemotherapy in older adults with lung cancer', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 4, pp. S14 - S14,

Steer C, 2013, 'Updates from the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 4, pp. S10 - S11,

Monfardini S; Terret C; Hurria A; Kristjianson S; Kunkler I; Aapro M; Devi B; Van Leeuwen B; Steer C, 2013, 'Worldwide geriatric oncology organisation: A preliminary report from the SIOG task force', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 4, pp. S99 - S100,

Vergote IB; Joly F; Katsaros D; Coens C; Reinthaller A; Hall M; Steer CB; Colombo N; Lesoin A; Casado A; Petru E; Green J; Buck M; Ray-Coquard IL; Ferrero A; Favier L; Reed N; Curve H; Jimeno A; Pujade-Lauraine E, 2012, 'Randomized phase III study of erlotinib versus observation in patients with no evidence of disease progression after first-line platin-based chemotherapy for ovarian carcinoma: A GCIG and EORTC-GCG study.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 30, pp. LBA5000 - LBA5000,

Steer⁎ CB; Chia PL; O'Connor J; Underhill C; Donnelly J; Myers R; Eek R; Clarke K; Packer C, 2012, 'Utilising existing community-based supportive care and aged care resources for older patients with cancer — Updated results of the Care Coordination in the Older Adult with Cancer (CCOAC) project', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 3, pp. S98 - S98,

Steer⁎ CB; Chia PL; O'Connor J; Underhill C; Donnelly J; Myers R; Eek R; Clarke K; Packer C, 2012, 'Utilising existing community-based supportive care and aged care resources for older patients with cancer—Updated results of the Care Coordination in the Older Adult with Cancer (CCOAC) project', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 3, pp. S31 - S31,

Extermann M; Aapro M; Audisio R; Balducci L; Droz JP; Steer C; Wildiers H; Zulian G, 2011, 'Main priorities for the development of geriatric oncology: A worldwide expert perspective', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 2, pp. 270 - 273,

Joshi SS; Steer CB; Yoong J; Lakhanpal R; Kirsop S; Dunlop T; Mileshkin LR; Yip D; Marx GM; Hovey EJ; Della-Fiorentina S, 2011, 'Geriatric assessment (GA) of older patients with cancer in Australia: A national, multicenter audit.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 29, pp. 9134 - 9134,

Karapetis CS; Cheong KA; Yip D; Strickland AH; Steer C; Marx G; Yip S; Chrystal K; Harper PG, 2010, 'A phase I and II trial of epirubicin, cisplatin, 24-hour infusion 5 fluorouracil and sodium folinate in patients with advanced esophagogastric carcinomas', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 6, pp. 298 - 305,

Underhill CR; Koschel A; Szer J; Steer C; Clarke K; Grigg A; Juneja S; Stella D; Francis H; Josselyn K, 2010, 'Mentoring in the management of hematological malignancies', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 6, pp. 28 - 34,

Steer C, 2009, 'Fighting Cancer with Knowledge & Hope - A Guide for Patients, Families and Health Care Providers', CANCER FORUM, 33, pp. 219 - 220,

Steer CB, 2009, 'Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer in the older adult', Current Treatment Options in Oncology, 10, pp. 159 - 170,

Wong M; Kong A; Constantine S; Pathi R; Parrish F; Verma R; Lim C; Steer C, 2009, 'Radiopathological review of small bowel carcinoid tumours', Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 53, pp. 1 - 12,

Yip D; Karapetis C; Strickland A; Steer CB; Goldstein D, 2009, 'WITHDRAWN: Chemotherapy and radiotherapy for inoperable advanced pancreatic cancer.', Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)

Steer C; Marx GM; Singhal N; Mcjannett M; Prowse R; Goldstein D, 2009, 'Cancer in the older adult: a tale of two disciplines', Journal of Internal Medicine, 39, pp. 771 - 775

Francis HM; Clarke KA; Steer CB; Francis JJ; Underhill CR, 2008, 'Attitudes of advanced Australian medical oncology trainees to rural practice', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 4, pp. 34 - 41,

Le BHC; Buchanan MR; Steer C; De Boer R, 2007, 'Late recurrence of osteosarcoma [1]', Internal Medicine Journal, 37, pp. 420 - 422,

Lichtman SM; Wildiers H; Chatelut E; Steer C; Budman D; Morrison VA; Tranchand B; Shapira I; Aapro M, 2007, 'International society of geriatric oncology chemotherapy taskforce: Evaluation of chemotherapy in older patients - An analysis of the medical literature', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25, pp. 1832 - 1843,

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