
Mr David Cooper


Fields of Research (FoR)

Clinical psychology


David Cooper is a clinical psychologist and Scientia PhD candidate. His research explores how treatment for OCD might be improved by “re-scripting” OCD-related images or memories that keep repeating. This technique uses the imagination to evoke deeper emotion-based learning or change, but researchers are still investigating how they work. David is also interested in how people can use technology to guide them through therapeutic...view more

David Cooper is a clinical psychologist and Scientia PhD candidate. His research explores how treatment for OCD might be improved by “re-scripting” OCD-related images or memories that keep repeating. This technique uses the imagination to evoke deeper emotion-based learning or change, but researchers are still investigating how they work. David is also interested in how people can use technology to guide them through therapeutic techniques. He combine these two interests in his research.

My Qualifications

Master of Psychology (Clinical)

Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Behavioural Studies (Psychology)



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School of Psychology
Mathews Building


by Mr David Cooper