Select Publications

Journal articles

Reeve DG, 2014, 'Diaspora Power', Inside Indonesia, 115, pp. 1 - 2,

Reeve DG, 2013, 'Hong Liu. CHina and the Shaping of Indonesia, 1949-1965. Kyoto CSEAS Series on Asian Studies 4. Singapore: NUS Press, in association with Japan: Kyoto University Press, 2011', Asian Studies Review, pp. 601 - 602

Reeve DG, 2012, 'Warna Teosofi Pendiri Bangsa', Kompas

Reeve DG, 2007, 'Great mind and bon-vivant defied convention', The Sydney Morning Herald, Opinion Section, pp. 52 - 52

Reeve DG, 2007, 'Ong Hok Ham 1933-2007', Inside Indonesia, 90, pp. 1 - 2

Reeve DG, 2007, 'The History Wars: Banning Books, Closing Minds?', Asian Analysis, May, pp. 1 - 2

Reeve DG, 2007, 'Wars within: The story of tempo, an independent magazine in Soeharto`s Indonesia', Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 43, pp. 422 - 423

Reeve DG, 2006, 'Behind the news: A biography of Peter Russo', Australian Historical Studies, 37, pp. 157 - 158

Reeve DG; Hall N, 2006, 'Microcredit in Indonesia', Asian Analysis, pp. 1 - 2

Reeve DG, 2006, 'Suspicions about Australia', Asian Analysis, pp. 1 - 1

Reeve DG; Newton J, 2005, 'Consolidating Indonesian Democracy p The Case of the PKS', Asian Analysis, 12, pp. 1 - 2

Reeve DG, 2005, 'President SBY - Applauded Abroad, Doubted at Home', Asian Analysis, 5, pp. 1 - 2

Reeve DG, 2004, 'Now for the Presidency', Asian Analysis, 5, pp. 1 - 2

Reeve DG, 2004, 'SBY`s First 100 Days - Looking for a Political Format', Asian Analysis, 12, pp. 1 - 2

Reeve DG, 2003, 'All Eyes on the Elections', Asian Analysis, November

Reeve DG, 2003, 'Indonesia 1950-1998 - A Background & Framework (REVIEW)', Teaching History, 37,, pp. 4 - 11

Reeve DG, 2003, 'Martin Stuart-Fox: A Short History of China and Southeast Asia; Damian Kingsbury: Power Politics and the Indonesian Military; Angelo Romano: Politics and the Press in Indonesia (REVIEW)', Australian Book Review, 254, pp. 43 - 43

Reeve DG, 2003, 'Two Tests for Megawati', Asian Analysis, April

Reeve DG, 2002, 'Nicholas Tarling: Southeast Asia (REVIEW)', Australian Book Review, 239, pp. 11 - 12

Reeve DG, 2002, 'Trying Times', Asian Analysis, April

Reeve DG, 2001, 'A Sinking Feeling', Asian Analysis, April

Reeve DG, 2001, 'Dammien Kingsbury: South-East Asia (REVIEW)', Australian Book Review, 231, pp. 34 - 35

Reeve DG, 2000, 'Significant Anti-Australian Feelings', Asian Analysis, July

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