Select Publications


Cohen DR, 2011, Geochemical Atlas of Cyprus, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney,

Book Chapters

Cohen D, 2020, 'Exploration Geochemistry', in Daya Sagar B. ; Cheng Q. ; McKinley J. ; Agterberg F. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences, Springer,

Kelloway SJ; Ward CR; Marjo CE; Wainwright IE; Cohen DR, 2015, 'Analysis of coal cores using micro-XRF scanning techniques', in Croudace IW; Rothwell GR (ed.), Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores, Springer, pp. 601 - 612,

Kelloway SJ; Ward CR; Marjo CE; Wainwright IE; Cohen DR, 2015, 'Analysis of Coal Cores Using Micro-XRF Scanning Techniques', in Croudace IW; Rothwell RG (ed.), MICRO-XRF STUDIES OF SEDIMENT CORES: APPLICATIONS OF A NON-DESTRUCTIVE TOOL FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, SPRINGER, pp. 601 - 612,

Cohen DR; Bowell RJ, 2014, '13.24 Exploration Geochemistry', in Treatise on Geochemistry, Elsevier, pp. 623 - 650,

Cohen DR; Bowell RJ, 2014, 'Exploration Geochemistry', in Holland HD; Turekian KK (ed.), Treatise on Geochemistry (Second Edition), Elsevier, Netherlands, pp. 623 - 650,

Cohen DR, 2007, 'Protocols for the trace element analysis of biomass', in Ness J; Moghtaderi B (ed.), Coal-Biomass Cofiring Handbook, pp. 63 - 108

Cohen DR; Dunlop A; Pringle I; Elliot J, 2005, 'The Bowdens Ag-Pb-Zn Deposit, Lue, NSW', in Butt CRM; Scott KM; Cornelius M (ed.), Regolith Expression of Australian Ore Systems, Optima Press, Perth

Cohen DR; Dunlop AC; Shen XC, 2005, 'The Mragelli Pb-Zn prospect, Cobar', in Butt CRM; Scott KM; Cornelius M (ed.), Regolith Expression of Australian Ore Systems, Optima Press, Perth

Cohen DR; Dunlop AC, 2005, 'The Timbarra Gold Deposit, New England Region, NSW', in Butt CRM; Scott KM; Cornelius M (ed.), Regolith Expression of Australian Ore Systems, Optima Press, Perth

Cohen DR; Rutherford NF; Dunlop AC; Alipour S, 1996, 'Geochemical exploration in the Cobar region', in The Cobar Mineral Field - a 1996 Perspective, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Melbourne, pp. 125 - 155

Journal articles

Shahrestani S; Cohen DR; Mokhtari AR, 2024, 'A comparison of PCA and ICA in geochemical pattern recognition of soil data: The case of Cyprus', Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 264,

Sadeghi B; Cohen DR, 2023, 'Decision-making within geochemical exploration data based on spatial uncertainty – A new insight and a futuristic review', Ore Geology Reviews, 161,

Flores-Moreno H; Dalrymple RL; Cornwell WK; Popovic G; Nakagawa S; Atkinson J; Cooke J; Laffan SW; Bonser SP; Schwanz LE; Crean AJ; Eldridge DJ; Garratt M; Brooks RC; Vergés A; Poore AGB; Cohen DR; Clark GF; Sen Gupta A; Reich PB; Cornelissen JHC; Craine JM; Hemmings FA; Kattge J; Niinemets Ü; Peñuelas J; Moles AT, 2023, 'Is Australia weird? A cross-continental comparison of biological, geological and climatological features', Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11,

Wang J; Zhao X; Deuss KE; Cohen DR; Triantafilis J, 2022, 'Proximal and remote sensor data fusion for 3D imaging of infertile and acidic soil', Geoderma, 424,

Chen Q; Cohen DR; Andersen MS; Robertson AM; Jones DR, 2022, 'Stability and trace element composition of natural schwertmannite precipitated from acid mine drainage', Applied Geochemistry, 143,

Yilmaz H; Sadeghi B; Cohen D, 2022, 'The efficiency of fractal techniques in geochemical anomaly delineation within BLEG and <180 μm stream sediments in Western Turkey', Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 236,

Sadeghi B; Cohen DR, 2021, 'Concentration-distance from centroids (C-DC) multifractal modeling: A novel approach to characterizing geochemical patterns based on sample distance from mineralization', Ore Geology Reviews, 137,

Piroozfar P; Alipour S; Modabberi S; Cohen D, 2021, 'Using multivariate statistical analysis in assessment of surface water quality and identification of heavy metal pollution sources in Sarough watershed, NW of Iran', Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193,

McQueen K; Alorbi A; Schifano J; Cohen D, 2021, 'Nickel uptake by cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla) in the miandetta area, australia: Implications for use in biogeochemical exploration', Minerals, 11, pp. 808,

Sadeghi B; Cohen DR, 2021, 'Category-based fractal modelling: A novel model to integrate the geology into the data for more effective processing and interpretation', Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 226,

Cohen DR; Zissimos AM; Schifano JA; Rutherford NF, 2021, 'Biogeochemical response of Pinus brutia and Olea europaea to lithological variations and Cu mineralisation in Cyprus', Science of the Total Environment, 759,

Zissimos AM; Cohen DR; Christoforou IC; Sadeghi B; Rutherford NF, 2021, 'Controls on soil geochemistry fractal characteristics in Lemesos (Limassol), Cyprus', Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 220,

Abasnejad H; Alipour S; Cohen D, 2020, 'Evaluation and Comparison of the Anomaly of Fluoride in Rock, Soil and Water Bodies in the Northern Axis of Zangmar River, North of West Azarbaijan, Northwest of Iran', Iranian Journal of Ecohydrology, 6, pp. 969 - 982,

Asten M; Cohen D; Pervukhina M, 2020, 'Education matters', Preview, 2020, pp. 27 - 40,

Yilmaz H; Ghezelbash R; Cohen DR; Sari R; Sönmez FN; Maghsoudi A, 2020, 'Comparison between the geochemical response of BLEG and fine fraction stream sediments to mineralization in the Eastern Black Sea region, Turkey', Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 217,

da Costa J; Cohen DR; Magalhães MCF; Hibbert DB; Archer M; Myers TJ; Hand SJ, 2020, 'Siderophore-Assisted Dissolution of Iron(III) Hydroxide Oxides from Iron-Rich Fossil Matrices', ChemPlusChem, 85, pp. 1747 - 1753,

Poon P; Graham IT; Liepa EAC; Cohen DR; Pringle IJ; Burkett DA; Privat K, 2020, 'Mineral distribution and provenance of heavy mineral sands (zircon, ilmenite, rutile) deposits from the NW Murray Basin, far western NSW, Australia', Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 67, pp. 575 - 590,

Daviran M; Maghsoudi A; Cohen DR; Ghezelbash R; Yilmaz H, 2020, 'Assessment of Various Fuzzy c-Mean Clustering Validation Indices for Mapping Mineral Prospectivity: Combination of Multifractal Geochemical Model and Mineralization Processes', Natural Resources Research, 29, pp. 229 - 246,

Zekri H; Cohen DR; Mokhtari AR; Esmaeili A, 2019, 'Correction to: Geochemical Prospectivity Mapping Through a Feature Extraction–Selection Classification Scheme (Natural Resources Research, (2019), 28, 3, (849-865), 10.1007/s11053-018-9422-3)', Natural Resources Research, 28, pp. 867 - 868,

Zekri H; Cohen DR; Mokhtari AR; Esmaeili A, 2019, 'Geochemical Prospectivity Mapping Through a Feature Extraction–Selection Classification Scheme', Natural Resources Research, 28, pp. 849 - 865,

Geranian H; Mokhtari AR; Cohen DR, 2019, 'Bivariate probability plots: A method for delineating different populations in soil geochemical data', Science of the Total Environment, 671, pp. 1047 - 1055,

Rincheval M; Cohen DR; Hemmings FA, 2019, 'Biogeochemical mapping of metal contamination from mine tailings using field-portable XRF', Science of the Total Environment, 662, pp. 404 - 413,

Zekri H; Mokhtari AR; Cohen DR, 2019, 'Geochemical pattern recognition through matrix decomposition', Ore Geology Reviews, 104, pp. 670 - 685,

Zissimos AM; Christoforou IC; Cohen DR; Mooney SD; Rutherford NF, 2019, 'Spatial distribution and controls on organic and inorganic carbon in the soils of Cyprus', Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 196, pp. 95 - 104,

Piroozfar P; Alipour S; Modabberi S; Cohen D, 2018, 'Application of Geochemistry and VNIR Spectroscopy in Mapping Heavy Metal Pollution of Stream Sediments in the Takab Mining Area, NW of Iran', Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 92, pp. 2382 - 2394,

Cooper N; Green D; sullivan S, 2018, 'Environmental justice analyses may hide inequalities in indigenous people’s exposure to lead in Mount Isa, Queensland', Environmental Research Letters

Ward CR; Kelloway SJ; Vohra J; French D; Cohen DR; Marjo CE; Wainwright IE, 2018, 'In-situ inorganic analysis of coal seams using a hand-held field-portable XRF Analyser', International Journal of Coal Geology, 191, pp. 172 - 188,

Ward CR; Kelloway SJ; French D; Wainwright IE; Marjo C; Cohen DR, 2018, 'Profiling of inorganic elements in coal seams using laboratory-based core scanning X-ray fluorescence techniques', International Journal of Coal Geology, 191, pp. 158 - 171,

Zissimos AM; Cohen DR; Christoforou IC, 2018, 'Land use influences on soil geochemistry in Lefkosia (Nicosia) Cyprus', Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 187, pp. 6 - 20,

Cohen D; Triantafilis J; Mokhtari A; Zekri H; Gatehouse S, 2018, 'Can geophysics and geochemistry combine to detect mineralisation under transported cover?', ASEG Extended Abstracts, 2018, pp. 1 - 6,

Yilmaz H; Cohen DR; Sonmez FN, 2017, 'Comparison between the effectiveness of regional BLEG and −80# stream sediment geochemistry in detection of precious and base metal mineral deposits in Western Turkey', Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 181, pp. 69 - 80,

Lay A; Graham I; Cohen D; Privat K; González-Jiménez JM; Belousova E; Barnes SJ, 2017, 'Ophiolitic chromitites of Timor Leste: Their composition, platinum group element geochemistry, mineralogy, and evolution', Canadian Mineralogist, 55, pp. 875 - 908,

Wang KK; Graham IT; Lay A; Harris SJ; Cohen DR; Voudouris P; Belousova E; Giuliani G; Fallick AE; Greig A, 2017, 'The origin of a new pargasite-schist hosted ruby deposit from Paranesti, Northern Greece', Canadian Mineralogist, 55, pp. 535 - 560,

Cohen DR; Cohen EJ; Graham I; Soares GG; Hand SJ; Archer , 2017, 'Geochemical exploration for vertebrate fossils using field portable XRF', Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 181, pp. 1 - 9,

Zekri H; Mokhtari AR; Cohen DR, 2016, 'Application of singular value decomposition (SVD) and semi-discrete decomposition (SDD) techniques in clustering of geochemical data: an environmental study in central Iran', Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30, pp. 1947 - 1960,

Martin AP; Turnbull RE; Rattenbury MS; Cohen DR; Hoogewerff J; Rogers KM; Baisden WT; Christie AB, 2016, 'The regional geochemical baseline soil survey of southern New Zealand: Design and initial interpretation', Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 167, pp. 70 - 82,

Archer M; Christmas O; Hand SJ; Black KH; Creaser P; Godthelp HJ; Cohen DR; Graham IT; Arena DA; Anderson C; Soares G; Machin N; Beck RMD; Wilson L; Myers TJ; Gillespie AK; Khoo B; Travouillon KJ; Wijaya L, 2016, 'Earliest known record of a hypercarnivorous dasyurid (Marsupialia), from newly discovered carbonates beyond the Riversleigh World Heritage Area, north Queensland', Memoirs of Museum Victoria, 74, pp. 137 - 150,

Huang J; Mokhtari AR; Cohen DR; Monteiro Santos FA; Triantafilis J, 2015, 'Modelling soil salinity across a gilgai landscape by inversion of EM38 and EM31 data', European Journal of Soil Science, 66, pp. 951 - 960,

Ren L; Cohen DR; Rutherford NF; Zissimos AM; Morisseau EG, 2015, 'Reflections of the geological characteristics of Cyprus in soil rare earth element patterns', Applied Geochemistry, 56, pp. 80 - 93,

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