Select Publications

Journal articles

Blake D; Hilborne M; Chase M; Bowman DM, 2024, 'Emerging Space Norms: A Crucial Initiative for Global Security', IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 43, pp. 64 - 67,

Dowse A; Blake D; O’Sullivan E, 2022, 'An Australian Approach to Space Warfare', Astropolitics, 20, pp. 192 - 213,

Blake D, 2019, 'I Am Not a High Priest in a Secular Military!', Adelaide Law Review, 40, pp. 505 - 518

Blake D, 2017, 'Call for Australia to head back into space', ROOM: The Space Journal,

Blake D, 2011, 'Military use of civil registered aircraft', Annals of Air and Space Law

Blake D, 2011, 'Operations Bastille and Falconer: Legal Support to Commanders', Australian Defence Force Journal

Blake D, 2010, '’Bloodless Weapons’? The Need to Conduct Legal Reviews of Certain Capabilities and the Implications of Defining them as ’Weapons’', Air Force Law Review

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