Select Publications

Journal articles

Hobbs HO; Hobbs H, 2016, 'Hybrid Tribunals and the Composition of the Court: In Search of Sociological Legitimacy', Chicago Journal of International Law, 16, pp. 482 - 522,

Hobbs HO; Hobbs H, 2016, 'Locating the Logic of Transitional Justice in Liberal Democracies: Native Title in Australia', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 39, pp. 512 - 552

Hobbs HO; Hobbs H, 2016, 'Revisiting the Scope of the Race Power after McCloy', Public Law Review, 27, pp. 264 - 270

Hobbs H; Hobbs H, 2015, 'Finding a fair reflection on the high court of Australia', Alternative Law Journal, 40, pp. 13 - 17,

Hobbs H; Hobbs H, 2014, 'Putting the ‘Queen’ Back into Queensland', Alternative Law Journal, 39, pp. 9 - 11,

Trotter A; Hobbs H; Hobbs H, 2014, 'The Great Leap Backward: Criminal Law Reform with the Hon Jarrod Bleijie', SYDNEY LAW REVIEW, 36, pp. 1 - 38

Trotter A; Hobbs H; Hobbs H, 2014, 'A Historical Perspective on Juvenile Justice Reform in Queensland', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Hobbs H; Trotter A; Hobbs H, 2014, 'How far have we really come? Civil and political rights in Queensland', Bond Law Review, 25,

Trotter A; Hobbs H; Hobbs H, 2014, 'Under the Oak Tree: Institutional Reform in the Deep North', Australian Law Journal, 88, pp. 335 - 358

Hobbs H; Hobbs H, 2014, 'Victim Participation in International Criminal Proceedings: Problems and Potential Solutions in Implementing an Effective and Vital Component of Justice', Texas international law journal, 49, pp. 1 - 32

Hobbs H; Hobbs H, 2013, 'The Security Council and the Complementary Regime of the International Criminal Court: Lessons from Libya', Eyes on the ICC, 9, pp. 19 - 52

Hobbs H, 2012, 'Foreign correspondent', Alternative Law Journal, 37, pp. 122 - 123,

Hobbs H; Hobbs H, 2012, 'The Dispute Resolution Act 2011 (Cth) and the Meaning of “Genuine Steps”: Formalising the Common Law Requirement of “Good Faith"', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 23, pp. 249 - 252

Hobbs H; Young S, 'Modern Treaty Making and the Limits of the Law', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Hobbs H, 'The New Right and Aboriginal Rights in the High Court of Australia', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Hobbs H, 'The Road to Uluru: Constitutional Recognition and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples', SSRN Electronic Journal,

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