Select Publications

Conference Papers

Kuo NIH; Harandi M; Fourrier N; Walder C; Ferraro G; Suominen H, 2021, 'Plastic and stable gated classifiers for continual learning', in IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, pp. 3548 - 3553,

Kuo NIH; Harandi M; Fourrier N; Walder C; Ferraro G; Suominen H, 2020, 'An Input Residual Connection for Simplifying Gated Recurrent Neural Networks', in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,

Kuo NIH; Harandi M; Fourrier N; Walder C; Ferraro G; Suominen H, 2020, 'M2SGD: Learning to learn important weights', in IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, pp. 957 - 964,

Chao X; El-Khaissi C; Kuo N; John PK; Suominen H, 2020, 'An Automatic Vowel Space Generator for Language Learners’ Pronunciation Acquisition and Correction', in Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop

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