Select Publications


Fitzgerald O; Newman J; Rombauts L; Polyakov A; Chambers GM, 2024, Development of an IVF prediction model for donor oocytes: a retrospective analysis of 9,384 embryo transfers, ,

Fitzgerald O; Perez-Concha O; Gallego-Luxan B; Metke-Jimenez A; Rudd L; Jorm L, 2023, Continuous time recurrent neural networks: overview and application to forecasting blood glucose in the intensive care unit, ,

Fitzgerald O; Perez-Concha O; Gallego-Luxan B; Rudd L; Jorm L, 2023, Curation and description of a blood glucose management and nutritional support cohort using the eICU collaborative research database, ,

Fitzgerald O; Perez-Concha O; Gallego-Luxan B; Rudd L; Jorm L, 2023, The relationship between hyperglycaemia on admission and patient outcome is modified by hyperlactatemia and diabetic status: a retrospective analysis of the eICU collaborative research database, ,

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