Select Publications

Journal articles

Gladding JM; Lingawi NW; Leung BK; Kendig MD; Chieng BC; Laurent V, 2023, 'High fat diet allows food-predictive stimuli to energize action performance in the absence of hunger, without distorting insulin signaling on accumbal cholinergic interneurons', Appetite, 188,

Gladding JM; Bradfield LA; Kendig MD, 2023, 'Diet and obesity effects on cue-driven food-seeking: insights from studies of Pavlovian-instrumental transfer in rodents and humans', Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 17,

Chew AW; Oo CZ; Wong ALH; Gladding J, 2022, 'An initial evaluation of research data management online training at the University of New South Wales', IFLA Journal, 48, pp. 510 - 522,

Oo CZ; Chew AW; Wong ALH; Gladding J; Stenstrom C, 2022, 'Delineating the successful features of research data management training: a systematic review', International Journal for Academic Development, 27, pp. 249 - 264,

Goodman EK; Mitchell CS; Teo JD; Gladding JM; Abbott KN; Rafiei N; Zhang L; Herzog H; Begg DP, 2022, 'The effect of insulin receptor deletion in neuropeptide Y neurons on hippocampal dependent cognitive function in aging mice', Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 21,

Gladding JM; Abbott KN; Antoniadis CP; Stuart A; Begg DP, 2018, 'The Effect of Intrahippocampal Insulin Infusion on Spatial Cognitive Function and Markers of Neuroinflammation in Diet-induced Obesity', Frontiers in Endocrinology, 9, pp. 752,

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