Select Publications
Journal articles
2023, 'High fat diet allows food-predictive stimuli to energize action performance in the absence of hunger, without distorting insulin signaling on accumbal cholinergic interneurons', Appetite, 188,
,2023, 'Diet and obesity effects on cue-driven food-seeking: insights from studies of Pavlovian-instrumental transfer in rodents and humans', Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 17,
,2022, 'An initial evaluation of research data management online training at the University of New South Wales', IFLA Journal, 48, pp. 510 - 522,
,2022, 'Delineating the successful features of research data management training: a systematic review', International Journal for Academic Development, 27, pp. 249 - 264,
,2022, 'The effect of insulin receptor deletion in neuropeptide Y neurons on hippocampal dependent cognitive function in aging mice', Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 21,
,2018, 'The Effect of Intrahippocampal Insulin Infusion on Spatial Cognitive Function and Markers of Neuroinflammation in Diet-induced Obesity', Frontiers in Endocrinology, 9, pp. 752,