Select Publications
Journal articles
2023, 'Investor reactions to key audit matters: Financial and non-financial contexts', Accounting and Finance, 63, pp. 3325 - 3349,
,2023, 'Building Trust with Material and Immaterial Corporate Social Responsibility: Benefits and Consequences*', Contemporary Accounting Research, 40, pp. 868 - 896,
,2021, 'Does positive CSR increase willingness to invest in a company based on performance? The incremental role of combined assurance', Accounting and Finance, 61, pp. 5631 - 5654,
,2021, 'How Does Combined Assurance Affect the Reliability of Integrated Reports and Investors’ Judgments?', European Accounting Review, 30, pp. 175 - 195,
,2021, 'Effect of CSR Assurance and Explicit Assessment on Investors’ Valuation Judgments', Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 40, pp. 19 - 33,
,2019, 'Evaluating Combined Assurance as a New Credibility Enhancement Technique', AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 38, pp. 235 - 259,