Select Publications

Journal articles

Darley DR; Sivasubramaniam V; Qiu MR; Barrett WA; Wong SJ; Martinu T; Pal P; Thwe LM; Tonga KO; MacDonald PS; Plit ML, 2025, 'Systematic Reporting of Eosinophils in Transbronchial Biopsies After Lung Transplantation Defines a Distinct Inflammatory Response', Transplantation, 109, pp. 196 - 206,

Wilson I; Qiu M; Itchins M; Wang B; Huang M; Grimison P, 2024, 'Metastatic Non-Myofibroblastic Sarcoma Harbouring EML4-ALK Fusion—Dramatic Response to ALK Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Development of Resistance Mutations', Cancer Reports, 7,

Wu K; Kumar S; Hsiao E; Kerridge I; Qiu MR; Siddall R; Clifton-Bligh R; Gill AJ; Gild ML, 2024, 'Pulmonary BRAF-driven Langerhans cell histiocytosis following selpercatinib use in metastatic medullary thyroid cancer', Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Case Reports, 2024,

Chou A; Qiu MR; Crayton H; Wang B; Ahadi MS; Turchini J; Clarkson A; Sioson L; Sheen A; Singh N; Clifton-Bligh RJ; Robinson BG; Gild ML; Tsang V; Leong D; Sidhu SB; Sywak M; Delbridge L; Aniss A; Wright D; Graf N; Kumar A; Rathi V; Benitez-Aguirre P; Glover AR; Gill AJ, 2023, 'A Detailed Histologic and Molecular Assessment of the Diffuse Sclerosing Variant of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma', Modern Pathology, 36,

Peng D; Kodituwakku A; Le S; Smith SABC; Qiu MR; Earls P; Field AS; Parker AJC; Law M; Milliken ST; Sewell WA, 2023, 'Factors determining whether diffuse large B-cell lymphoma samples are detected by flow cytometry', International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 45, pp. 927 - 934,

Russell PA; Farrall AL; Prabhakaran S; Asadi K; Barrett W; Cooper C; Cooper W; Cotton S; Duhig E; Egan M; Fox S; Godbolt D; Gupta S; Hassan A; Leslie C; Leong T; Moffat D; Qiu MR; Sivasubramaniam V; Skerman J; Snell C; Walsh M; Whale K; Klebe S, 2023, 'Real-world prevalence of PD-L1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer: an Australia-wide multi-centre retrospective observational study', Pathology, 55, pp. 922 - 928,

Thavaneswaran S; Kansara M; Lin F; Espinoza D; Grady JP; Lee CK; Ballinger ML; Sebastian L; Corpuz T; Qiu MR; Mundra P; Bailey CG; Schmitz U; Simes J; Joshua AM; Thomas DM, 2023, 'A signal-seeking Phase 2 study of olaparib and durvalumab in advanced solid cancers with homologous recombination repair gene alterations', British Journal of Cancer, 129, pp. 475 - 485,

Smith AE; Kane A; Watts F; Qiu M; Chin V, 2023, 'Two Very Rare Cases of Metastatic Thymic Carcinoma with Sjogren's Syndrome: A Case Series', Case Reports in Oncology, 16, pp. 122 - 129,

Joshi Y; Scheuer S; Chew H; Ru Qiu M; Soto C; Villanueva J; Gao L; Doyle A; Takahara S; Jenkinson C; Vaidhya N; Matsumoto Y; Hwang B; Zhao C; Iyer A; Connellan M; Watson A; Granger E; Muthiah K; Jabbour A; Kotlyar E; Keogh A; Bart NK; Hayward C; Dhital K; Jansz P; Macdonald PS, 2023, 'Heart Transplantation from DCD Donors in Australia: Lessons Learned from the First 74 Cases', Transplantation, 107, pp. 361 - 371,

Chou A; Qiu MR; Ahadi M; Turchini J; Graf N; Rathi V; Glover AR; Gill AJ, 2023, 'Clinicopathological and genetic characteristics of diffuse sclerosing papillary thyroid carcinoma', Pathology, 55, pp. S53 - S53,

Anthony C; Imran M; Pouliopoulos J; Emmanuel S; Iliff J; Liu Z; Moffat K; Ru Qiu M; McLean CA; Stehning C; Puntmann V; Vassiliou V; Ismail TF; Gulati A; Prasad S; Graham RM; McCrohon J; Holloway C; Kotlyar E; Muthiah K; Keogh AM; Hayward CS; MacDonald PS; Jabbour A, 2022, 'Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Rejection Surveillance After Cardiac Transplantation', Circulation, 145, pp. 1811 - 1824,

Wiltshire S; Nadel J; Meredith T; Iglesias CK; Qiu MR; Macdonald P; Jabbour A, 2021, 'Twice Bitten, Thrice Shy: A Case of Recurrent Isolated Cardiac Sarcoidosis in the Transplanted Heart', JACC: Case Reports, 3, pp. 427 - 432,

Liang S; Huang ML; Wang B; Qiu MR, 2021, 'Pericardial rosai-dorfman disease: the role of next generation sequencing', Pathology, 53, pp. S32 - S32,

Yap JY; Gloss B; Batten M; Hsu P; Berglund L; Cai F; Dai P; Parker A; Qiu M; Miley W; Roshan R; Marshall V; Whitby D; Wegman E; Garsia R; Wu KHC; Kirk E; Polizzotto M; Deenick EK; Tangye SG; Ma CS; CIRCA ; Phan TG, 2020, 'Everolimus-Induced Remission of Classic Kaposi’s Sarcoma Secondary to Cryptic Splicing Mediated CTLA4 Haploinsufficiency', Journal of Clinical Immunology, 40, pp. 774 - 779,

Cipponi A; Goode DL; Bedo J; McCabe MJ; Pajic M; Croucher DR; Rajal AG; Junankar SR; Saunders DN; Lobachevsky P; Papenfuss AT; Nessem D; Nobis M; Warren SC; Timpson P; Cowley M; Vargas AC; Qiu MR; Generali DG; Keerthikumar S; Nguyen U; Corcoran NM; Long GV; Blay J-Y; Thomas DM; McCabe M, 2020, 'MTOR signaling orchestrates stress-induced mutagenesis, facilitating adaptive evolution in cancer', Science

Vargas AC; Kurek C; Boner F; Maclean F; Qiu MR; Boyle R; Brookwell R; Gill AJ, 2020, 'A "Double-Hit" Translocation Sarcoma-First Report of the Co-occurrence of EWSR1-FLI1 and MTMR2-NTRK2 Fusion in a Small Round Blue Cell Sarcoma', AJSP-REVIEWS AND REPORTS, 25, pp. 97 - 100,

Jain P; Robson D; Shehab S; Muthiah K; Jansz P; Qiu MR; Barrett W; Sivasubramaniam V; Kumaradevan N; Macdonald PS; Hayward CS, 2020, 'In vivo tissue reaction within the outflow conduit in patients supported by HeartWare HVAD', Cardiovascular Pathology, 44,

Maher N; Qiu M, 2019, '19. Examining discordance between histopathology diagnoses of thin melanoma compared to dysplastic naevi', Pathology, 51, pp. S153 - S153,

Huang M; Chou A; Riley D; Kim Y; Lukeis R; Qiu M, 2019, '45. Case report of unusual ALK gene rearrangement and review of 354 cases of ALK rearrangement study of lung non-small cell carcinoma', Pathology, 51, pp. S162 - S162,

Eykman E; Field A; Lochhead A; Ma K; Qiu M, 2019, '49. High grade B cell lymphoma transformed from a low grade B cell lymphoma with spontaneous remission – A case report', Pathology, 51, pp. S163 - S164,

McCarthy R-L; McNamee N; Copelin B; Mills G; Wong S; Qiu MR; Earls P; Milliken S; Hamad N; Fay K; Lukeis R; Parker A; Moore J, 2019, 'A case series of langerhans cell histiocytosis with braf testing', Pathology, 51, pp. S92 - S92,

Valdés-Mora F; Gould CM; Colino-Sanguino Y; Qu W; Song JZ; Taylor KM; Buske FA; Statham AL; Nair SS; Armstrong NJ; Kench JG; Lee KML; Horvath LG; Qiu M; Ilinykh A; Yeo-Teh NS; Gallego-Ortega D; Stirzaker C; Clark SJ; Valdes Mora F; Colino Sanguino Y; Sasidharan-Nair S, 2017, 'Acetylated histone variant H2A.Z is involved in the activation of neo-enhancers in prostate cancer', Nature Communications, 8, pp. 1346,

Calligaro GL; Watson N; Malouf M; Plit M; Qiu MR; Shein T; Benzimra M; Rigby A; Glanville AR; Havryk A, 2017, 'Acute Antibody Mediated Rejection Due to Preformed Donor-Specific IgM HLA Antibodies: Two Case Reports', The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 36, pp. S80 - S81,

Villanueva JE; Gao L; Chew HC; Hicks M; Doyle A; Qiu M; Macdonald PS; Jabbour A, 2017, 'Can Dantrolene Protect the Donor Heart Against Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury?', The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 36, pp. S378 - S379,

Hungerford S; Bart N; Offen S; Spina R; Baron D; MacDonald P; Qiu M, 2017, 'Cardiogenic Shock Due to Severe Transplant Vasculopathy in a Heart Transplant Recipient: The Limitations of Computed Tomography Coronary Angiogram', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 26, pp. S249 - S249,

Kumarasinghe G; Gao L; Hicks M; Villanueva J; Doyle A; Rao P; Ru Qiu M; Jabbour A; Iyer A; Chew HC; Hayward CS; MacDonald P, 2016, 'Improved heart function from older donors using pharmacologic conditioning strategies', Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 35, pp. 636 - 646,

Elstner KE; Vickers CR; Gett RM; Qiu MR; Killen LV, 2016, 'Neuromuscular and vascular hamartoma as an unusual cause of small bowel obstruction', International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 26, pp. 1 - 3,

De Sousa SMC; Haghighi KS; Qiu MR; Greenfield JR; Chen DLT, 2016, 'Synchronous Nesidioblastosis, Endocrine Microadenoma, and Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasia in a Man Presenting with Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia', Pancreas, 45, pp. 154 - 159,

Li YJ; Siriwardana AR; Symons JLP; O'Neill GF; Qiu MR; Furlong TJ, 2016, 'Leiomyoma in a Renal Allograft.', Case Rep Urol, 2016, pp. 8394942,

Sasson SC; Smith SA; Qiu MR; Stone ECA; Sewell WA, 2015, 'Monoclonal precursor T-cell infiltrate in recurrent thymoma: a case report', Pathology, 47, pp. 375 - 377,

Cannon L; Yu ZY; Marciniec T; Waardenberg AJ; Iismaa SE; Nikolova-Krstevski V; Neist E; Ohanian M; Qiu MR; Rainer S; Harvey RP; Feneley MP; Graham RM; Fatkin D, 2015, 'Irreversible triggers for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are established in the early postnatal period', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 65, pp. 560 - 569,

Kim L; Qiu MR, 2015, '30. Aortic sarcoidosis: a case report and literature review', Pathology, 47, pp. S109 - S109,

Morey AL; Brown B; Riley D; Gracie G; Qiu MR, 2015, 'The combination of FISH and IHC for ALK assessment in NSCLC is more powerful than either technique alone', Pathology, 47, pp. S71 - S71,

Qiu MR; Morey A; Chou A; Stone E; Brown B; Riley D; Liao C; Gracie G, 2013, 'Detection of ALK re-arrangement in non-small cell lung carcinoma: correlation of results by FISH and D5F3 immunohistochemistry', Pathology, 45, pp. S80 - S80,

Watson AJ; Gao L; Sun L; Tsun J; Jabbour A; Qiu MR; Jansz P; Hicks M; MacDonald PS, 2013, 'Enhanced preservation of the rat heart after prolonged hypothermic ischemia with erythropoietin-supplemented Celsior solution', Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 32, pp. 633 - 640,

Rebeiro P; Joseph J; Dodds A; Qiu MR, 2013, 'Plasma cell myeloma ‘masquerading’ morphologically as a storage disorder', Pathology, 45, pp. S96 - S96,

O’Toole S; Machakel D; Millar E; Nair R; Cooper C; Qiu MR; McLeod D; Sutherland R; Watkins N; Swarbrick A, 2012, '35. Hedgehog overexpression is regulated by stromal interactions and predicts for poor outcome in invasive ductal carcinoma', Pathology, 44, pp. S114 - S114,

Husaini Y; Qiu MR; Lockwood G; Luo X; Shang P; Kuffner T; Tsai VW-W; Lele J; Russell PJ; Brown DA; Breit SN; Jiang L; Qiu M-R, 2012, 'Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 (MIC-1/GDF15) slows cancer development but increases metastases in TRAMP prostate cancer prone mice', PLoS One, 7, pp. e43833,

Field AS; Paik JY; Stark DJ; Qiu MR; Morey AL; Plit ML; Canning E; Glanville AR, 2012, 'Myositis due to the mircosporidian Anncaliia (Brachiola) algerae in a lung transplant recipent', Transplant Infectious Disease, 14, pp. 169 - 176,

Srubiski A; Csillag A; Timperley D; Kalish L; Qiu MR; Harvey RJ, 2011, 'Radiological features of the intraosseous lipoma of the sphenoid', Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 144, pp. 617 - 622,

López-Knowles E; O’Toole SA; McNeil CM; Millar EKA; Ru Qiu M; Crea P; Musgrove EA; Sutherland RL, 2011, '42. PI3K pathway activation in breast cancer is associated with the basal-like phenotype and cancer-specific mortality', Pathology, 43, pp. S102 - S102,

Jabbour A; Gao L; Kwan JC; Watson A; Sun L; Qiu ; Liu X; Zhou MD; Graham RM; Hicks M; Macdonald PS, 2011, 'A recombinant human neuregulin-1 peptide improves preservation of the rodent heart after prolonged hypothermic storage', Transplantation, 91, pp. 961 - 967,

O'Toole S; Machalek DA; Shearer R; Millar E; Nair R; Schofield PR; McLeod D; Cooper CE; Mcneil CM; Mcfarland A; Nguyen A; Ormandy CJ; Qiu M; Rabinovich B; Martelotto L; Vu D; Hannigan GE; Musgrove EA; Christ DU; Sutherland RL; Watkins DJ; Swarbrick A, 2011, 'Hedgehog overexpression is associated with stromal interactions and predicts for poor outcome in breast cancer', Cancer research, 71, pp. 4002 - 4014,

Qiu MR; Jiang L; Matthaei KI; Schoenwaelder SM; Kuffner T; Mangin P; Joseph JE; Low J; Connor D; Valenzuela SM; Curmi PMG; Brown LJ; Mahaut-Smith M; Jackson SP; Breit SN, 2010, 'Erratum: Generation and characterization of mice with null mutation of the chloride intracellular channel 1 gene', Genesis, 48, pp. 351 - 351,

Sivasubramaniam V; Qiu MR, 2010, 'Intravascular leiomyosarcoma of the brachial artery: A case report', Pathology, 42, pp. 692 - 694,

Qiu MR; Jiang L; Matthaei KI; Schoenwaelder S; Kuffner T; Mangin P; Joseph JE; Low J; Connor DE; Valenzuela SM; Curmi P; Brown LJ; Mahaut-Smith MP; Jackson S; Breit SN, 2010, 'Generation and characterization of mice with null mutation of the chloride intracellular channel 1 gene', Genesis, 48, pp. 127 - 136

Zardawi SJ; Zardawi I; Mcneil CM; Millar E; Mcleod D; Morey AL; Crea P; Murphy NC; Pinese M; Lopez-Knowles E; Oakes SR; Ormandy CJ; Qiu MR; Hamilton A; Spillane AJ; Lee CS; Sutherland RL; Musgrove EA; O'Toole S, 2010, 'High Notch1 protein expression is an early event in breast cancer development and is associated with the HER-2 molecular subtype', Histopathology, 56, pp. 286 - 296,

Lopez-Knowles E; O'Toole S; Mcneil CM; Millar E; Qiu MR; Crea P; Daly RJ; Musgrove EA; Sutherland RL, 2010, 'PI3K pathway activation in breast cancer is associated with the basal-like phenotype and cancer-specific mortality', International Journal of Cancer, 126, pp. 1121 - 1131

Schevzov G; Vrhovski B; Bryce N; Elmir S; Qiu M; O''neill G; Yang N; Verrills N; Kavallaris M; Gunning P, 2005, 'Tissue-specific tropomyosin isoform composition.', Histochemical Journal, 53, pp. 557 - 570,

Kee AJ; Schevzov G; Nair-shaliker V; Robinson C; Vrhovski B; Ghoddusi M; Qiu M; Lin JJ; Weinberger R; Gunning P; Hardeman E, 2004, 'Sorting of a nonmuscle tropomyosin to a novel cytoskeletal compartment in skeletal muscle results in muscular dystrophy.', Journal of Cell Biology, 166, pp. 685 - 696

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