Select Publications

Book Chapters

Naidu N; Payne JA, 2021, 'The Criminalisation of Corporate Cartel Conduct', in Gvozdenovic M; Puttick S (ed.), Current Issues in Competition Law Volume II: Practice and Perspectives, The Federation Press, pp. 6 - 25

Crouch M; Naidu N, 2021, 'The Feminisation of the Judiciary in the Global South', in Crouch M (ed.), Women and the Judiciary in the Asia-Pacific, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,

Journal articles

Naidu N, 2023, 'The Nightingale Court Experiment: Lessons for Access to Justice in a Post-Pandemic World', Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 39, pp. 145 - 168,

Naidu N; Williams S, 2020, 'The function and dysfunction of the pre-trial chamber at the extraordinary chambers in the Courts of Cambodia', Journal of International Criminal Justice, 18, pp. 665 - 688,


Crouch M; Naidu N, 2024, Executive Power in Times of Emergency: Executive Underreach and Overreach in Sri Lanka during COVID-19, International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Sri Lanka

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