Select Publications

Book Chapters

Goodwin A; Parker S; Ghersi D; Wilcken N, 2009, 'Post-operative radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast.', in , pp. CD000563,

Journal articles

Buss VH; Barr M; Parker SM; Kabir A; Lau AYS; Liaw ST; Stocks N; Harris MF, 2024, 'Erratum: Correction: Mobile App Intervention of a Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients With Obesity and Those Who Are Overweight in General Practice: User Engagement Analysis Quantitative Study (JMIR mHealth and uHealth (2024) 12 (e45942))', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12, pp. e58507,

Parker S; Tran A; Saito S; McNamara C; Denney-Wilson E; Nutbeam D; Harris MF, 2024, 'Exploring organisational readiness to implement a preventive intervention in Australian general practice for overweight and obese patients: key learnings from the HeLP-GP trial', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 30,

Parker SM; Aslani P; Harris-Roxas B; Wright M; Barr M; Doolan-Noble F; Javanparast S; Sharma A; Osborne RH; Cullen J; Harris E; Haigh F; Harris M; Wright S, 2024, 'Community health navigator-assisted transition of care from hospital to community: protocol for a randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e077877 - e077877,

Buss VH; Barr M; Parker SM; Kabir A; Lau AYS; Liaw ST; Stocks N; Harris MF, 2024, 'Mobile App Intervention of a Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients With Obesity and Those Who Are Overweight in General Practice: User Engagement Analysis Quantitative Study', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12,

Parker SM; Paine K; Spooner C; Harris M, 2023, 'Barriers and facilitators to the participation and engagement of primary care in shared-care arrangements with community mental health services for preventive care of people with serious mental illness: a scoping review', BMC Health Services Research, 23,

Paine K; Parker S; Denney-Wilson E; Lloyd J; Randall S; McNamara C; Nutbeam D; Osborne R; Saito S; Harris M, 2023, 'In it for the long haul: the complexities of managing overweight in family practice: qualitative thematic analysis from the Health eLiteracy for Prevention in General Practice (HeLP-GP) trial', BMC Primary Care, 24,

Coorey G; Campain A; Mulley J; Usherwood T; Redfern J; Harris M; Zwar N; Parker S; Coiera E; Peiris D, 2022, 'Utilisation of government-subsidised chronic disease management plans and cardiovascular care in Australian general practices', BMC Primary Care, 23,

Parker SM; Barr M; Stocks N; Denney-Wilson E; Zwar N; Karnon J; Kabir A; Nutbeam D; Roseleur J; Liaw ST; McNamara C; Frank O; Tran A; Osborne R; Lau AYS; Harris M; Liaw T, 2022, 'Preventing chronic disease in overweight and obese patients with low health literacy using eHealth and teamwork in primary healthcare (HeLP-GP): A cluster randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 12, pp. e060393,

Harris M; Parker S; Barr M; Kabir A; Stocks N; Zwar N; Nutbeam D; Osborn R; McNamara C; Tran A; Denney-Wilson E, 2021, 'Preventing chronic disease in patients with low health literacy using eHealth and teamwork in primary healthcare', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH, 27, pp. XXII - XXII,

Redfern J; Coorey G; Mulley J; Scaria A; Neubeck L; Hafiz N; Pitt C; Weir K; Forbes J; Parker S; Bampi F; Coenen A; Enright G; Wong A; Nguyen T; Harris M; Zwar N; Chow CK; Rodgers A; Heeley E; Panaretto K; Lau A; Hayman N; Usherwood T; Peiris D, 2020, 'A digital health intervention for cardiovascular disease management in primary care (CONNECT) randomized controlled trial', npj Digital Medicine, 3, pp. 117,

Russell G; Lane R; Parker S; Litt J; Mazza D; Lloyd J; Zwar N; Van Driel M; Del Mar C; Smith J; Harris MF; Taylor R; Denney-Wilson E; Davies GP; Laws R; Snowdon T; Bolger-Harris H; Groombridge S; Goldstein S; Howarth T; Huang N; Wilson J, 2019, 'Preventive Evidence into Practice: What factors matter in a facilitation intervention to prevent vascular disease in family practice?', BMC Family Practice, 20, pp. 113,

Thomas L; Parker S; Song H; Gunatillaka N; Russell G; Harris M; Levesque J-F, 2019, 'Health service brokerage to improve primary care access for populations experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage: A systematic review and realist synthesis', BMC Health Services Research, 19, pp. 269,

Faruqi N; Dougherty L; Parker S; Harris-Roxas B; Taggart J; Spooner C; Wong V; Harris MF; Wong V, 2019, 'Provider-focused interventions in primary healthcare improving outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes: A rapid review', Public Health Research and Practice, Online early publication, pp. 1 - 19,

Parker S; Prince A; Thomas L; Song H; Milosevic D; Harris MF; Levesque J-F, 2018, 'Electronic, mobile and telehealth tools for vulnerable patients with chronic disease: A systematic review and realist synthesis', BMJ Open, 8,

Parker SM; Stocks N; Nutbeam D; Thomas L; Denney-Wilson E; Zwar N; Karnon J; Lloyd J; Noakes M; Liaw ST; Lau A; Osborne R; Harris MF; Liaw T, 2018, 'Preventing chronic disease in patients with low health literacy using eHealth and teamwork in primary healthcare: Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 8, pp. e023239,

Harris MF; Parker SM; Litt J; Van Driel M; Russell G; Mazza D; Jayasinghe UW; Smith J; Del Mar C; Lane R; Denney-Wilson E, 2017, 'An Australian general practice based strategy to improve chronic disease prevention, and its impact on patient reported outcomes: Evaluation of the preventive evidence into practice cluster randomised controlled trial', BMC Health Services Research, 17, pp. 637,

Coorey GM; Neubeck L; Usherwood T; Peiris D; Parker S; Lau AYS; Chow C; Panaretto K; Harris M; Zwar N; Redfern J, 2017, 'Implementation of a consumer-focused eHealth intervention for people with moderate-to-high cardiovascular disease risk: protocol for a mixed-methods process evaluation', BMJ open, 7, pp. e014353,

Jayasinghe UW; Harris MF; Parker SM; Litt J; van Driel M; Mazza D; Del Mar C; Lloyd J; Smith J; Zwar N; Taylor R; Russell G; Denney-Wilson E; Laws R; Snowdon T; Bolger-Harris H; Groombridge S; Goldstein S; Howarth T; Huang N; Wilson J, 2016, 'The impact of health literacy and life style risk factors on health-related quality of life of Australian patients', Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 14, pp. 68,

Parker S; Fuller J, 2016, 'Are nurses well placed as care co-ordinators in primary care and what is needed to develop their role: A rapid review?', Health and Social Care in the Community, 24, pp. 113 - 122,

Harris MF; Parker SM; Litt J; van Driel M; Russell G; Mazza D; Jayasinghe UW; Del Mar C; Lloyd J; Smith J; Zwar N; Taylor R; Powell-Davies G; Powell Davies G; Denney-Wilson E, 2015, 'Implementing guidelines to routinely prevent chronic vascular disease in primary care: The Preventive Evidence into Practice cluster randomised controlled trial.', BMJ Open, 5, pp. e009397,

Fuller J; Koehne K; Verrall CC; Szabo N; Bollen C; Parker S, 2015, 'Building chronic disease management capacity in General Practice: The South Australian GP Plus Practice Nurse Initiative', Collegian, 22, pp. 191 - 197,

Joshi C; Jayasinghe UW; Parker S; Mar CD; Russell G; Lloyd J; Mazza D; Denney-Wilson E; Van Driel M; Taylor R; Harris MF; Zwar N; Litt J; Smith J; Laws R; Snowdon T; Bolger-Harris H; Groombridge S; Goldstein S; Howarth T; Huang N; Wilson J, 2014, 'Does health literacy affect patients' receipt of preventative primary care? A multilevel analysis', BMC Family Practice, 15, pp. 171,

Harris MF; Lloyd J; Parker S; Jayasinghe UW; Litt J; van Driel M; Mazza D; Russell G; Smith J; Del Mar C; Denney-Wilson E; Krastev Y; Taylor R; Zwar N; Wilson J; Bolger-Harris H; Waters J, 2013, 'Preventive evidence into practice (PEP) study: Implementation of guidelines to prevent primary vascular disease in general practice protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial', Implementation Science, 8, pp. 8,

Harris M; Litt J; Russell G; Mazza D; Lloyd J; Zwar N; Taylor R; Van Driel M; Del Mar C; Krastev Y; Parker S; Smith J, 2013, '069 Facilitating Implementation of Guidelines for the Prevention of Vascular Disease In General Practice', BMJ Quality & Safety, 22, pp. a34,

Harris M; Litt J; Russell G; Mazza D; Lloyd J; Zwar N; Taylor R; Van Driel M; Del Mar C; Krastev Y; Parker S; Smith J, 2013, 'P179 Facilitating Implementation Of Guidelines For The Prevention Of Vascular Disease In General Practice', BMJ Quality & Safety, 22, pp. 64.2 - 64,

Kelly BJ; Perkins DA; Fuller JD; Parker SM, 2011, 'Shared care in mental illness: A rapid review to inform implementation', International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 5,

Raynes Greenow CH; Roberts CL; Bell JC; Peat B; Gilbert GL; Parker S, 2011, 'Antibiotics for ureaplasma in the vagina in pregnancy.', Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 9

Fuller JD; Perkins D; Parker S; Holdsworth L; Kelly B; Roberts R; Martinez L; Fragar L, 2011, 'Effectiveness of service linkages in primary mental health care: a narrative review part 1.', BMC health services research, 11, pp. 72,

Fuller JD; Perkins D; Parker S; Holdsworth L; Kelly B; Roberts R; Martinez L; Fragar L, 2011, 'Building effective service linkages in primary mental health care: A narrative review part 2', BMC Health Services Research, 11,

Fuller JD; Perkins D; Parker S; Holdsworth L; Kelly B; Roberts R; Martinez L; Fragar L, 2011, 'Effectiveness of service linkages in primary mental health care: A narrative review part 1', BMC Health Services Research, 11,

Carrick S; Parker S; Thornton CE; Ghersi D; Simes J; Wilcken N, 2009, 'Single agent versus combination chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,

Goodwin A; Parker S; Ghersi D; Wilcken N, 2009, 'Post-operative radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,

Goodwin A; Parker S; Ghersi D; Wilcken N, 2009, 'Post-operative radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast - A systematic review of the randomised trials', Breast, 18, pp. 143 - 149,

Goodwin A; Ghersi D; Parker S; Wilcken N, 2008, 'Post-operative radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,

Clayton JM; Hancock K; Parker S; Butow PN; Walder S; Carrick S; Currow D; Ghersi D; Glare P; Hagerty R; Olver IN; Tattersall MHN, 2008, 'Sustaining hope when communicating with terminally ill patients and their families: A systematic review', Psycho-Oncology, 17, pp. 641 - 659,

Lord SJ; Lei W; Craft P; Cawson JN; Morris I; Walleser S; Griffiths A; Parker S; Houssami N, 2007, 'A systematic review of the effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as an addition to mammography and ultrasound in screening young women at high risk of breast cancer', European Journal of Cancer, 43, pp. 1905 - 1917,

Hancock K; Clayton JM; Parker SM; Walder S; Butow PN; Carrick S; Currow D; Ghersi D; Glare P; Hagerty R; Tattersall MHN, 2007, 'Discrepant Perceptions About End-of-Life Communication: A Systematic Review', Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 34, pp. 190 - 200,

Parker SM; Clayton JM; Hancock K; Walder S; Butow PN; Carrick S; Currow D; Ghersi D; Glare P; Hagerty R; Tattersall MHN, 2007, 'A Systematic Review of Prognostic/End-of-Life Communication with Adults in the Advanced Stages of a Life-Limiting Illness: Patient/Caregiver Preferences for the Content, Style, and Timing of Information', Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 34, pp. 81 - 93,

Clayton JM; Hancock KM; Butow PN; Tattersall MHN; Currow DC; Adler J; Aranda S; Auret K; Boyle F; Britton A; Chye R; Clark K; Davidson P; Davis JM; Girgis A; Graham S; Hardy J; Introna K; Kearsley J; Kerridge I; Kristjanson L; Martin P; McBride A; Meller A; Mitchell G; Moore A; Noble B; Olver I; Parker S; Peters M; Saul P; Stewart C; Swinburne L; Tobin B; Tuckwell K; Yates P, 2007, 'Clinical practice guidelines for communicating prognosis and end-of-life issues with adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness, and their caregivers.', The Medical journal of Australia, 186,

Hancock K; Clayton JM; Parker SM; Wal der S; Butow PN; Carrick S; Currow D; Ghersi D; Glare P; Hagerty R; Tattersall MHN, 2007, 'Truth-telling in discussing prognosis in advanced life-limiting illnesses: A systematic review', Palliative Medicine, 21, pp. 507 - 517,

Parker SM; Clayton JM; Hancock K; Walder S; Butow PN; Carrick S; Currow D; Ghersi D; Glare P; Eth A; Hagerty R; Tattersall MHN, 2007, 'A systematic review of Prognostic/End-of-Life communication with adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness: Patient/caregiver preferences for the content, style, and timing of information', JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT, 34, pp. 81 - 93,

Carrick S; Parker S; Wilcken N; Ghersi D; Marzo M; Simes J, 2005, 'Single agent versus combination chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer.', Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)

Bolton PGM; Parker SM, 2004, 'Impact of Medication Review by General Practitioners and Patient Peer Education', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 34, pp. 8 - 10,

Bolton PG; Parker SM; Fergusson KJ; Orman JD, 2003, 'The impact of a clinical audit on GP detection of depression', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 9, pp. 88 - 93

Bolton PGM; Parker SM; Chera J, 2001, 'Australian health care workers use of a telephone advice line', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 7, pp. 70 - 73

Bolton PGM; Fergusson KJ; Parker SM; Orman JD, 2001, 'Randomised controlled trial of cognitive-behavioural therapy and routine GP care for major depression', Medical Journal of Australia, 175, pp. 118 - 119,

Bolton PGM; Parker SM; Fergusson KJ; Orman JD, 2001, 'Doctors could know better', Medical Journal of Australia, 174, pp. 543,

Conference Posters

Prince A; Parker S; Harris MF; Dahrouge S, 2016, 'Challenges in addressing and measuring access to care for vulnerable groups from a realist review of e/m/telehealth interventions', Canberra ACT, presented at Primary Health Care Research and Information Service (PHCRIS), Canberra ACT, 08 June 2016 - 09 June 2016

Thomas L; Song H; Parker S; Dahrouge S; Descoteaux S; Gunatillaka N, 2016, 'Utilising the RE-AIM framework in a realist review of health service brokerage', Canberra ACT, presented at Primary Health Care Research and Information Service, Canberra ACT, 08 June 2016 - 09 June 2016

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