Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'Prevalence of blood-borne virus infections and uptake of hepatitis C testing and treatment in Australian prisons: the AusHep study', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 53,
,2024, 'Understanding hepatitis C virus (HCV) health literacy and educational needs among people in prison to enhance HCV care in prisons', International Journal of Drug Policy, 130,
,2024, 'Development of an evidence-based hepatitis C education program to enhance public health literacy in the Australian prison sector: The Hepatitis in Prisons Education program (HepPEd)', International Journal of Drug Policy, 129,
,2024, 'Barriers and advocacy needs for hepatitis C services in prisons: Informing the prisons hepatitis C advocacy toolkit', International Journal of Drug Policy, 126,
,2024, 'People in community corrections are a population with unmet need for viral hepatitis care', eClinicalMedicine, 70,
,2024, 'Reply to: “ ‘One-stop-shop’ point-of-care hepatitis C RNA testing intervention in the prison – some issues”', Journal of Hepatology, 80, pp. e107 - e108,
,2024, 'Challenges and facilitators in repeated bio-behavioural surveys for blood-borne virus infections in Australian prisons', International Journal of Drug Policy,
,2023, 'A ‘one-stop-shop’ point-of-care hepatitis C RNA testing intervention to enhance treatment uptake in a reception prison: The PIVOT study', Journal of Hepatology, 79, pp. 635 - 644,
,2023, 'Optimizing point-of-care testing strategies for diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in Australia: a model-based cost-effectiveness analysis', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 36,
,2023, 'Reducing barriers to the hepatitis C care cascade in prison via point-of-care RNA testing: a qualitative exploration of men in prison using an integrated framework', Addiction, 118, pp. 1153 - 1160,
,2023, 'Consensus recommendations on the management of hepatitis C in Australia's prisons', Medical Journal of Australia, 218, pp. 231 - 237,
,2022, 'The role of low-income and middle-income country prisons in eliminating hepatitis C', The Lancet Public Health, 7, pp. e578 - e579,
,2022, '“That was quick, simple, and easy”: Patient perceptions of acceptability of point-of-care hepatitis C RNA testing at a reception prison', International Journal of Drug Policy, 99,
,2021, 'Hepatitis C elimination among people incarcerated in prisons: challenges and recommendations for action within a health systems framework', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 6, pp. 391 - 400,
,2018, 'Phonics training for English-speaking poor readers', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018,
,Conference Presentations
2022, 'The role of point-of-care hepatitis C RNA testing at prison intake for reducing barriers to the hepatitis C care cascade', presented at Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference, Brisbane, 29 May 2022 - 31 May 2022
Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Australia: A Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,
,Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Australia: A Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,