Select Publications
2013, Young people's opinions on alcohol and other drugs issues, Australian National Council on Drugs,
,2012, Monograph No. 23: Prevalence of and interventions for mental health and alcohol and other drug problems amongst the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community: A review of the literature, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2012, Bulletin No. 21: What does the research evidence tell us about what Australians think about the legal status of drugs?, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2012, Estimating the unmet need and unmet demand for opioid treatment in NSW, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney
,2012, Evaluating drug law enforcement interventions directed towards methamphetamine in Australia, National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, Canberra, 44,
,2012, Monograph No. 23: Prevalence of and interventions for mental health and alcohol and other drug problems amongst the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community: a review of the literature, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2012, YSAS service planning project: Estimating need for youth services, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney
,2011, Monograph No. 22: Legal thresholds for serious drug offences: Expert advice to the ACT on determining amounts for trafficable, commercial and large commercial drug offences, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2011, Monograph No. 21: An assessment of illicit drug policy in Australia (1985-2010): Themes and trends, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2011, Monograph No. 21: An assessment of illicit drug policy in Australia (1985-2010): Themes and trends, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney
,2011, Monograph No. 22: Legal thresholds for serious drug offences: Expert advice to the ACT on determining amounts for trafficable, commercial and large commercial drug offences, National Drug and Alcohol Reseach Centre, Sydney,
,2011, Pharmacy participation in NSW Opioid Treatment Program: Options paper, A report prepared for NSW Health, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney
,2011, Victorian Pharmacotherapy Review, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney
,2010, Monograph No. 20: Cannabis use disorder treatment and associated health care costs in New South Wales, 2007, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2010, Bulletin No. 20: Drugs in the Australian news media: Trends and impacts on youth attitudes to illicit drug use, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2010, Monograph No. 19: Media reporting on illicit drugs in Australia: Trends and impacts on youth attitudes to illicit drug use, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2010, Bulletin No. 18: Legislative thresholds for drug possession and traffic: An overview of state and territory differences in Australia, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2010, Bulletin No. 19: Estimating the street value of a cannabis plant in Australia,
,2010, Monograph No. 18: The coordination of Australian illicit drug policy: A governance perspective, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2010, Diversion of drug offenders - Report for Queensland Health and Queesland Police, Drug Policy Modelling Program, Sydney
,2010, Monograph No. 18: The Coordination of Australian Illicit Drug Policy: A governance perspective, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW,,
,2009, Modelling pharmacotherapy maintenance in Australia: exploring affordability, availability, accessibility and quality using system dynamics, Australian National Council on Drugs, Canberra,
,2009, Polygon: The many sides to Australian opioid pharmacotherapy maintenance system, Australian National Council on Drugs, Canberra,
,2009, Situation of drug related research in Australia.
,2008, Monograph No. 17: A review of Australian public opinion surveys on illicit drugs, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2008, Monograph No. 16: A summary of diversion programs for drug and drug-related offenders in Australia, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2008, Monograph No. 16: A summary of diversion programs for drug and drug related offenders in Australia, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2008, Monograph No. 17: A review of Australian public opinion surveys on illicit drugs, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney
,2007, Bulletin No. 17: Priority areas in illicit drug policy: Perspectives of policy makers, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2007, Bulletin No. 16: Drug Policy Modelling Program overview, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2007, Monograph No. 15: Priority areas in illicit drug policy: Perspectives of policy makers, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,
,2007, Monograph No. 14: Working estimates of the social costs per gram and per user for cannabis, cocaine, opiates and amphetamines, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney
,2007, PsyCheck: Responding to mental health issues within alcohol and drug treatment, Commonwealth Australia, Canberra
,2005, Monograph No. 1: What is Australia's "drug budget"? The policy mix of illicit drug-related government spending in Australia, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc., Fitzroy, Victoria, 1,
,2005, Monograph No. 1: What is Australia's "drug budget"? The policy mix of illicit drug-related government spending in Australia, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 10: DATA SOURCES ON ILLICIT DRUG USE AND HARM IN AUSTRALIA, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 11: SimDrug: Exploring the complexity of heroin use in Melbourne, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 12: Popular culture and the prevention of illicit drug use: A pilot study of popular music and the acceptability of drugs, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 13: Scoping the potential uses of systems thinking in developing policy on illcit drugs, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 2: Drug policy interventions: A comprehensive list and a review of classification schemes, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 3: Estimating the prevalence of problematic heroin use in Melbourne, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 4: Australian illicit drugs policy: Mapping structures and processes, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 5: Drug law enforcement: The evidence, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 6: A systematic review of harm reduction, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 7: School based drug prevention: A systematic review of the effectiveness on illicit drug use, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 8: A review of approaches to studying illicit drug markets, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Monograph No. 9: Heroin markets in Australia: Current understandings and future possibilities, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Bulletin No. 10: Economic modelling: Cost-effectiveness of three policy options, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Bulletin No. 12: System dynamics modelling using a stocks and flows approach, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,
,2005, Bulletin No. 13: Popular culture and the prevention of illicit drug use, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy,