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Select Publications
2021, 'The Human Right to Justice for Older Persons With Mental Health Conditions', American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 29, pp. 1027 - 1032, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jagp.2021.07.007
,2020, 'Transcending the Framing Contests over the Human Rights of Older Persons', Australian Year Book of International Law, 38, pp. 253 - 284, http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/26660229_03801012
,2020, 'Advocacy for the human rights of older people in the COVID pandemic and beyond: A call to mental health professionals', International Psychogeriatrics, 32, pp. 1199 - 1204, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1041610220001076
,2020, 'Human rights unbound: An unrepentant call for a more complete application of human rights in relation to older persons—And beyond', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 39, pp. 91 - 98, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ajag.12800
,2017, '‘Time to put on the 3-D glasses: is there a need to expand JSCOT’s mandate to cover “instruments of less than treaty status”?’', Australian International Law Journal, 22, pp. 1 - 14, http://ila.org.au/publications/australian-international-law-journal/
,2017, '‘Whose International Law Is It? Some Reflections on the Contributions of Non-State Actors to the Development and Implementation of International Human Rights Law'', Japanese Yearbook of International Law, 59, pp. 14 - 50, http://www.ilajapan.org/jyil/
,2015, 'The Meanings of International Law: Government Monopoly, Expert Precinct or Peoples' law?', Australian Yearbook of International Law
,2014, 'International Peoples' Tribunals in Asia: Political Theatre, Juridical Farce, or Meaningful Intervention?', Asian Journal of International Law (online), 4, pp. 103 - 124, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S2044251313000246
,2013, 'Foreword', Journal of International Criminal Justice, 11, pp. 1023 - 1027, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jicj/mqt056
,2013, 'PEOPLES’ TRIBUNALS, INTERNATIONAL LAW AND THE USE OF FORCE', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 36, pp. 711 - 744
,2012, 'Justice for All? Ten Years of the International Criminal Court', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 18, pp. 69 - 74, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1323-238X.2012.11882107
,2010, 'Human Rights Protection in the Pacific: The Emerging Role of National Human Rights Institutions in the Region', NZ Journal of Public and International Law, 8, pp. 117 - 144, http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=334611879468776;res=IELHSS
,2010, 'Second-Class Rights Yet Again? Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Report of the National Human Rights Consultation', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 33, pp. 193 - 238, http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=337295027329957;res=IELFSC
,2009, 'A tongue but no teeth? The emergence of a regional human rights mechanism in the Asia Pacific region', Sydney Law Review, 31, pp. 211 - 238
,2009, 'Implementing human rights in the Pacific through the work of national human rights institutions: the experience of Fiji', Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 40, pp. 251
,2008, 'Health, Human Rights and Development', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 13, pp. 1 - 32
,2008, 'Joining the Club: The Asia-Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions, the Paris Principles, and the Advancement of Human Rights Protection in the Region', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 14, pp. 63 - 98
,2008, 'Violence Against Women, the Obligation of Due Diligence and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women', Human Rights Law Review, 8, pp. 517 - 533
,2007, 'Continuing Engagement : the AHRC looks forward', Human Rights Defender, 16, pp. 5 - 6
,1997, 'Introduction', Special issue of the Australian Journal of Comedy, 3, pp. 1 - 158