Select Publications


Appleby G; Kerr J; Le Mire S; Lynch A; Opeskin B, 2021, Judicial education in Australia - A contemporary overview, The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration Incorporated, Sydney,,

Appleby G; Le Mire S; Lynch A; Opeskin B, 2017, Temporary Judicial Officers in Australia: A Report for the Judicial Conference of Australia

Appleby G; Lynch A, 2015, Submission to the Judicial Appointment Review, Queensland Government, December 2015

McGarrity N; Hardy KA; Ananian-Welsh R; Tulich T; Peleg N; Lynch A, 2015, Submission to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security Inquiry into Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Bill (No 1) 2015, Australia

Lynch A; McGarrity N; Williams G; Blackbourn J, 2014, Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor Repeal Bill 2014, Australia

Lynch A; Chordia S; Williams G, 2013, Submission to National Commission of Audit on Scope of Government, Australia

Lynch A; Chordia S; McGarrity N; Kildea P; Williams G, 2012, Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Local Government (19 December 2012), Australia

Lynch A; Andrews R; Hardy K, 2012, Submission to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Migration and Security Legislation Amendment (Review of Security Assessments) Bill 2012, Australia

Lynch A; Kildea P; Williams G, 2012, Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Australia

Lynch A; Burton L; Tulich T; Welsh R; Williams G, 2012, Submission on Control Orders and Preventative Detention Orders to the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor, Australia

Lynch A; Burton L; Davis F; McGarrity N; Tulich T; Welsh R; Williams G, 2012, Submission to COAG Review of Counter-Terrorism Legislation, Australia

Lynch A; Burke E; Williams G, 2012, Submission to the House of Representatives Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Marriage Amendment Bill 2012 and Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2012, Australia

Lynch A; Burke E, 2012, Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee ‘Inquiry into the Judicial Misbehaviour and Incapacity (Parliamentary Commissions) Bill 2012 and Courts Legislation Amendment (Judicial Complaints) Bill 2012, Australia

Lynch A; Burke E; Williams G, 2012, Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Marriage Amendment Bill 2010, Australia

Kildea PJ; Lynch A; McGarrity N; Williams G, 2011, Submission to the Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Local Government, Australia

Kildea PJ; Lynch A; Woods R, 2011, Submission to the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit on the Inquiry into National Funding Agreements, Australia

Lynch A; Kildea P; Williams G, 2010, Submission to the Senate Environment, Communications and the Arts Legislation Committee Inquiry into Water (Crisis Powers and Floodwater Diversion) Bill, Australia

Lynch A; Collett E; McGarrity N; Santow E; Michaelsen C; Williams G, 2010, Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill, Australia

Kildea PJ; Lynch A; Williams G, 2010, Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Reform of the Australian Federation, Australia

Kildea PJ; Lynch A; Williams G, 2010, Submission to the UK House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution Inquiry into Fixed-term Parliaments

Lynch A, 2010, Supplementary submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill, Australia

Golder B; Lynch A; Michaelsen C; McGarrity N, 2009, Submission to the National Human Rights Consultation, Australia

Golder B; Lynch A; McGarrity N; Michaelsen C; Santow E; Teeger B; Williams G, 2009, Submission to the National Security Discussion Paper, Australia

Lynch A; Williams G; MacDonald EC, 2007, Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment (Terrorist Material) Bill 2007, Australia

Lynch A, 2007, Discussion Paper on Material that Advocates Terrorist Acts, Australia

Lynch A; Williams G; MacDonald EC, 2007, National Classification Scheme to Include Material that Advocates Terrorist Acts: Submission to Review of Proposals to Amend the National Classification Scheme, Australia

Lynch A; Williams G; MacDonald EC, 2007, Power to Proscribe Organisations as Terrorist Organisations, Australia

Lynch A; MacDonald EC; Williams G, 2007, Submission on Parts 2A and 3 of the Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2002 (NSW), NSW Ombudsman's Office

Lynch A; MacDonald EC; Williams G, 2007, Submission to the Attorney-General's Security Legislation Review Committee - Feb 2007: Review of the Listing Provisions of the Criminal Code Act 1995, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

Lynch A; Williams G, 2006, Submission to the Attorney-General's Security Legislation Review Committee - Feb 2006, Attorney-General's Security Legislation Review Committee

Lynch A; Williams G; Saul B, 2005, Submission on the Anti-Terrorism Bill (No 2) 2005, Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee, Commonwealth Parliament Nov 2005, Australia

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