Select Publications

Journal articles

Abramowitz G; Gupta H; Pitman AJ; Wang Y; Leuning R; Cleugh H; Hsu K, 2006, 'Neural Error Regression Diagnosis (NERD): a tool for model bias identification and prognostic data assimilation', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8, pp. 989 - 1001

Gero A; Pitman AJ, 2006, 'The impact of land cover change on a simulated storm event in the Sydney Basin,', Journal of Applied Meteorology, 45, pp. 283 - 300,

Bagnoud N; Pitman AJ; McAvaney BJ; Holbrook NJ, 2005, 'The contribution of the land surface energy balance complexity to differences in means, variances and extremes using the AMIP-II methodology', Climate Dynamics, 25, pp. 171 - 188,

Peel DR; Pitman AJ; Hughes LA; Narisma GT; Pielke RA, 2005, 'The impact of realistic biophysical parameters for eucalypts on the simulation of the January climate of Australia', Environmental Modelling and Software, 20, pp. 595 - 612,

Moles AT; Ackerly D; Tweddle J; Dickie J; Pitman AJ; Westoby M, 2005, 'Factors that shape seed size evolution', National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 102, pp. 10540 - 10544,

McAneney J; Pitman AJ, 2005, 'Global Climate Change: Fact or Urban Myth?', Australia and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance Journal, 28, pp. 18 - 21

Pitman AJ; Abramowitz G, 2005, 'What are the limits to statistical error correction in land surface schemes when projecting the future', Geophysical Research Letters, 32, pp. L14403,

Pitman AJ; Narisma GT; Pielke RA; Holbrook NJ, 2004, 'Impact of land cover change on the climate of southwest Western Australia', Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 109,

Koster RD; Dirmeyer PA; Guo Z; Bonan G; Chan E; Cox P; Gordon CT; Kanae S; Kowalczyk E; Lawrence D; Liu P; Lu CH; Malyshev S; McAvaney B; Mitchell K; Mocko D; Oki T; Oleson K; Pitman A; Sud YC; Taylor CM; Verseghy D; Vasic R; Xue Y; Yamada T, 2004, 'Regions of strong coupling between soil moisture and precipitation', Science, 305, pp. 1138 - 1140,

Pitman AJ; McAvaney BJ; Bagnoud N; Cheminat B, 2004, 'Are inter-model differences in AMIP-II near surface air temperature means and extremes explained by land surface energy balance complexity?', Geophysical Research Letters, 31,

Pitman AJ; McAvaney BJ, 2004, 'Impact of varying the complexity of the land surface energy balance on the sensitivity of the Australian climate to increasing carbon dioxide', Climate Research, 25, pp. 191 - 203,

Narisma GT; Pitman AJ, 2004, 'The Effect of Including Biospheric Responses to CO2 on the Impact of Land-Cover Change over Australia', EARTH INTERACTIONS, 8,

Boone AA; Habets F; Noilhan J; Clark D; Dirmeyer P; Fox S; Gusev Y; Haddeland I; Koster R; Lohmann D; Mahanama S; Mitchell K; Nasonova O; Niu GY; Pitman A; Polcher J; Shmakin AB; Tanaka K; Van Den Hurk B; Vérant S; Verseghy D; Viterbo P; Yang ZL, 2004, 'The Rho̊ne-aggregation land surface scheme intercomparison project: An overview', Journal of Climate, 17, pp. 187 - 208,<0187:TRLSSI>2.0.CO;2

Narisma GT; Pitman AJ; Eastman J; Watterson IG; Pielke R; Beltrán-Przekurat A, 2003, 'The role of biospheric feedbacks in the simulation of the impact of historical land cover change on the Australian January climate', Geophysical Research Letters, 30,

Henderson-Sellers A; Irannejad P; McGuffie K; Pitman AJ, 2003, 'Predicting land-surface climates-better skill or moving targets?', Geophysical Research Letters, 30,

Luo L; Robock A; Vinnikov KY; Schlosser CA; Slater AG; Boone A; Braden H; Cox P; de Rosnay P; Dickinson RE; Dai Y; Duan Q; Etchevers P; Henderson-Sellers A; Gedney N; Gusev YM; Habets F; Kim J; Kowalczyk E; Mitchell K; Nasonova ON; Noilhan J; Pitman AJ; Schaake J; Shmakin AB; Smirnova TG; Wetzel P; Xue Y; Yang ZL; Zeng QC, 2003, 'Effects of frozen soil on soil temperature, spring infiltration, and runoff: Results from the PILPS 2(d) experiment at Valdai, Russia', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, pp. 334 - 351,<334:EOFSOS>2.0.CO;2

Pitman AJ, 2003, 'The evolution of, and revolution in, land surface schemes designed for climate models', International Journal of Climatology, 23, pp. 479 - 510,

Narisma GT; Pitman AJ, 2003, 'The impact of 200 years of land cover change on the Australian near-surface climate', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, pp. 424 - 436,<424:TIOYOL>2.0.CO;2

Wang H; Pitman AJ; Zhao M; Leemans R, 2003, 'The impact of land-cover modification on the June meteorology of China since 1700, simulated using a regional climate model', International Journal of Climatology, 23, pp. 511 - 527,

Pitman AJ; Xia Y; Leplastrier M; Henderson-Sellers A, 2003, 'The CHAmeleon Surface Model: Description and use with the PILPS phase 2(e) forcing data', Global and Planetary Change, 38, pp. 121 - 135,

Henderson-Sellers A; Pitman AJ; Chen TC; Takle ES, 2002, 'Comments on "suppressing impacts of the Amazonian deforestation by the global circulation change"(multiple letter)', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83, pp. 1657 - 1663

Pitman A; McAvaney B, 2002, 'The role of surface energy balance complexity in land surface models' sensitivity to increasing carbon dioxide', Climate Dynamics, 19, pp. 609 - 618,

Xia Y; Pitman AJ; Gupta HV; Leplastrier M; Henderson-Sellers A; Bastidas LA, 2002, 'Calibrating a land surface model of varying complexity using multicriteria methods and the Cabauw dataset', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 3, pp. 181 - 194,<0181:CALSMO>2.0.CO;2

Henderson-Sellers A; Pitman AJ; Irannejad P; McGuffie K, 2002, 'Land-surface simulations improve atmospheric modeling', Eos, 83,

Zhao M; Pitman AJ, 2002, 'The impact of land cover change and increasing carbon dioxide on the extreme and frequency of maximum temperature and convective precipitation', Geophysical Research Letters, 29,

Zhao M; Pitman AJ, 2002, 'The impact of land cover change and increasing carbon dioxide on the extreme and frequency of maximum temperature and convective precipitation', Geophysical Research Letters, 29, pp. 2-1-2-4

Zhao M; Pitman AJ, 2002, 'The regional scale impact of land cover change simulated with a climate model', International Journal of Climatology, 22, pp. 271 - 290,

Leplastrier M; Pitman AJ; Gupta H; Xia Y, 2002, 'Exploring the relationship between complexity and performance in a land surface model using the multicriteria method', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 107, pp. ACL 11-1-ACL 11-12,

Leplastrier M; Pitman AJ; Gupta H; Xia Y, 2002, 'Exploring the relationship between complexity and performance in a land surface model using the multicriteria method', Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 107,

Chase TN; Pielke RA; Kittel TGF; Zhao M; Pitman AJ; Running SW; Nemani RR, 2001, 'Relative climatic effects of landcover change and elevated carbon dioxide combined with aerosols: A comparison of model results and observations', Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 106, pp. 31685 - 31691,

Zhang H; Henderson-Sellers A; Pitman AJ; McGregor JL; Desborough CE; Katzfey JJ, 2001, 'Limited-area model sensitivity to the complexity of representation of the land surface energy balance', Journal of Climate, 14, pp. 3965 - 3986,<3965:LAMSTT>2.0.CO;2

Desborough CE; Pitman AJ; McAvaney B, 2001, 'Surface energy balance complexity in GCM land surface models. Part II: Coupled simulations', Climate Dynamics, 17, pp. 615 - 626,

Zhao M; Pitman AJ; Chase TN, 2001, 'Climatic effects of land cover change at different carbon dioxide levels', Climate Research, 17, pp. 1 - 18,

Slater AG; Schlosser CA; Desborough CE; Pitman AJ; Henderson-Sellers A; Robock A; Vinnikov KY; Mitchell K; Boone A; Braden H; Chen F; Cox PM; De Rosnay P; Dickinson RE; Dai YJ; Duan Q; Entin J; Etchevers P; Gedney N; Gusev YM; Habets F; Kim J; Koren V; Kowalczyk EA; Nasonova ON; Noilhan J; Schaake S; Shmakin AB; Smirnova TG; Verseghy D; Wetzel P; Xue Y; Yang ZL; Zeng Q, 2001, 'The representation of snow in land surface schemes: Results from PILPS 2(d)', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2, pp. 7 - 25,<0007:TROSIL>2.0.CO;2

Kirkup H; Pitman AJ; Hogan J; Brierley G, 2001, 'An initial analysis of river discharge and rainfall in Coastal New South Wales, Australia using wavelet transforms', Australian Geographical Studies, 39, pp. 313 - 334,

Leese JA; Jackson T; Pitman A; Dirmeyer P, 2001, 'Meeting summary: GEWEX/BAHC international workshop on soil moisture monitoring, analysis, and prediction for hydrometeorological and hydroclimatological applications', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82, pp. 1423 - 1430,<1423:MSGBIW>2.3.CO;2

Feddes RA; Hoff H; Bruen M; Dawson T; De Rosnay P; Dirmeyer P; Jackson RB; Kabat P; Kleidon A; Lilly A; Pitman AJ, 2001, 'Modeling root water uptake in hydrological and climate models', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82, pp. 2797 - 2809,<2797:MRWUIH>2.3.CO;2

Zhao M; Pitman AJ; Chase T, 2001, 'The impact of land cover change on the atmospheric circulation', Climate Dynamics, 17, pp. 467 - 477,

Hallgren WS; Pitman AJ, 2000, 'The uncertainty in simulations by a global biome model (BIOME3) to alternative parameter values', Global Change Biology, 6, pp. 483 - 495,

Pitman AJ; Zhao M, 2000, 'The relative impact of observed change in land cover and carbon dioxide as simulated by a climate model', Geophysical Research Letters, 27, pp. 1267 - 1270,

Rich DC; Pitman AJ; Gosper MV, 2000, 'Integrated IT-based geography teaching and learning: A Macquarie University case study', Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 24, pp. 109 - 115,

Schlosser CA; Slater AG; Robock A; Pitman AJ; Vinnikov KY; Henderson-Sellers A; Speranskaya NA; Mitchell K; Boone A; Braden H; Chen F; Cox P; De Rosnay P; Desborough CE; Dickenson RE; Dai YJ; Duan Q; Entin J; Etchevers P; Gedney N; Gusev YM; Habets F; Kim J; Koren V; Kowalczyk E; Nasonova ON; Noilhan J; Schaake J; Shmakin AB; Smirnova TG; Verseghy D; Wetzel P; Xue Y; Yang ZL, 2000, 'Simulations of a boreal grassland hydrology at Valdai, Russia: PILPS phase 2(d)', Monthly Weather Review, 128, pp. 301 - 321,<0301:soabgh>;2

Pitman AJ; Henderson-Sellers A; Desborough CE; Yang ZL; Abramopoulos F; Boone A; Dickinson RE; Gedney N; Koster R; Kowalczyk E; Lettenmaier D; Liang X; Mahfouf JF; Noilhan J; Polcher J; Qu W; Robock A; Rosenweig C; Schlosser CA; Shmakin AB; Smith J; Suarez M; Verseghy D; Wetzel P; Wood E; Xue Y, 1999, 'Key results and implications from phase 1(c) of the Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parametrization Schemes', Climate Dynamics, 15, pp. 673 - 684,

Pitman AJ; Slater AG; Desborough CE; Zhao M, 1999, 'Uncertainty in the simulation of runoff due to the parameterization of frozen soil moisture using the Global Soil Wetness Project methodology', Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 104, pp. 16879 - 16888,

Pitman AJ; Zhao M; Desborough CE, 1999, 'Investigating the sensitivity of a land surface scheme's simulation of soil wetness and evaporation to spatial and temporal leaf area index variability within the global soil wetness project', JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 77, pp. 281 - 290,

Pitman AJ; Henderson-Sellers A, 1998, 'Recent progress and results from the project for the intercomparison of landsurface parameterization schemes', Journal of Hydrology, 212-213, pp. 128 - 135,

Pitman AJ, 1998, 'Climate process and change', AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHER, 29, pp. 266 - 267,

Pitman AJ, 1998, 'Communicating in geography and the environmental sciences', AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHER, 29, pp. 263 - 264,

Kirkup H; Brierley G; Brooks A; Pitman A, 1998, 'Temporal variability of climate in south-eastern Australia: a reassessment of flood- and drought-dominated regimes', Australian Geographer, 29, pp. 241 - 255,

Qu W; Henderson-Sellers A; Pitman AJ; Chen TH; Abramopoulos F; Boone A; Chang S; Chen F; Dai Y; Dickinson RE; Dümenil L; Ek M; Gedney N; Gusev YM; Kim J; Koster R; Kowalczyk EA; Lean J; Lettenmaier D; Liang X; Mahfouf JF; Mengelkamp HT; Mitchell K; Nasonova ON; Noilhan J; Robock A; Rosenzweig C; Schaake J; Schlosser CA; Schulz JP; Shmakin AB; Verseghy DL; Wetzel P; Wood EF; Yang ZL; Zeng Q, 1998, 'Sensitivity of latent heat flux from PILPS land-surface schemes to perturbations of surface air temperature', Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 55, pp. 1909 - 1927,<1909:SOLHFF>2.0.CO;2

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