Select Publications


Cossins A, 2020, Closing the Justice Gap for Adult and Child Sexual Assault, Palgrave Macmillan UK,

Cossins A, 2015, Female Criminality Infanticide, Moral Panics and The Female Body, Palgrave Macmillan

Cossins AI, 2013, The Baby Farmers, Allen & Unwin, Sydney

Cossins AI, 2003, Remedies in Context: Commentary and Materials, LexisNexis Butterworths, Sydney

Cossins AI, 2000, Masculinities, sexualities and child sexual abuse, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, London, Boston

Cossins AI, 1997, Annotated Freedom of Information Act New South Wales: History and Analysis, Law Book Company Information Services, Sydney

Cossins AI; Harrison K, 1993, Documents, Dossiers and the Inside Dope: A Practical Guide to Freedom of Information Law, Allen & Unwin, Sydney

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